F. T. M. O. T. S. N. O. T. U.
A.F.M.R. (ancient free moorish rite) AUGUST 16TH inaugural DAY
The late Ill. Most Puissant Clifford E. Hazel Bey 33°/97°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, Inc. and Memphis-Misraim Rite member.
"Last month (June 2016) Moorish Rite Freemasons converged in Maryland, we visited this sacred location where we prayed, poured libation, offered tribute, shared memories, and thanked the Creator. After around a half hour, it came to me (through a familiar voice) that these loved ones weren't actually there, although their former bodies rested there, but that they had come to this site themselves this day because we came." - SGM Aalim El Dey
Left end is a Moorish Rite's Brother Carl, second to the left is Thomas ‘Alchemy’ Aldridge El-Bey, the Khahin Dey (Grand Master) of North Carolina and Sayyied Dey (Most Worshipful Master) of the Clifford E. Hazel Bey Jariyyah (Lodge) No. 1. Next to him to the right is Yahnatan Gil, Al Ki'ram (Secretary / Recorder) of Al Ahkket Lodge Flagship N0. 1, and next to Bro. Yahatan is Chu'a Franko Al-Dey, Al Amin Jahar (Junior Deacon / Baliff / Fumigator [Incense Bearer]). In the center is the (S.G.C.) Supreme Grand Commander, Aalim Bey, El Dey - 33/76° A.F.M.R. and to his right is me (Dr. Asaru Alim El-Bey), Khalif (Senior Warden / Magistrate) of the Clifford E. Hazel Bey Jariyyah (Lodge) No. 1. To my right is Anthony 'Tony' Lugo-El, Al Ki'ram (Secretary / Recorder) of the Clifford E. Hazel Bey Jariyyah (Lodge) No. 1 and at the end is Brother Jarred Wesley Bey (NC).
Freemasonry is a Fraternal Order, which is world-wide, and is essentially an institution which preserves key knowledge parts of true Human History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Religion / Cosmology / Metaphysics, Mathematics, Science, Liberal Arts, World History, Spiritual Geometry, Jurisprudence / Law, Moral Government, Astrology, Alchemy, and the Potentate Powers of the Planet, Earth, etc. Freemasonry is “Moorish Science” (the modern name for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries called “Smai Taui” / “Sema Tawi,” “Hah Kha,” or “Her Bak”) veiled and held secret for the purpose of empowering the few, but nowadays, it appears that it is at the injury, enslavement, and promoted ignorance of the masses. There are approximately 5.9 million Freemasons worldwide, 4.1 million live in the USA and Canada. Of the remaining 1.1 million Freemasons outside the two North American countries, 550,000 live in England and Wales; 400,000 live in Scotland, while 375, 000 are in Australia. India, Japan, Formosa, Africa and Israel account for 288,000, while Ireland has 47,000 Freemasons. Europe has 80,000 Freemasons, while Latin America and the Philippines accommodate 50,000 and 10,000 Freemasons respectively. Today there are over 5,000 Prince Hall lodges with forty-seven grand lodges who can trace their origin to African Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons #1 (later 459), Boston, Massachusetts. In these organizations are over 300,000 Master Masons.The Worldwide Fraternal Shrine Family has a membership of approximately 35,000 in some 227 Shrine Temples and 200 Courts, its women's auxiliary, the Daughters of Isis, throughout the Continental United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Guam, Thailand, Panama, and the Bahamas. The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine is primarily a benevolent, charitable and fraternal organization, Its membership is dedicated to the principle of fostering civic, economic and educational development programs throughout the world.
Freemasonry is a Fraternal Order, which is world-wide, and is essentially an institution which preserves key knowledge parts of true Human History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Religion / Cosmology / Metaphysics, Mathematics, Science, Liberal Arts, World History, Spiritual Geometry, Jurisprudence / Law, Moral Government, Astrology, Alchemy, and the Potentate Powers of the Planet, Earth, etc. Freemasonry is “Moorish Science” (the modern name for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries called “Smai Taui” / “Sema Tawi,” “Hah Kha,” or “Her Bak”) veiled and held secret for the purpose of empowering the few, but nowadays, it appears that it is at the injury, enslavement, and promoted ignorance of the masses. There are approximately 5.9 million Freemasons worldwide, 4.1 million live in the USA and Canada. Of the remaining 1.1 million Freemasons outside the two North American countries, 550,000 live in England and Wales; 400,000 live in Scotland, while 375, 000 are in Australia. India, Japan, Formosa, Africa and Israel account for 288,000, while Ireland has 47,000 Freemasons. Europe has 80,000 Freemasons, while Latin America and the Philippines accommodate 50,000 and 10,000 Freemasons respectively. Today there are over 5,000 Prince Hall lodges with forty-seven grand lodges who can trace their origin to African Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons #1 (later 459), Boston, Massachusetts. In these organizations are over 300,000 Master Masons.The Worldwide Fraternal Shrine Family has a membership of approximately 35,000 in some 227 Shrine Temples and 200 Courts, its women's auxiliary, the Daughters of Isis, throughout the Continental United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Guam, Thailand, Panama, and the Bahamas. The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine is primarily a benevolent, charitable and fraternal organization, Its membership is dedicated to the principle of fostering civic, economic and educational development programs throughout the world.
“OUT OF THE SHADOWS: The Emergence of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America” by Alton G. Roundtree, Past Master of Redemption Lodge #24, the largest Lodge in the Washington D.C. Prince Hall Jurisdiction and Paul M. Bessel, Past Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C. essentially states, Two competing sets of organization within Prince Hall Freemasonry; a minority of lodges which are subject to the Prince Hall National Grand Lodge, who are referred to as (PHO) Prince Hall Origin, and the majority of lodges who are subject to 42 independent state grand lodges who are known as (PHA) Prince Hall Affiliation. Through the influences through Foreign Correspondence by men such as William T. Boyd and others, many other Grand Lodges under the jurisdiction of the National Grand Lodge withdrew or engaged in mergers as Grand Lodges independent Grand Lodges. These Grand Lodges are now styled as (PHA) Prince Hall Affiliates. There are also adoptive, appendant and affiliated bodies including all houses in the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Shriners. Based on the proceedings of Prince Hall Independent Grand Lodge minutes from 1877, the National Compact was never dissolved, and because it was constituted by Grand Lodges tracing their lineage to African Lodge #459 and thus was their offspring, then PHO today cannot be declared irregular or clandestine. The charge against PHO of reforming itself illegally can be reversed against those PHA Lodges that withdrew from The Compact. For if they withdrew and reconstituted themselves then they are “clandestine.” But as a Moorish Rite Freemason we choose NOT to use such terminology. Therefore, this is simply for thinking purpose. Moreover, today Prince Hall Grand Lodges exist in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Liberia, governing Prince Hall Lodges throughout the world. Previously a grand lodge had to trace its lineage to the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland or Ireland. Now England had added African Lodge #459.

However, for many years Prince Hall (PH) Masonry was considered irregular and clandestine by most Grand Lodge (GL) jurisdictions and no doubt racial bias played a part in that determination. European (Albion) Masons took Prince Hall Masons and Shriners to court claiming that Prince Hall Masonry (overall) was 'clandestine' " ... the European (Albion) Masonic Order lost their legal battle to the Prince Hall Masons and on June 23, 1929, the United States Supreme Court handed down the decision that guaranteed that Prince Hall Masons and Shriners had all the rights as a fraternity to appear in public and in private to practice the time honored traditions of Masonry. Concerning Prince Hall Masonry, it is important to realize that for most of its existence, (European) Freemasonry has been a very racist institution. According to data compiled in 2011, 42 out of the 51 mainstream U.S. Grand Lodges recognize Prince Hall Grand Lodges.
The mainstream state Grand Lodges that do not recognize Prince Hall Grand Lodges are located largely in southern states, an area with an estimated 50% of (PHA) Prince Hall Freemasons: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina and West Virginia. After nearly two centuries of controversy, the Grand Lodge of England was asked to decide the matter of Prince Hall Masonic legitimacy. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was indeed entitled to Masonic recognition. Nevertheless, the Lodge was stricken from the rolls after the 1813 merger of the Antients and the Moderns (two rival Grand Lodges of England), along with many other Lodges. "At the amalgamation of the two Registers after the Union of the two Grand Lodges in England in 1813, African Lodge (and many others at home and abroad) was omitted from the register, there having been no contact for many years. African Lodge was, however, not formally erased." Incidentally, African Lodge #459 had been renumbered #370 in 1792 but the Lodge was unaware of this. After being refused acknowledgment by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, the African Lodge declared itself to be an independent Grand Lodge, the African Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. In 1827 the African Grand Lodge declared its independence from the United Grand Lodge of England, as the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts had done 45 years earlier. It also stated its independence from all of the so-called European (Albion) Grand Lodges in the U.S.
Therefore, so-called Blacks (Moors) were traditionally excluded from the Craft on the grounds that a Masonic candidate must be "a man, free born, of good report and well-recommended." Obviously, the "free born" qualification could be used, and in fact was used for centuries to keep so-called Black men out of the Lodge, since most so-called Blacks were of slave ancestry. At least, this was the consensus amongst them, however, we (Moors) know a different story “STRAIGHT TALK #4 ON PRINCE HALL (AFRICAN-AMERICAN) FREEMASONRY” by William J. Schnoebelen.
The Europeans (Albions) were slaves also…in fact, the origin of the word ‘slave’ is derived from the Yugoslavian [European] word “Yugo-slavic” or ‘Slav’ during the Middle Ages). In the 16th – 18th century, Africans (Afrakanu) and mostly Arabs (Tawny Moors) enslaved more than 1 million Europeans (Albions) in the Barbary Slave Trade. They raided up the coastlines of Europe, particularly the Albion (now called British) Isles, but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving Europeans (Albions). The Irish slave trade began when King James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid-1600s, the Irish were 70% of the total population of Montserrat. Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually Albions (so-called whites). During the 1650's, over 100,000 Irish children were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England (http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves “WHITE CARGO: THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF BRITAIN'S WHITE SLAVES IN AMERICA” by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh. The Irish were also called the “Green Niggers”. Thus, the Irish were of slave ancestry also and yet they were able to form the Grand Lodge of Ireland and is recognized. This may possibly be the reason why the Grand Lodge of Ireland, via Lodge No. 441 was attached to the British forces stationed in Boston identified with and initiated Prince Hall (historically Benjamin Banneker known as "Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali?) and the other 14 newly made Free Masons: Cyrus Johnson, Bueston Slinger, Prince Rees, John Canton, Peter Freeman, Benjamin Tiler, Duff Ruform, Thomas Santerson, Prince Rayden, Cato Speain, Boston Smith, Peter Best, Forten Howard and Richard Titley, all of whom apparently were free by birth (Moors). Moors understand that the real issue was nationality or rather the lack thereof, as just the year prior to in 1774, the Moors were stripped of their nationality in Liberty Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during a Congressional Assembly under the Articles of Association.
