Pablo also explains that “research shows ancient scriptures on African yoga like The Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical papyrus of herbal knowledge dating 1550 BC.”
Sufism is the mystical (spiritual) side of Al Islam, which Pablo says is a remnant of ancient Ta Meri culture (said Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools) with its focus on the divine through chanting (hekau, hesi), meditation and devotion to heal the heart, becoming ONE with the ALL. It was the Kheri Heb”, the Egyptian priesthood who practice an ancient form of yoga known as Smai Tawi. “The practitioners of this system re-enact the movement of gods and goddesses (opening of the meridians and nadis [nodes], chakras to expand the aura) through focused breath or Smai Tawi. Smai is the science of breath or the union with breath. Tawi is the union of the two lands, which is the Upper (Heru / Horus) and the Lower Egypt (Set / Sut). In other words, it is the union of the physical and the spiritual. “These people understood the concept of ‘Heaven on Earth’, which is mentioned in the HOLY BIBLE Matthew 6:9-13 (excerpt) "
There is an an ancient Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) proverb which goes ‘As above, so below as below so above. As within, so without.’
I.C.G.R.O.M.'s Ta Meri Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga) is known as Uatcheta Smai Tawi. Uatcheta Smai Tawi is a collection of Ancient Yogic Teachings, Chi Kung (Qi Gong, Falun Gong, Chinese Yoga), Tai Chi (Baqua, Nei Kung, Wei Kung and etc...) and Practices for Self-Transformation through Self-Realization and Self-Mastery. These were the teachings and practices that allowed the Ngu (Negus) Pharoah (Per Ahh,) high officials and crafts men and women, Priests and Priestess, and Sages and Yogis be intelligent, harmonious, disciplined, Self-realized leaders in Ancient Indigenous Cultures.