NATIONALITY: That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance, while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arise either by birth or naturalization, according to savigny, nationality is also used as opposed to territoriality for the purpose of distinguishing the case of a nation having no national territory, example, the Jews.
Sergeant John E. Batt, Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland (Irish Grand Lodge) initiated them on March 6, 1775 into the Craft of Masonry on Castle William Island (now Castle Island / Fort Independence), in Boston Harbor by members of Lodge No. 441 (which is 144 backwards). The military lodge was attached to the 38th Regiment of Foot (renamed "The 1st Staffordshire Regiment"), British Army Garrisoned. When the Military Lodge left the area, the African Americans were given the authority to meet as a Lodge, form Processions on the days of the Saints John, and conduct Masonic funerals, but not to confer degrees nor to do other Masonic work. On July 3, 1776, the group formed African Lodge No. 1, the first lodge of black Free and Accepted Masons in the world, and Hall was made master. Provincial Grand Master of North America John Rowe granted the lodge a second limited permit to continue their activities. Consequently, because of such, Prince Hall, and the others, applied for and obtained a Warrant for Charter from the Grand Lodge of England in 1784.
In order to clothe African Lodge with the fullest masonic powers and regularity Prince Hall and the members dispatched a “prayer of Petition” dated March 6, 1784, to the Grand Lodge at London (the “Moderns” Grand Lodge) .
"Dear Brother, I would inform you that this Lodge has been founded almost eight years and we have had only a permit to Walk on St. John ‘s Day and to bury our dead in manner and form. We have had no opportunity to apply for a Warrant before now, although we have been importuned to send to France for one, yet we thought it best to send to the fountain from whence we received the Light, for a Warrant: and now dear Brother we must make you our advocate at the Grand Lodge, hoping you will be so good (in our name and stead) to lay this before the Royal Grand Master and the Grand Wardens and the rest of the Grand Lodge, who we hope will not deny us nor treat us beneath the rest of our fellowmen, although poor, yet Sincere Brethren of the Craft."
On September 29, 1784, Warrant No. 459 ER was issued for African Lodge, 7 signed by the Deputy Grand Master, R. Holt, and the Grand Secretary, William White, under the authority of the Grand Master of the Mother Grand Lodge of England, H. R. H. The Duke of Cumberland, issued a charter for the African Lodge No. 1, later renamed African Lodge No. 459, September 29, 1784. The Charter (now held by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Massachusetts) gave African Lodge full authority to make masons and constitute Lodges any place in North America. This was the first Charter or Warrant to be received in Boston from the Moderns Grand Lodge for either so-called 'white' or 'black' lodges. Prince Hall was appointed a Provincial Grand Master in 1791 by H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. But the charter was not received until April, 29, 1787 due to complications. According to the (PHA) Prince Hall Affiliate Free Masons that I've spoken with the complication had to do with the Boston Tea Party or say it was due to the Revolutionary War?
The Boston Tea Party incident allegedly took place on Dec. 16, 1773, as this is the history taught in school) and instead of throwing tea off the ship(s), the perpetrators from St. Andrew's Masonic Lodge of Boston, Samuel Adams and 45 European masonic members disguised as Moors (Mohican / Mohawk Native Americans) dump “Consignments of a few Shiploads (340 chests from [3] three ‘alleged’ British ships) of Tea” into the Boston Harbor. But, history never tells us, “Why was that statement made"? Various historians have stated that it was because of “double taxation without proper representation”? Nevertheless, according to various high-ranking Prince Hall Masons “They were looking for the African Lodge #1 Warrant”. Thus, the date had to be much later. It was granted on September 29, 1784, delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787 by Captain James Scott, brother-in-law of John Hancock and master of the Neptune, under its authority African Lodge No. 459 was organized one week later, May 6, 1787. If true, the Neptune (ship) must have been one of the (3) three boats dock at the Boston Harbor port? After the death of Prince Hall, on December 4, 1807, the brethren were eager to form a Grand Lodge. On June 24, 1808, they organized African Grand Lodge with the lodges from Philadelphia, Providence and Boston, which was later renamed the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, in his honor. African Grand Lodge informed Boyer Lodge that they would issue them a charter, but there were some " Doubting Thomas’ " in New York, who called on African Grand Lodge to prove that they had the authority to issue charters. African Grand Lodge sent them a copy of their charter, but Bayer Lodge returned an answer that the charter was like any other lodge charter and they could not see that African Grand Lodge had authority to issue charters. As stated previously, (AGL) African Grand Lodge had been issuing charters for years, ever since they organized the Grand Lodge in 1808. But they could not prove to New York that they were really a Grand Lodge. There was no official pronouncement of when the event occurred. It was at this point that John I. Hilton proposed to the Grand Lodge, an official "Declaration of Independence". They were to write such a declaration and place it in the newspaper, so that it would be official, once and for all. And so it came to pass that on June 18, 1827 a declaration declaring African Grand Lodge:
... "free from the government and control of our Mother Grand Lodge of England.. or any other lodges. We do therefore declare ourselves henceforth free. . . and do create (this Grand Lodge) under the title of African Grand Lodge No. 1, to have and exercise the same powers of other Grand Lodges, granting warrants and charters and establishing lodges among our brethren..."
Nevertheless, "Prince Hall's charter is said to have come from England, however, it was not called England during that time period. It was called the Isles of Albion, which was the home of the Yorkshire Moors (as in York Rite [PHO])" - Jelani El Khalfani Bey, 32 degree Prince Hall Origin Freemason.
This is an excerpt from the lessons of C.M. Bey… When the Moorish Constitution speaks about Moors based on the “CLOCK OF DESTINY BOOK Vol 1. and Vol. 2”, he (C.M.Bey) included Moors referred to as: African, Indian, and West Indian. German, Irish, Jew, Dutch, Scotts, Italians, English and French. If you read the history of the Moors you will understand that it is due to a heavy influx of Moorish blood in their veins - Nakim Allah Bey.
The mainstream state Grand Lodges that do not recognize Prince Hall Grand Lodges are located largely in southern states, an area with an estimated 50% of (PHA) Prince Hall Freemasons: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina and West Virginia. After nearly two centuries of controversy, the Grand Lodge of England was asked to decide the matter of Prince Hall Masonic legitimacy. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was indeed entitled to Masonic recognition. Nevertheless, the Lodge was stricken from the rolls after the 1813 merger of the Antients and the Moderns (two rival Grand Lodges of England), along with many other Lodges. "At the amalgamation of the two Registers after the Union of the two Grand Lodges in England in 1813, African Lodge (and many others at home and abroad) was omitted from the register, there having been no contact for many years. African Lodge was, however, not formally erased." Incidentally, African Lodge #459 had been renumbered #370 in 1792 but the Lodge was unaware of this. After being refused acknowledgment by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, the African Lodge declared itself to be an independent Grand Lodge, the African Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. In 1827 the African Grand Lodge declared its independence from the United Grand Lodge of England, as the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts had done 45 years earlier. It also stated its independence from all of the so-called European (Albion) Grand Lodges in the U.S.
Therefore, so-called Blacks (Moors) were traditionally excluded from the Craft on the grounds that a Masonic candidate must be "a man, free born, of good report and well-recommended." Obviously, the "free born" qualification could be used, and in fact was used for centuries to keep so-called Black men out of the Lodge, since most so-called Blacks were of slave ancestry. At least, this was the consensus amongst them, however, we (Moors) know a different story “STRAIGHT TALK #4 ON PRINCE HALL (AFRICAN-AMERICAN) FREEMASONRY” by William J. Schnoebelen.
The Europeans (Albions) were slaves also…in fact, the origin of the word ‘slave’ is derived from the Yugoslavian [European] word “Yugo-slavic” or ‘Slav’ during the Middle Ages). In the 16th – 18th century, Africans (Afrakanu) and mostly Arabs (Tawny Moors) enslaved more than 1 million Europeans (Albions) in the Barbary Slave Trade. They raided up the coastlines of Europe, particularly the Albion (now called British) Isles, but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving Europeans (Albions). The Irish slave trade began when King James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid-1600s, the Irish were 70% of the total population of Montserrat. Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually Albions (so-called whites). During the 1650's, over 100,000 Irish children were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England (http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves “WHITE CARGO: THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF BRITAIN'S WHITE SLAVES IN AMERICA” by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh. The Irish were also called the “Green Niggers”. Thus, the Irish were of slave ancestry also and yet they were able to form the Grand Lodge of Ireland and is recognized. This may possibly be the reason why the Grand Lodge of Ireland, via Lodge No. 441 was attached to the British forces stationed in Boston identified with and initiated Prince Hall (historically Benjamin Banneker known as "Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali?) and the other 14 newly made Free Masons: Cyrus Johnson, Bueston Slinger, Prince Rees, John Canton, Peter Freeman, Benjamin Tiler, Duff Ruform, Thomas Santerson, Prince Rayden, Cato Speain, Boston Smith, Peter Best, Forten Howard and Richard Titley, all of whom apparently were free by birth (Moors). Moors understand that the real issue was nationality or rather the lack thereof, as just the year prior to in 1774, the Moors were stripped of their nationality in Liberty Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during a Congressional Assembly under the Articles of Association.
NATIONALITY: That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance, while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arise either by birth or naturalization, according to savigny, nationality is also used as opposed to territoriality for the purpose of distinguishing the case of a nation having no national territory, example, the Jews.
Sergeant John E. Batt, Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland (Irish Grand Lodge) initiated them on March 6, 1775 into the Craft of Masonry on Castle William Island (now Castle Island / Fort Independence), in Boston Harbor by members of Lodge No. 441 (which is 144 backwards). The military lodge was attached to the 38th Regiment of Foot (renamed "The 1st Staffordshire Regiment"), British Army Garrisoned. When the Military Lodge left the area, the African Americans were given the authority to meet as a Lodge, form Processions on the days of the Saints John, and conduct Masonic funerals, but not to confer degrees nor to do other Masonic work. On July 3, 1776, the group formed African Lodge No. 1, the first lodge of black Free and Accepted Masons in the world, and Hall was made master. Provincial Grand Master of North America John Rowe granted the lodge a second limited permit to continue their activities. Consequently, because of such, Prince Hall, and the others, applied for and obtained a Warrant for Charter from the Grand Lodge of England in 1784.
In order to clothe African Lodge with the fullest masonic powers and regularity Prince Hall and the members dispatched a “prayer of Petition” dated March 6, 1784, to the Grand Lodge at London (the “Moderns” Grand Lodge) .
"Dear Brother, I would inform you that this Lodge has been founded almost eight years and we have had only a permit to Walk on St. John ‘s Day and to bury our dead in manner and form. We have had no opportunity to apply for a Warrant before now, although we have been importuned to send to France for one, yet we thought it best to send to the fountain from whence we received the Light, for a Warrant: and now dear Brother we must make you our advocate at the Grand Lodge, hoping you will be so good (in our name and stead) to lay this before the Royal Grand Master and the Grand Wardens and the rest of the Grand Lodge, who we hope will not deny us nor treat us beneath the rest of our fellowmen, although poor, yet Sincere Brethren of the Craft."
On September 29, 1784, Warrant No. 459 ER was issued for African Lodge, 7 signed by the Deputy Grand Master, R. Holt, and the Grand Secretary, William White, under the authority of the Grand Master of the Mother Grand Lodge of England, H. R. H. The Duke of Cumberland, issued a charter for the African Lodge No. 1, later renamed African Lodge No. 459, September 29, 1784. The Charter (now held by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Massachusetts) gave African Lodge full authority to make masons and constitute Lodges any place in North America. This was the first Charter or Warrant to be received in Boston from the Moderns Grand Lodge for either so-called 'white' or 'black' lodges. Prince Hall was appointed a Provincial Grand Master in 1791 by H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. But the charter was not received until April, 29, 1787 due to complications. According to the (PHA) Prince Hall Affiliate Free Masons that I've spoken with the complication had to do with the Boston Tea Party or say it was due to the Revolutionary War?
The Boston Tea Party incident allegedly took place on Dec. 16, 1773, as this is the history taught in school) and instead of throwing tea off the ship(s), the perpetrators from St. Andrew's Masonic Lodge of Boston, Samuel Adams and 45 European masonic members disguised as Moors (Mohican / Mohawk Native Americans) dump “Consignments of a few Shiploads (340 chests from [3] three ‘alleged’ British ships) of Tea” into the Boston Harbor. But, history never tells us, “Why was that statement made"? Various historians have stated that it was because of “double taxation without proper representation”? Nevertheless, according to various high-ranking Prince Hall Masons “They were looking for the African Lodge #1 Warrant”. Thus, the date had to be much later. It was granted on September 29, 1784, delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787 by Captain James Scott, brother-in-law of John Hancock and master of the Neptune, under its authority African Lodge No. 459 was organized one week later, May 6, 1787. If true, the Neptune (ship) must have been one of the (3) three boats dock at the Boston Harbor port? After the death of Prince Hall, on December 4, 1807, the brethren were eager to form a Grand Lodge. On June 24, 1808, they organized African Grand Lodge with the lodges from Philadelphia, Providence and Boston, which was later renamed the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, in his honor. African Grand Lodge informed Boyer Lodge that they would issue them a charter, but there were some " Doubting Thomas’ " in New York, who called on African Grand Lodge to prove that they had the authority to issue charters. African Grand Lodge sent them a copy of their charter, but Bayer Lodge returned an answer that the charter was like any other lodge charter and they could not see that African Grand Lodge had authority to issue charters. As stated previously, (AGL) African Grand Lodge had been issuing charters for years, ever since they organized the Grand Lodge in 1808. But they could not prove to New York that they were really a Grand Lodge. There was no official pronouncement of when the event occurred. It was at this point that John I. Hilton proposed to the Grand Lodge, an official "Declaration of Independence". They were to write such a declaration and place it in the newspaper, so that it would be official, once and for all. And so it came to pass that on June 18, 1827 a declaration declaring African Grand Lodge:
... "free from the government and control of our Mother Grand Lodge of England.. or any other lodges. We do therefore declare ourselves henceforth free. . . and do create (this Grand Lodge) under the title of African Grand Lodge No. 1, to have and exercise the same powers of other Grand Lodges, granting warrants and charters and establishing lodges among our brethren..."
Nevertheless, "Prince Hall's charter is said to have come from England, however, it was not called England during that time period. It was called the Isles of Albion, which was the home of the Yorkshire Moors (as in York Rite [PHO])" - Jelani El Khalfani Bey, 32 degree Prince Hall Origin Freemason.
This is an excerpt from the lessons of C.M. Bey… When the Moorish Constitution speaks about Moors based on the “CLOCK OF DESTINY BOOK Vol 1. and Vol. 2”, he (C.M.Bey) included Moors referred to as: African, Indian, and West Indian. German, Irish, Jew, Dutch, Scotts, Italians, English and French. If you read the history of the Moors you will understand that it is due to a heavy influx of Moorish blood in their veins - Nakim Allah Bey.
The right hand man to President John Hanson (a Moor) of the was Benjamin Banneker, actually known as Chief Justice Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali, Prince of the Le’Nape and member of the Continental Congress. We suspect that Prince Hall (1735 – 1807?), a "mystic name" meaning an 'allegory' is really Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali (1731 - 1806) [more later]? Note, that according to the date of both of these great men lived during the same time. The following are the generally told stories of Benjamin Banneker (Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali / Prince Hall. Even so, out of the two enigmas Benjamin Banneker and Prince Hall… it is Prince Hall who has the less amount of information and apparently the most conjecture. Prince Hall's birth date and birthplace are subject to conjecture. He may have been born in England, Massachusetts or Barbados, and his year of birth is generally recorded as either 1735 or 1738? Grand Master William Grimshaw even had it at 1748. George W. Crawford issued his “PRINCE HALL AND HIS FOLLOWERS” in 1914. Harry A Williamson published small booklets, “A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF PRINCE HALL MASONRY” in 1934, “THE PRINCE HALL PRIMER” in 1946, and articles of “MASONIC HISTORY IN NEW YORK STATE”. Arthur Schomburg published his “MASONIC TRUTHS: A LETTER AND DOCUMENT”, (n.d.). Harold Van Buren Voorhis in 1940, brought out his “NEGRO MASONRY IN THE UNITED STATES”. Voorhis based much of what he wrote on Grimshaw's book. A short time later Voorhis discovered Grimshaw's book was loaded with errors and fanciful writing, so Voorhis removed his book from distribution. Harry E. Davis published a more complete “HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG NEGROES IN AMERICA” in 1946, but he also found Grimshaw's book full of myths and outright untruths.
These publications, however, attempted to tell in their first pages the story of Prince Hall, but one relied on the other for supportive facts with little or no authentic materials. Grimshaw in the earliest published work “OFFICIAL HISTORY OF FREE MASONRY AMONG COLORED PEOPLE IN NORTH AMERICA” (1903), used his imagination and gave it wide range, creating materials, opinions and views which were not truthful in the attempt to render an interesting account. The repetition of this story without a sound basis has led astray more than one author, including myself. Recent research by white and black authors influenced the reassessment of Grimshaw’s work and this has led to the discounting of him as a Masonic historian. “WHO WAS PRINCE HALL: The Real Prince Hall” by R.W. Charles V. Williams III, PM #123 states, “A major source of information on Prince Hall was a book by William H. Grimshaw, A Grand Master of black Masons in the District of Columbia. His book, published in 1903, "THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE IN NORTH AMERICA". Without presenting or indicating his supporting documentation or evidence of proof, He initiated myths and untruths about Prince Hall, intermingling them with factual materials, thus presenting an interesting story. In doing this, he became a writer who was recognized as a historian of Masonry among black Americans" (Based on the following article /website http://www.thephylaxis.org/phylaxis/challenge.PHP). Some observers have even said that they wished that his book had not been published, for it has misled not only subsequent writers, but also leaders and orators. Charles Wesley, in his book, “PRINCE HALL LIFE AND LEGACY”, is much harsher and points out that one author after another took Grimshaw’s story as factual and endorsed and perpetuated Grimshaw’s fanciful stories as historic fact: “Most major sources of black Masonic history have been largely untrustworthy, inadequate and therefore unreliable". Charles Wesley further stated, according to the most widely circulated version of Prince Hall’s life, which originated in William H. Grimshaw's 1903 book “THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE IN AMERICA,” has been strongly discredited; but most history books draw directly or indirectly from it, for their own sketches of Hall. William H. Grimshaw’s book had many errors and outright falsehoods about the life and times of Prince Hall. Moreover, Historian Charles H. Wesley, states, “The problem in constructing the life of Prince Hall is concerned with his history, which we know has been related to tradition, unreliable sources and the imagination of one writer in particular (William Grimshaw, a Prince Hall Affiliate Sovereign Grand Master)? He also stated “the absence of authentic documents and the repetition and defense by orators of fanciful tales has led to misinformation concerning our founder”
“ANSWERING THE CHALLENGE” states … “It is sad, but true, that the history of our mother jurisdiction, Massachusetts, has been distorted and misstated with such regularity that it is difficult for the historian's department in Massachusetts to keep up with them. It is true that most of these untruths and "fables" originate from the pen of PGM William Grimshaw in his "OFFICIAL HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA," but the sad part is that they continue to be repeated and some of our contemporary writers are still buying into those things that Grimshaw just made up. Sadder still are those who recognize that Grimshaw's information is not reliable or creditable, but unwittingly use this same information. It is safe to say that nearly every Prince Hall writer, until Wesley and Walkes came on the scene, used Grimshaw as their source (read “BLACK SQUARE AND COMPASS 200 YEARS OF PRINCE HALL FREEMASONRY” by Joseph A. Walkes, Jr. 1979). Therefore, the question is..."Why would Past Grand Master, William Grimshaw make things up or lie"?
Now, Historian Charles H. Wesley may have developed what is now the widely accepted theory on Prince Hall. However, it is still merely a theory. Nevertheless, based upon his research, by age 11 Prince Hall was a slave to Boston tanner William Hall. This is the same nonsense written of Benjamin Bannaka (Banneker). Allegedly, he was seized in some part of West Africa (Af-Ra-Ka) as a boy between 11 and 14 and brought to New England by a slave-trader and sold as a slave (Note: They both were 11?). Before, we go any further, we have to ask the question, “Who was Charles H. Wesley?” According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_H._Wesley ... Charles Harris Wesley (December 2, 1891 – August 16, 1987) was an American historian, educator, writer and author. Wesley became the fourth African-American to receive a PhD from Harvard University. He wrote "THE HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA" in 1929, and many new editions. Wesley is also an archon of Sigma Pi Phi (the Boule), which is the first of all Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO). He was also a Prince Hall Freemason, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General (33rd Degree) of the United Supreme Council (Southern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall); a member of the Odd Fellows, Elks, and many other fraternal organizations. Revealing his connection to the 'Boule' is not to slight Bro. Wesley, however, let’s go to another Prince Hall Freemason, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General (33rd Degree) who was also a Moor.
In “THE CLOCK OF DESTINY Vol. 1” written by Dr. Charles Mosley Bey, 3rd, 32nd, 33rd, 360 degrees. “NO papers have ever been found of him, by church or by state, in Barbados or Boston! The place of his birth is unknown.” In truth, almost nothing about Prince Hall can be documented prior to 1770. According to http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Prince_Hall, "Documents in Massachusetts showing that slave owner William Hall freed a man named Prince Hall on April 9, 1765 (other historians say it was April 9, 1770, as reward for 21 years of steadfast service?) cannot be conclusively linked to any one individual as there exists record of no fewer than 21 males named Prince Hall, and several other men named Prince Hall were living in Boston at that time. It is extremely hard to conclusively say which man in either case is actually Prince Hall. But it is certain that by 1770 Prince Hall was a free, literate, black man living in Boston". Or was he? Based on "AN OVERVIEW OF PRINCE HALL FREEMASONRY 1784 - PRESENT" by S. Michael Jenkyns, writes, "There are certainly disagreements about who Prince Hall, or P. Hall, was, and at various times the records of Massachusetts and the Continental Army refer to at least three Prince Hall’s and one Primus Hall (allegedly Prince Hall's son by second marriage . These were all different men, born at different times, who worked in different occupations, married different wives at different times, and died in different places at different times". There is disagreement regarding the origins and birth date of Prince Hall. Fred C. Taylor in his paper on Prince Hall Freemasonry notes that Prince Hall was born a freeman at Bridgetown, Barbados, British West Indies on September 12, 1748 (P.G.M. William Grimshaw stated this originally), but that his obituary notice in 1807 lists his age as 72 (which would give a year of birth of 1735).
"AN OVERVIEW OF PRINCE HALL FREEMASONRY 1784 - PRESENT" by S. Michael Jenkyns states, "This is borne out, in part, by the death notices appearing in Boston newspapers published on Monday, December 7, 1807, regarding the death of the (reportedly) 72 year old Prince Hall. It is not at all clear precisely where he was born". According to “PRINCE HALL MASONIC QUIZ BOOK” Prince Hall's supposed death date Dec. 7, 1807 was erroneous too. Tradition has it as Dec. 4, 1807. This actually, means NO one is for sure when he died. The question is with ALL the dissent with the dates, how do we know when he was born and died and the members of his own Masonic order do NOT know? Tradition has it that Prince Hall was buried in Copps Hill Burial ground, but there is NO record of internment (Note: Prince Hall's marriage announcement appeared in the newspapers: "Prince, negro servant, William Hall & Sarah, negro servant, Francis Ritchery, Nov. 2, 1763", but is this the Prince Hall, founder of the African Lodge 1?). Sarah Ritchey, one of the supposed wives of Prince Hall was the one that was actually, buried in Copps Hill, and added many years later, carved behind HER tomb stone reads: “Here lies ye body of Prince Hall first Grand Master of the Colored; Grand Lodge of Masons in Mass.” Died Dec. 7, 1807. But the lodge in which Prince Hall named was 'African' Lodge 459. Therefore, it seems that the word 'African' would have been used and not the word 'Colored', which was not a widely used word during that time period. Compounding the lack of recorded information is the existence of other said 'Blacks' named Prince Hall living in the Boston area during this period http://www.africawithin.com/bios/prince_hall.htm. Prince must have been a rather popular 'name' or was 'Prince' really a title? Two other Masons of Lodge #441 were named Prince too; Prince Rees and Prince Rayden, Prince Saunders and even Prince Spooner. Prince Taylor was the African Lodge’s Junior Grand Warden and upon Prince Hall’s death Nero Prince became Grand Master. Documents in Massachusetts showing that slave-owner William Hall freed a man named Prince Hall on April 9, 1765 cannot be conclusively linked to any one individual as there exists record of no fewer than 21 males named Prince Hall, and several other men named Prince Hall were living in Boston at that time. It is believed, but not certain, that Hall was one of the six "Prince Halls" from Massachusetts to serve during the war; listed in military records of the Revolution, and he may well have fought at Bunker Hill. Was Prince Hall a slave? Not hardly. He was a servant; it says so in his marriage announcement and his manumission papers. There were three classes of Blacks in those days: free Blacks (Moors), slaves and servants, and there were different laws set up for each class. In freeing Prince Hall, William Hall said that "He was never reckoned a slave by us". Manumission papers had to be issued to prove, if stopped by the authorities, that Prince Hall, once a servant was now free. However, the Certificate of Manumission (Freedom Papers) deposited in the Boston Athenaeum Library, dated April 9, 1770, cannot be positively identified as referring to Prince Hall. It is also unknown whether he was actually free-born or a freedman (hence, a former slave?). Masonic writer have stated, “He may have been born in West Africa from where he was brought as a slave and sold in the slave mart, as were so many others of his people.”
"ABOUT PRINCE HALL MASONRY" by: Right Worshipful Raymond T. Coleman, Grand Historian, "Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons Jurisdiction of Massachusetts. You’ll hear a lot about a man named Prince Hall. But guess what? A lot of this information will be false. Where it all came from is entirely a different story, to be dealt with at another time. We are not here to dwell on — or criticize -- misinformation. We are here to learn the truth. Once you have the truth, you have an armor that no one can penetrate. Prince Hall was born in 1738 according to one of his closest friends, Jeremy Belknap, a deposition of Prince Hall’s (still a theory) and the Prince Hail Grand Lodge in its 1906 Proceedings. Where did Prince Hall come from? Perhaps the greatest African-American historian of all times, George William Washington, in 1775, put it simply this way "Prince Hall was born in 1748; where? We do not know." Williams was absolutely right! We don’t know where Prince Hall came from and what’s more regretful, we don’t even know his actual name".

A bit of his-story or rather My-Story (revealed mystery) of the “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” made it on the back of the (2) two-dollar bill.
The “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” is CLEARLY proof of who the Slaves REALLY were/are. Those who were branded negroes, colored and black were enslaved but were not, and are not the People seeking freedom from the British, however, since the Moroccans (Moors) housed these Serfs (Indentured Servants and Slaves…remember the word Slavic as in Yugoslavia is the true origin of the word slave… It is derived from the word, Slovene and Slovak. This refers to the European members of the Serbo-Croatian group of Slavonic peoples. However, contemporary Sociologists have layered the natal identity word with social / political connotative meanings. Thus, the said Albion Europeans were the first slaves in America), they too were in conflict with Britain. Those who declared this proclamation "DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE" were under the rule of King George III, a Moor and they were seeking release from the British (Brutish) Moors, who relentlessly wanted to KEEP them (Albions) in slavery (servitude) and DID NOT want to agree to free them. They considered them a rebellious group (based on the fact, many were released from Britain’s jails) who could not be held in trust or in trusted positions. So, Moors were not in agreement with each other, but still are responsible for civilization and the principles of civilization. In the spirit of same, the Moors accepted the “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” and assisted in freeing the Albions. (www.rvbeypublications.com).
In the "BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY DELUXE 4th EDITION" Admiralty definition states in the 2nd paragraph, "It is properly the successor of the consular courts...after the fall of the Western Empire?" "The Fall of the Western Empire"... Aren’t we in the "Western Empire" now? Allegedly? So, when did it fall? The Rastas, the N.O.I., and etc...are still waiting for Babylon (United States) to Fall, i.e., the U.S. So, obviously, this is not a reference to the U.S., but the last Western Empire (De Jure Government) prior to this one (de facto government) who stated, "It is properly the successor of the consular courts..." The Supreme Court has said that the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them. Interesting, so, I looked up the meaning of "Consular courts" and another interesting connection happen. Make note in the last sentence of the paragraph..."The last of the United States consular courts (Morocco) was abolished in 1956." Latin author, C.C. Marquez gives us a portion of the secret also, “America was also a Negro Continent and that the Otomies [Ottoman / Olmeccans] of Mexico…are the remains of the aboriginal Negro race. Therefore, obviously “the Fall of the Western Empire (Morocco) written in “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 4th Deluxe Edition” is referring to our fall, the Al Moroccan Empire called the Ottoman Empire (Moorish Empire, Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Empire, Songhai-Malian Empire, Egypto-Cushite (Nubian / Barbara) Empire... all one and the same)
America was/is part of the dominions of the Moroccan Empire (Ottoman, Songhai) (see United states code title 22 chapter 2 section 141). 22 USC § 141 to 143 - Repealed. Act Aug. 1, 1956, repealed sections 141 to 143 effective upon the date which the President determined to be appropriate for the relinquishment of jurisdiction of the United States in Morocco. Jurisdiction of the United States in Morocco was relinquished by memorandum of President Eisenhower dated Sept. 15, 1956. Notice was given to Morocco on Oct. 6, 1956, and all pending cases were disposed of by 1960. See Bulletin of the State Department Vol. 35:909, page 844. Section 141, R.S. §§ 4083, 4125, 4126, 4127; act June 14, 1878, ch. 193, 20 Stat. 131, related to judicial authority generally of ministers and consuls of United States in China, Siam, Turkey, Morocco, Muscat, Abyssinia, Persia, and territories formerly part of Ottoman Empire including Egypt.
In 1777 Morocco becomes the first country to acknowledge America’s independence as a new country. In 1784 Thomas Jefferson (Mason), Benjamin Banneker (said Benjamin Franklin, Mason), and John Adams (Mason) was commissioned to negotiate a treaty with the Emperor of Morocco. In 1786 Morocco became the first (Muslim) country to sign a Peace Treaty with the United States in 1786, Algeria in 1795, Tripoli in 1796, Tunis in 1797, and Muscat (Oman) in 1833 followed.
"Count Volney author of "THE RUINS OF EMPIRES" translator Joel Barlow (1750-1812) himself was an American statesman well known for drafting the Islam-appeasing Treaty of Tripoli, in which it was written that "the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" ([TREATY OF TRIPOLI 8 Stat 154]).
The European nations paid tribute to the Moors well into the 19th century. David MacRitchie in the book, "UNITED STATES AND BARBARY POWERS" the U.S., English, French, Dutch, Danes, and Swedes, and I may say all nations are tributary to the Moors. “Shortly after the United States independence in 1783, she failed to pay the necessary tithes / taxes to Morocco for use of her waters. The United States also failed to answer Moorish emissaries and the Moroccans responded by detaining United States ships and citizens." David MacRitchie goes further in "ANCIENT AND MODERN BRITONS VOL 1, AND VOL 2" and states, "The Moors had control of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean (paraphrasing)." This is why the U.S. Marines sing of defeating the Moors "From the halls of Montezuma (Mexico) to the shores of Tripoli," confirming in song the extent of the Moorish Empire or dominions of Amexem, or Atlantis. The United States is NOT a nation, nor a nationality. Note: The United States is of America, but America (Al Morocco) is NOT of the United States, meaning one has a superior position. In 1788-1789 The Sultan (Emperor) Muhammed Ibn Abdullah Bey III and President George Washington exchanging letters about peace and asking the Sultan to intercede with authorities in Tunis and Tripoli to obtain the right of free navigation for American ships in the Mediterranean.
In the "BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY DELUXE 4th EDITION" Admiralty definition states in the 2nd paragraph, "It is properly the successor of the consular courts...after the fall of the Western Empire?" "The Fall of the Western Empire"... Aren’t we in the "Western Empire" now? Allegedly? So, when did it fall? The Rastas, the N.O.I., and etc...are still waiting for Babylon (United States) to Fall, i.e., the U.S. So, obviously, this is not a reference to the U.S., but the last Western Empire (De Jure Government) prior to this one (de facto government) who stated, "It is properly the successor of the consular courts..." The Supreme Court has said that the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them. Interesting, so, I looked up the meaning of "Consular courts" and another interesting connection happen. Make note in the last sentence of the paragraph..."The last of the United States consular courts (Morocco) was abolished in 1956." Latin author, C.C. Marquez gives us a portion of the secret also, “America was also a Negro Continent and that the Otomies [Ottoman / Olmeccans] of Mexico…are the remains of the aboriginal Negro race. Therefore, obviously “the Fall of the Western Empire (Morocco) written in “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 4th Deluxe Edition” is referring to our fall, the Al Moroccan Empire called the Ottoman Empire (Moorish Empire, Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Empire, Songhai-Malian Empire, Egypto-Cushite (Nubian / Barbara) Empire... all one and the same)
America was/is part of the dominions of the Moroccan Empire (Ottoman, Songhai) (see United states code title 22 chapter 2 section 141). 22 USC § 141 to 143 - Repealed. Act Aug. 1, 1956, repealed sections 141 to 143 effective upon the date which the President determined to be appropriate for the relinquishment of jurisdiction of the United States in Morocco. Jurisdiction of the United States in Morocco was relinquished by memorandum of President Eisenhower dated Sept. 15, 1956. Notice was given to Morocco on Oct. 6, 1956, and all pending cases were disposed of by 1960. See Bulletin of the State Department Vol. 35:909, page 844. Section 141, R.S. §§ 4083, 4125, 4126, 4127; act June 14, 1878, ch. 193, 20 Stat. 131, related to judicial authority generally of ministers and consuls of United States in China, Siam, Turkey, Morocco, Muscat, Abyssinia, Persia, and territories formerly part of Ottoman Empire including Egypt.
In 1777 Morocco becomes the first country to acknowledge America’s independence as a new country. In 1784 Thomas Jefferson (Mason), Benjamin Banneker (said Benjamin Franklin, Mason), and John Adams (Mason) was commissioned to negotiate a treaty with the Emperor of Morocco. In 1786 Morocco became the first (Muslim) country to sign a Peace Treaty with the United States in 1786, Algeria in 1795, Tripoli in 1796, Tunis in 1797, and Muscat (Oman) in 1833 followed.
"Count Volney author of "THE RUINS OF EMPIRES" translator Joel Barlow (1750-1812) himself was an American statesman well known for drafting the Islam-appeasing Treaty of Tripoli, in which it was written that "the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" ([TREATY OF TRIPOLI 8 Stat 154]).
The European nations paid tribute to the Moors well into the 19th century. David MacRitchie in the book, "UNITED STATES AND BARBARY POWERS" the U.S., English, French, Dutch, Danes, and Swedes, and I may say all nations are tributary to the Moors. “Shortly after the United States independence in 1783, she failed to pay the necessary tithes / taxes to Morocco for use of her waters. The United States also failed to answer Moorish emissaries and the Moroccans responded by detaining United States ships and citizens." David MacRitchie goes further in "ANCIENT AND MODERN BRITONS VOL 1, AND VOL 2" and states, "The Moors had control of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean (paraphrasing)." This is why the U.S. Marines sing of defeating the Moors "From the halls of Montezuma (Mexico) to the shores of Tripoli," confirming in song the extent of the Moorish Empire or dominions of Amexem, or Atlantis. The United States is NOT a nation, nor a nationality. Note: The United States is of America, but America (Al Morocco) is NOT of the United States, meaning one has a superior position. In 1788-1789 The Sultan (Emperor) Muhammed Ibn Abdullah Bey III and President George Washington exchanging letters about peace and asking the Sultan to intercede with authorities in Tunis and Tripoli to obtain the right of free navigation for American ships in the Mediterranean.
Note: The Letter to the Sultan of Morocco was sent to the City of New York ... North West Africa, also called North Amexem or the North Gate and NOT in the Kingdom of Morocco, Africa.
The Olmecas (Xi people, Cushites, Songhai-Malian Moors [Mandingos]), the last rulers of the Western Empire (Moroccan / Moorish Empire) religiously (Islam), they became known as the Ottoman (Otomies). Historically, they were the Dogons (Cush Moers / [Cushites] Moors of the Songhai-Malian Empire). Before moving into Mali (Mari) the Dogon (Dagon] were called the Maurs, meaning, they were “High Priest of Anu (On, Ra).” The Dogon left Ta MaRe (Ta Mari, Kemet, Egypt) around 6,000 BCE or 8,000 years ago, but carried with them the Teachings of Tehuti-Mes (Hermes Trismegistus) called Hah Kha (Her Bak), the Ancient Mysteries. The Gulf of Mexico and the Southeastern Gulf Coast form a massive crescent and was to the home of the powerful ancient empire of the Amaru-Xi aka Olmec. The Olmecan (Olmeccan) Moors were the custodians and preservers of the Ancient Mysteries. This is verified in “STOLEN LEGACY” by George G. James. Leon Dixon, revealed that Benjamin Banneker--surveyer, astronomer, mathemetician, farmer, almanac publisher, multi-genius African American-- was descended from the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, an ethnic group renown for its ancient and mystical astronomical knowledge. http://www.unmuseum.org/siriusb.htm, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDIrFNPLIs, http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tworx114.htm. This highly explains his knowledge of the cosmos and his excellent and many inventions. He is also known to have designed the layout of Washington D.C.'s many monuments. "BENJAMIN BANNEKER: SURVEYOR, ASTRONOMER, PUBLISHER, PATRIOT" BY CHARLES A. CERAMI (PP.217–219) JOHN WILEY & SONS, 2002 “Banneka” is what he called himself. He was the eldest son of a king, “Captured in an enemy raid and sold to slave traders. (Some scholars believe that his given name was Banne and that Ka was a family name.)” See Cerami page 5.
Shown above, it is not well-known that the first President of the united States of America was John Hanson, a “Moor”… John Hanson is sitting in the fifth seat on the left. Prince Ben Bey is seated masonically, number 13, from the left and first at the table. According to Masonic traditions of Prince Hall Masons they say that one of the Moors on the (2) two-dollar bill is Prince Hall. However, according to the Elder Moors (Mu’urs), Benjamin Banneker is (1) one of (2) two Moors. Esoterically decoded, Prince Chief Justice Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali of the Abannaki (Bannaka) Tribe, whom was a "Prince" that built "Hall(s) (Lodges, Temples), as mentioned previously. Hence, this is the true origin of the name "Prince Hall", the free masonic founder of African Lodge # 1(later 459). Prince Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali (Benjamin Banneker) design the city of Philadelphia and Washington D.C. and he perfected the science of the Federal government based on numerology and astrology (astronomy) after the Ta Ma Rean (Kemetian / Egyptian) structures and Mu’urish (Moorish) government (Note: Philadelphia was the second Capital of the United States. First it was New York under the name Belgium Amsterdam (New Amsterdam), Philadelphia was second and Washington District of Columbia was third in case you never knew. But back to our point, Philadelphia was the capital that our forefather records were kept). Many fail to realize that for Ben Bey [Benjamin Banneker] to design a city with such mathematical precision could NOT have simply relied on drawings, even though, it is said Frenchman Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the city planner for Washington, D.C. took his plans with him after his dismissal, leaving no copies behind. But, a few books establish the fact that L'Enfant was really the middleman working from a set of original plans developed by Benjamin Bannaka, but carried out by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. That was until the plans were taken and the need to call in the original designer Bannaka.
Most Americans do not know Washington DC was originally an "alledged" Slave Plantation in Maryland. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, mentioned it in her remarks at the Dec. 2, 2008, dedication of the Capitol Visitors Center: "The Capitol was built by slaves," Pelosi said. Jesse J. Holland, author of “BLACK MEN BUILT THE CAPITOL: Discovering African-American History in and Around Washington, D.C.” revealed that enslaved so-called Black men helped construct the White House. The designer Pierre L’Enfant commissioned the captured so-called Blacks from their slave-holders, while the architect James Hoban brought some of his own enslaved men.
Scottish Rite Masonic Museum: Oil paintings by Peter Waddell depicts a meeting between President George Washington (Adam Weishaupt? 1732-1799) and surveyors Andrew Ellicott (1754-1820) and Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)

The Washington street map was actually designed by Ben Bey, who is also “Big” Ben, and also played Benjamin Franklin and also Prince Hall who is openly celebrated as occult character by the establishment in the form of London`s clock tower (see above). Washington was founded by Moorish priests using Isis energy (note the inverted Venus star above Casa Blanca in the map above, also the Masonic square & circle).
You can rest assured that all Senators, Congressmen and many other officials in DOC are very well aware of what follows below. They all know that the D.C. capital Federal government is only handling Moorish assets as trustee. Every higher Mason knows this and again I emphasize that this is the reason why Masonry today is nothing more than a racist, global business club. If you place the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the Washington Street map, the location of the eye gives you the precise seat of central power – it is the Washington Grand Lodge.
Also, amazingly, the T.V. series "SLEEPY HOLLOW" states the most in depth information on Benjamin Banneker that I've ever witnessed/heard... http://watch-series.xyz/sleepy-hollow-s4e3-heads-of-state/ and http://watch-series.xyz/sleepy-hollow-s4e6-homecoming/
(Note: The minute book of the Lodge at Fredericksburg presents no more than the usual record, that on the 4th of November, 1752, George Washington was initiated as an Entered Apprentice.
1788 — April 28 - Edmund Randolph, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, grants a charter to Alexandria Lodge as the twenty-second lodge in Virginia. The charter names George Washington as the lodge’s Worshipful Master. This charter is still in use by Alexandria-Washington Lodge № 22.
1788 — Shortly before becoming the first president of the United States, Washington was elected the first Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22. December 20 - Washington re-elected Master of Alexandria Lodge № 22 for one year: 27 December 1788 to December 27, 1789.
1798 — August 22 - The Rev. G.W. Snyder of the Reformed Church, in Fredericktown, Maryland, sends his first letter to Washington regarding the Illuminati and Freemasonry in the United States. He encloses a copy of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, etc., Collected From Good Authorities [Edinburgh: 1797]).
1788 — April 28 - Edmund Randolph, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, grants a charter to Alexandria Lodge as the twenty-second lodge in Virginia. The charter names George Washington as the lodge’s Worshipful Master. This charter is still in use by Alexandria-Washington Lodge № 22.
1788 — Shortly before becoming the first president of the United States, Washington was elected the first Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22. December 20 - Washington re-elected Master of Alexandria Lodge № 22 for one year: 27 December 1788 to December 27, 1789.
1798 — August 22 - The Rev. G.W. Snyder of the Reformed Church, in Fredericktown, Maryland, sends his first letter to Washington regarding the Illuminati and Freemasonry in the United States. He encloses a copy of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, etc., Collected From Good Authorities [Edinburgh: 1797]).
Bannaka spent two days reconstructing the bulk of the city’s plan from his presumably photographic memory (Read “THE MAN WHO SAVED WASHINGTON AND AN EARLY AMERICAN HERO”). But because, we often think of every said black in the 1700's as slaves, we could not possibly imagine that Bannaka could have traveled to Egypt, Africa and thus, he was be able to imitate such glory? The fact that three years of George Washington's diary has mysteriously disappeared, prevents us from knowing exactly what sort of communications occurred between Benjamin Bannaka, George Washington and L'Enfant. However, in recent light of receiving George Washington's personal diaries, there is nothing in them that mentions Benjamin Bannaker (Bannaka).
In addition, correspondence with Jefferson concerning the development of the proposed "Plan" have disappeared. The mysterious disappearance of this historical information concerning both Washington and Jefferson and their involvement in the original design of Washington, D.C. wreaks of a cover up - perhaps the original Watergate. Is it possible that the missing dairies and correspondence have been intentionally lost to maintain secrecy about the true nature of the development of the Nation's Capital (“AMERICA’S OLDEST SECRET THE TALISMAN OF THE UNITED STATES THE MYSTERIOUS STREET LINES OF WASHINGTON D.C.” by Charles L. Westbrook Jr., Ph.D.).
Bannaka spent two days reconstructing the bulk of the city’s plan from his presumably photographic memory (Read “THE MAN WHO SAVED WASHINGTON AND AN EARLY AMERICAN HERO”). But because, we often think of every said black in the 1700's as slaves, we could not possibly imagine that Bannaka could have traveled to Egypt, Africa and thus, he was be able to imitate such glory? The fact that three years of George Washington's diary has mysteriously disappeared, prevents us from knowing exactly what sort of communications occurred between Benjamin Bannaka, George Washington and L'Enfant. However, in recent light of receiving George Washington's personal diaries, there is nothing in them that mentions Benjamin Bannaker (Bannaka).
In addition, correspondence with Jefferson concerning the development of the proposed "Plan" have disappeared. The mysterious disappearance of this historical information concerning both Washington and Jefferson and their involvement in the original design of Washington, D.C. wreaks of a cover up - perhaps the original Watergate. Is it possible that the missing dairies and correspondence have been intentionally lost to maintain secrecy about the true nature of the development of the Nation's Capital (“AMERICA’S OLDEST SECRET THE TALISMAN OF THE UNITED STATES THE MYSTERIOUS STREET LINES OF WASHINGTON D.C.” by Charles L. Westbrook Jr., Ph.D.).
Even though, I (Asaru Alim El-Bey) come from a long family line of Prince Hall (Affiliate) Scottish Rites, Eastern Stars and Shriners…my mother is an Eastern Star, my Grandmother was an Eastern Star, my Great Aunt was an Eastern Star, Great Grand Father was a Prince Hall-Shriner (32nd), my second cousin is a Prince Hall Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander (33rd degree) and etc... At the age of nine, after an U.F.O. hovered about 150 yards over my head ("close encounter of the first kind"). I asked my mom to order the TIME LIFE BOOKS - MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN series. It was a very popular and even more so compelling T.V. commercial. One of the books of the series was "ANCIENT WISDOM AND SECRET SECTS" and to my surprise on page 93 (no coincidence), I learned of the "MOORISH MASON" Angelo Soliman. Obviously, his painted presence and historical significance stayed in the back of my mind and 30 years later (age 39 - Asiatic Degree), I now have the sincere honor of being a "MOORISH MASON!" Moreover, I, (Asaru Alim El-Bey) am a certified Brick Mason (Operative Mason... trained at [FTCC] Fayetteville Technical Community College during the summer of 2013). Thus, making me a Speculative Mason; a Moorish Rite Freemason (A.F.M.R. or Ancient Free Moorish Rite) of Al Sayyied (Master Mason) Degree, member of the (O.M.S.) Order of the Moorish Star - Nefertiti Degree) and Al Khalif (Senior Warden / Magistrate) of the Clifford E. Hazel Bey Jariyyah (Lodge) No. 1 in North Carolina, as well as, an Operative Mason by Craft and by Trade... Note: Modern scholars claim that “Operative Masonry” was connected in medieval times with a guild of masons, workers in brick and stone. Operative Masons actually came from the Moors during the Medieval Age that from the Ethiopian Knights of the Zion Temple, the original Knights Templar.
Chancellor Williams "THE DESTRUCTION OF BLACK CIVILIZATION" states, “Now, again, just who were the Moors? The answer is very easy. The original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were Black Africans. As amalgamation became more and more widespread, only Berbers, Arabs and Coloureds in the Moroccan territories were called Moors while the darkest and black-skinned Africans were called “Black-a-Moors.” Eventually, “black” was dropped from “Blackamoor.” In North Africa, and Morocco in particular, all Muslim Arabs, Mixed breeds and Berbers are readily regarded as Moors. The African Blacks, having had even this name taken from them, MUST CONTEND FOR RECOGNITION AS MOORS”.
Note: Dr. Antonio Yosef Ben Jochannan who received doctoral degrees in Cultural
Anthropology and Moorish History from the University of Havana and the University of Barcelona, Spain, in his book "CULTURAL GENOCIDE; IN THE BLACK AND AFRICAN STUDIES CURRICULUM" (passage above), mentioned 'Moors' first as a few of the names we were called with honour by the ancient Asians and Europeans thousands of years before the "Western Europeans" knew that "AMERICAS" existed... Dr. Ben stated the term 'Moors' were used thousands of years... Adept Nakim Allah Bey, writes, "Some of you will say that the word 'Moor' is English. First of all let us reveal to you about what you call the English Language. Your conditioning made you a dependent thinker. The Anglican and Saxons were German tribes and did not speak what we call English, but they spoke German and we speak a bastardize German Language. Now that this bomb was just dropped let me point out the different way nations classified the word Moor: Moor, Moros, Maroon, Mor, Blackamor, Moorian, Morel, Marano. Maurice, Mora, Morisco, Maure, Moers, Moret, Mohr, Morrice. It goes on (Read "SEX AND RACE Vol. 1 by J.A. Rogers)... So many African Americans dispute the word Moor, but if they did research or studied different languages they would find that in Europe it was spelled and pronounced differently, but it all comes to we were last known to be of Moorish blood".
So let's trace the word to its oldest source(s) ...
Note: 'Maur' is also a title, meaning it is a position of achievement. Esoterically, the achievement is the supreme activation of the Pineal Gland i.e., the Crown Chakra (Kundalini Shiva [7]) etc... by the Mother Principle called Kundalini Shakti (Shekinah, SekhMa'at) or Uatcheta (Uraeus / Caduceus). The High Priest of Anu is another form of Amen and is the same as the biblical High Priest Order of Melchizedek (Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan verified this as being a 32˚ International Freemason and member (Grand Potentate) of the Crescent Shrine located at 700 Highland Drive Westampton NJ 08060. Dr. Ben was also the founder and high priest in the Craft of Amen-Ra and held the title/rank of 360° Grand Master in the Craft of Amen-Ra - African Mystery System).
Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, an International Master Mason and a late Illustrious Potentate Crescent Shriner. The Crescent Shriners was founded in 1904. Dr. Ben also was a 360 degree mason, the lodge he belonged to was the GRAND ORDER OF FREEMASONS - A.T. & A.M. ETHIOPIA EAST AFRICA LODGE, THIS IS NOT A PRINCE HALL LODGE, THIS IS A AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL AFRICAN LODGE. Do you Negroes know what is the meaning of being a 360 degree mason? What do these fraternal orders of Masonry have to do with African people? How did these orders get into Europe, and why were said Black men in early America not allowed into membership until the coming of Right Worshipful Master Prince Hall, a colonial African man?
Anu was called Heliopolis by the Greeks and On in the Bible or in Latin 'Helio' derived from Medu Netcher 'Heru', which is a form of Ra (Re). Heru is Heru Ma Khu Sut Tekh. "Ma Khu Sut Tekh" is the Medu Netcher for the Hebrew word 'Melchizedek'. Anu are also the people of Pre-Dynastic Egypt (Kemet). The French Egyptologist Emile Amélineau (1850-1915), excavations in the south of Egypt he discovered evidence of the existence of already advanced people earlier than the Pharaohs of the first dynasty. He discovered in particular the people of black race, the Anu (sometimes called "Aunu" or 'Anunaki' or 'Anunnaki'). And according to many researchers (Chandler, etc), the greatest figures of ancient Egypt, such as Osiris (Asaru), Isis (Aset), Hermes (Tehuti) and Horus (Heru) came from this ancient Anu race (Amu People or the Amu’ur, also called the Anu, On [Om], Twa [Ptah-Bes], Ta Ankh [Tangu], Ta Setians misnomer 'Pygmies'). “THE HIDDEN LIFE IN FREEMASONRY” by C. W. Leadbeater 33° states, “... At one time the pygmies were spread over a great deal more of Africa than at present, and some of them were the first people to enter Egypt” (read “AFRICAN ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY” by Zachary P. Gremillion).
Albert Churchward's “SIGNS & SYMBOLS OF THE PRIMORDIAL MAN” states, that the Pygmies (Anu, Twa, Bes-Ptah-ites) are the original and the oldest living people on the face of the Planet Earth… The Nile Negroes were probably one of the first of the An-rut race the race that was the first and oldest race of men, after the Pygmies, as both Eusebius and Syncellus state that amongst the Egyptians there was a certain tablet, called the old chronicle T containing 30 dynasties in 113 descents, during a period of 36,525 years (Eusebius Chronicles). “The Ruti are those of monumental Egypt, and is the Egyptian for Old or oldest, or first, so the An-rut (also spelled Amru[t]) means the first or oldest race of men (Churchward, 1903, p.163).” |
The Proto-historic figure of Tera-neter, a nobleman of the Anu or Aunu race who was the first inhabitants of Egypt. The "Tera-neter" tile is predynastic being found by British Egyptologist W.M. Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) in 1939 the early temple at Abydos underneath the dynastic temple. In “THE MAKING OF EGYPT,” Page 68, it states, “There is the aboriginal race of the Anu, Aunu, people or “Sun People” ... (Note: Melanites are the "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" or "RAs CHILDREN" or "PHREE MESSENs" or "FREE MA-SONs" [MUS-LIMS / MES REM] or PEACE MAKERS [MU-SLIMS] by NATURE [NETER-GOD]). Masons from time immemorial have been called “Sons of Light.” It is a peculiar co-incidence that the Egyptian words “Phre-Massen” mean “Children (especially Sons) of the Sun (Sommum Bonum, the "Highest Good" Latin introduced by Cicero),” that is “Sons of Light,” a term applied to those who had been received into the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries. The word “Phre” meant the Sun, and Mas was a child. According to Gerald Massey, the foremost Egyptologist, in his book, “BOOK OF BEGINNINGS Vol I and II” he states, the name “Free Mason” is derived from the ancient Medu Neter “Phree Messen,” meaning “Child of the Light (Sun).” The Sons and Daughters of Ra (Light) are the Radiant Ones, Luminous Beings who have ascended to become as Ra traversing the Celestial Plane of Nut in the Bark of Millions of Years standing in the company of the immortals / Neteru / Ancestors giving command and direction. They are those who have perfected their character and spirit and thereby reclaimed their Divinity in Asaru (Ausar). The Children of Ra (Amen-Ra) are also the Children of Israel ('Asaru' or "Asar Re"). The story of the Children of Israel as told in Hebrew Mythology is taken from the “PERT EM HERU” text misnomer "THE BOOK OF THE DEAD" by E. A. Wallis Budge and represents the cosmological journey of Ra.
The Ta MaRe (Ta Merry / Egyptian) Mystery System, like the modern University, was the center of organized culture, and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. However, unlike the modern so-called University, the Ancient Egyptian Mystery System was a 40 year mastery school, which really taught Universal Principles. According to Pietschmann, the Egyptian Mysteries had three grades of students (1) The Mortals i.e., probationary students who were being instructed, but who had not yet experienced the inner vision. (2) The Intelligences, i.e., those who had attained the inner vision, and had received mind or nous and (3) The Creators or Sons of Light, who had become identified with or united with the Light (i.e., true spiritual consciousness). According to 33 degree Mason, Manly P. Hall's book "FREEMASONRY OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS": "It is now generally acknowledged that the Egyptians, of all the ancient peoples, were the most learned in the Occult sciences of Nature. The wisest of philosophers from other nations visited Egypt to be initiated in the sacred Mysteries by the priests of Thebes, Memphis, and Hermopolis".
"THE KEMETIC ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY: THE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS DO NOT LIE" by Fahim A. Knight-El, states, "The signs and symbols of ancient and modern Freemasonry are rooted in Kemet (Egypt) and the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious that Freemasonry borrowed its allegorical myths and ideological metaphors from more ancient societies that were well advanced in the philosophical mysteries. (Reference: Manly P. Hall; "THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES"). It all began in Cush (Abyssinia or Ethiopia) were perhaps some of the wisest Nubians toiled and where civilization originated. Thus transmitting their enlightenment in compliment with how the Nile River flows from south to north. Reference Sterling Means in his book titled, "ETHIOPIA AND THE MISSING LINK IN AFRICAN HISTORY" and John G. Jackson work titled, "ETHIOPIA AND THE ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION" … Not only was Africa the birthplace of humanity; but the Africans spread knowledge and civilization all over the world. Albert Churchward, a 30th degree Freemason at the time of his writings “THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF FREEMASONRY CONNECTED WITH THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE” wrote extensively about Freemasonry and its African origin. Churchward’s research also reveals that the origin of the mythos (religious doctrine) and Masonry came from early Africans in ancient Egypt and the Great lakes region (source of the Nile). “We say that the human race originated, or was planted, in the Northeast of Africa (including the sources and the banks of the Nile), and it is a very important fact to note here that the symbology has been carried down amongst ourselves to the present day” (Churchward, 1903, p.8). Simply put, as stated, "All of freemasonry's symbols, signs, and etc... are derived from the Pygmies mental archetypes, passed to the said "Nilotic Negroes" (Blacks of the Nile) called the Biblical 'Kushites, the Greek 'Ethiopians', 'Arab 'Nubians', i.e., the Maurs (Moors), the African founders of Ancient Freemasonry (See dvd / video Ashra Kwesi Presents "THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY").
Moors are Moslems (Muslim) only in the most ancient sense of the word. For example, Sufis of Mystical Al Islam means in Arabic 'Woolly' hair, a reference to the people that brought the ancient mysteries ... Drusilla Houston in her book titled the "WONDERFUL ETHIOPIANS OF THE ANCIENT CUSHITE EMPIRE", stated: "To the Cushite race belonged the oldest and purest Arabian blood. They were the original Arabians and the creators of the ancient civilization. Dr. Wesley Muhammad in his monumental book titled, "BLACK ARABIA AND THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF ISLAM" he debunks this myth that the so-called light skinned Semites were the original occupants of Kemet (Egypt) and Saudi Arabia and furthermore, he geographically and ethnically traces these allege distinct people and cultures to one original source (a unified African continent with a synthesis culture and knowledge base. The word 'Moslem' is derived from the Medu Netcher "Mes Ra", or "Mes Rem". The letters 'L' and 'R' are interchangeable, as well as, the fact that the vow-els are interchangeable also. Eventhough, most Egyptologist uses the letter or vowel 'E' in translation. Thus, MesRem is MosLem (MusLim). In Arabic / Hebrew, the Medu Netcher "Mes Ra" is called ‘Misr’ (Misraim / Mizoram). ‘Misr’ is the derivative of the Coptic word ‘Mesore,’ which is derived of “Mes Ra” or "Mesu Ra" meaning “Birth of Ra” or “Born of the Sun.” This is a title of Ra operating through the Sun during the summer solstice (above, without, external, exoteric) and esoterically (below, within, internal) is the Kundalini Shakti reaching its apex to the peak (top) of the head activating the Soul (Solar, Soul of Ra, Asar [Osiris]) embedded in the Pineal Gland [Aset [Isis] meaning the 'Throne'], called by French Philosopher Descartes, the "Seat of the Soul". According to the “RA PAPERA,” called also “PERT EM HERU,” people are born = “Mes’ of the tears of Re = ‘Remu,’ meaning “Humans are born from the Eye [tears] of Ra.”(Note: Several writers also conjecture that the word 'Masonry' is a corrupt of the Greek work ‘MESOURANEO’ which signifies "I am in the midst of heaven", thus eluding to the sun which, ‘being in the midst of heaven,’ is the great source of light. In that the roots of masonry are with Egypt and Greece, the previous definition is obviously a borrowing from the Egyptian).
Afrakan (African) Proverb / Prophecy - (Allegorically) written by Tehuti, the Neter/God of Wisdom 25,000 years ago stated ... "This land (Egypt) once the home of spirituality ... Will be forsaken, and overrun by foreigners, who will neglect our sacred ways. Nothing will remain of our religion but an empty tale. Which even her (Egypt) own children will not believe"....
The Ta MaRe (Ta Merry / Egyptian) Mystery System, like the modern University, was the center of organized culture, and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. However, unlike the modern so-called University, the Ancient Egyptian Mystery System was a 40 year mastery school, which really taught Universal Principles. According to Pietschmann, the Egyptian Mysteries had three grades of students (1) The Mortals i.e., probationary students who were being instructed, but who had not yet experienced the inner vision. (2) The Intelligences, i.e., those who had attained the inner vision, and had received mind or nous and (3) The Creators or Sons of Light, who had become identified with or united with the Light (i.e., true spiritual consciousness). According to 33 degree Mason, Manly P. Hall's book "FREEMASONRY OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS": "It is now generally acknowledged that the Egyptians, of all the ancient peoples, were the most learned in the Occult sciences of Nature. The wisest of philosophers from other nations visited Egypt to be initiated in the sacred Mysteries by the priests of Thebes, Memphis, and Hermopolis".
"THE KEMETIC ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY: THE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS DO NOT LIE" by Fahim A. Knight-El, states, "The signs and symbols of ancient and modern Freemasonry are rooted in Kemet (Egypt) and the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious that Freemasonry borrowed its allegorical myths and ideological metaphors from more ancient societies that were well advanced in the philosophical mysteries. (Reference: Manly P. Hall; "THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES"). It all began in Cush (Abyssinia or Ethiopia) were perhaps some of the wisest Nubians toiled and where civilization originated. Thus transmitting their enlightenment in compliment with how the Nile River flows from south to north. Reference Sterling Means in his book titled, "ETHIOPIA AND THE MISSING LINK IN AFRICAN HISTORY" and John G. Jackson work titled, "ETHIOPIA AND THE ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION" … Not only was Africa the birthplace of humanity; but the Africans spread knowledge and civilization all over the world. Albert Churchward, a 30th degree Freemason at the time of his writings “THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF FREEMASONRY CONNECTED WITH THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE” wrote extensively about Freemasonry and its African origin. Churchward’s research also reveals that the origin of the mythos (religious doctrine) and Masonry came from early Africans in ancient Egypt and the Great lakes region (source of the Nile). “We say that the human race originated, or was planted, in the Northeast of Africa (including the sources and the banks of the Nile), and it is a very important fact to note here that the symbology has been carried down amongst ourselves to the present day” (Churchward, 1903, p.8). Simply put, as stated, "All of freemasonry's symbols, signs, and etc... are derived from the Pygmies mental archetypes, passed to the said "Nilotic Negroes" (Blacks of the Nile) called the Biblical 'Kushites, the Greek 'Ethiopians', 'Arab 'Nubians', i.e., the Maurs (Moors), the African founders of Ancient Freemasonry (See dvd / video Ashra Kwesi Presents "THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY").
Moors are Moslems (Muslim) only in the most ancient sense of the word. For example, Sufis of Mystical Al Islam means in Arabic 'Woolly' hair, a reference to the people that brought the ancient mysteries ... Drusilla Houston in her book titled the "WONDERFUL ETHIOPIANS OF THE ANCIENT CUSHITE EMPIRE", stated: "To the Cushite race belonged the oldest and purest Arabian blood. They were the original Arabians and the creators of the ancient civilization. Dr. Wesley Muhammad in his monumental book titled, "BLACK ARABIA AND THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF ISLAM" he debunks this myth that the so-called light skinned Semites were the original occupants of Kemet (Egypt) and Saudi Arabia and furthermore, he geographically and ethnically traces these allege distinct people and cultures to one original source (a unified African continent with a synthesis culture and knowledge base. The word 'Moslem' is derived from the Medu Netcher "Mes Ra", or "Mes Rem". The letters 'L' and 'R' are interchangeable, as well as, the fact that the vow-els are interchangeable also. Eventhough, most Egyptologist uses the letter or vowel 'E' in translation. Thus, MesRem is MosLem (MusLim). In Arabic / Hebrew, the Medu Netcher "Mes Ra" is called ‘Misr’ (Misraim / Mizoram). ‘Misr’ is the derivative of the Coptic word ‘Mesore,’ which is derived of “Mes Ra” or "Mesu Ra" meaning “Birth of Ra” or “Born of the Sun.” This is a title of Ra operating through the Sun during the summer solstice (above, without, external, exoteric) and esoterically (below, within, internal) is the Kundalini Shakti reaching its apex to the peak (top) of the head activating the Soul (Solar, Soul of Ra, Asar [Osiris]) embedded in the Pineal Gland [Aset [Isis] meaning the 'Throne'], called by French Philosopher Descartes, the "Seat of the Soul". According to the “RA PAPERA,” called also “PERT EM HERU,” people are born = “Mes’ of the tears of Re = ‘Remu,’ meaning “Humans are born from the Eye [tears] of Ra.”(Note: Several writers also conjecture that the word 'Masonry' is a corrupt of the Greek work ‘MESOURANEO’ which signifies "I am in the midst of heaven", thus eluding to the sun which, ‘being in the midst of heaven,’ is the great source of light. In that the roots of masonry are with Egypt and Greece, the previous definition is obviously a borrowing from the Egyptian).
Afrakan (African) Proverb / Prophecy - (Allegorically) written by Tehuti, the Neter/God of Wisdom 25,000 years ago stated ... "This land (Egypt) once the home of spirituality ... Will be forsaken, and overrun by foreigners, who will neglect our sacred ways. Nothing will remain of our religion but an empty tale. Which even her (Egypt) own children will not believe"....

Consequently,“European masons took a blood oath to never reveal to the children of the Moors who they truly were.” Azeem Hopkins Bey quotes in his book “WHAT YOUR HISTORY BOOKS FAILED TO TELL YOU.” Nevertheless, this truth was revealed in the phenomenal book "STOLEN LEGACY" by George G. James, stating THE MOORS WERE THE CUSTODIANS (PROTECTORS) OF ANCIENT TA MARE (EGYPT, KEMET) MYSTERIES CALLED HAH KHA (TEACHINGS OF TEHUTI). Furthermore, he states, in the 8th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them, the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e., the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt... In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt. Therefore, modern (Free) Masonry’s largest debt is owed to the Moors. “The Moors lifted the Europeans (Albions) from out of the age of darkness and sparked the Renaissance movement. Freemasonry took its secret wisdom from the Muslim culture of the Moors.” The Ismali assassins passed on their mysteries to Europe’s Knights Templar, Freemasonry and various other secret societies. Moorish Science is, and has remained the foundation of ALL secret societies. “It was under the influence of Arabian and Moorish revival of culture,” writes Robert Briffault in The Making of Humanity, “and not in the 15th century, that the real renaissance took place. Spain and not Italy, was the cradle of the rebirth of Europe. After sinking lower and lower in barbarism, it had reached the darkest depths of ignorance and degradation when the cities of the Saracenic world Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova, Toledo, were growing centres of civilisation and intellectual activity. It was there that the new life arose which was to grow into a new phase of human evolution. From the time when the influence of their culture made itself felt, began the stirring of a new life.” ... "With the end of Moorish rule in Spain, the Europeans began to colonise Africa, Asia and the Americas. In time European Christians conquered Muslim territories and the great debt Western civilisation owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers of the world with a divine mission to “civilise” the heathen. Western historians conveniently ignored the immense contribution of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilisation in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism. We can only conclude this is a result of the pride and presumption of Westerners, which prevent them from recognising the truth or importance of their debts to the East" (read "THE MASONS AND THE MOORS" by Mehmet Sabeheddin).
The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilization had on Europe when he wrote "THE MOORS OF SPAIN" and "THE MOORS AFTER SPAIN". Also, study Imam Mustafa El-Amin definitive books titled, “FREEMASONRY: ANCIENT EGYPT AND THE ISLAMIC DESTINY” and “ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY AND FREEMASONRY” analyzing Freemasonry from a Muslim and Islamic perspective. Moreover, Professor Jose Pimienta- Bey, Ph.D said, in one of his video’s “OTHELLO’S CHILDREN IN THE NEW WORLD” stated that “originally Prince Hall Masons were known as the Moorish Rite Masons.” And with this said / written our Supreme Grand Commander, Aalim Bey El Dey A.F.M.R. 33°/76° asks...
"So, whence comes Moorish Freemasonry (renewal)? Well, Moorish Rite Freemasonry (or Freemasonry as was practiced by ancient Moors), owes its present day existence to the late Ill. Most Puissant Clifford E. Hazel Bey 33°/97°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, who encouraged some of the Freemasons in his jurisdiction to develop Moorish lodges based on Moorish cultural and historical perspective. In late July 1998, Bros. Aalim Bey, now the SGC or El Dey of the Moorish Rite Freemasonry and Nasr Ali, jointly petitioned the Sovereign Grand Commander (Clifford E. Hazel Bey) for a charter. The charter was granted September 9th, 1999. Moorish Rite Freemasonry today, is the evolved reemergence of an ancient Moorish Fraternal and didactic legacy. In addition, contrary to whatever perceptions exist, Moorish Rite Freemasonry is not an innovation on any contemporary Masonic Rite; its roots anchor in remote antiquity". www.moorishriteonline.net – S.G.C. Aalim Bey, El Dey, A.F.M.R. 33°/76°
Pharaoh Thutmose III, who ruled Ta Meri (Kemet, Egypt) from 1500 to 1447 B.C., organized the first esoteric school of initiates founded upon principles and methods similar to those perpetuated today by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Astara and other secret societies. Decades later Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was initiated into the secret school. This most enlightened pharaoh—history’s first (recorded) monotheist—was so inspired by the mystery teachings that he gave a completely new direction to Craft of Amen Ra (Egypt’s religion and philosophy). He established a religion which recognized the Aton, the solar disk, as being the symbol of the sole deity—the foundation of life itself, the symbol of Light, Truth, and Joy—and changed his name to Ankh Aton to reflect these new ideas. And although the earlier religion was later reestablished, the mystical idea was put forth in human consciousness, and its flame never died.
“Pharaoh Ankh Aton (Ngu Amen Hotep IV) is credited with the establishing of Free Masonry.” Queen Nefertiti of ancient Kemet [Egypt] reigned alongside her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten around 1380-1362 BC. “Queen Nefertiti is credited with founding the Freemasons Adoptive Rite known as the Order of Eastern Stars.” That information was provided by the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Ill∴B∴ Clifford E. Hazel, 33°/97°, of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, Inc.
Albert Pike 33rd degree Mason, in his book “MORALS AND DOGMA,” pg. 624, refers to the Ancient Mysteries and Freemasonry as being identical, with exceptions found only in that of progressive alterations. As all ancient mysteries independently examined would be a timely and spacious task, it is only necessary to expound on the mystery religion which Masonry itself deems true.
"Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies of initiation were first established. It was there that truth was first veiled in allegory, and the dogmas of religion were first imparted under symbolic forms." (“ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY,” heading “EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES").
In “EGYPT: CRADLE OF ANCIENT MASONRY” Norman Fredrick de Clifford goes too great lengths to show that Freemasonry extends all the way back to the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries.
“STELLAR THEOLOGY AND MASONIC ASTRONOMY” by Robert Brown Jr., 32°; “The mysteries of all the other nations were quite similar to those of Egypt, and were NO doubt derived from them.” …
Master Mason Selami Isindag explains the origins of this philosophy and its place in modern Masonry: “In Ancient Egypt there was a religious society that bequeathed a system of thought and belief to Hermeticism. Masonry held something similar to this. For example, those who had come to a certain level attended ceremonies of the society, revealed their spiritual thoughts and feelings and trained those who were at a lower level. Pythagoras was a Hermeticist trained among them. Again, the organization and the philosophical systems of the Alexandrian school and of Neo-Platonism had their origins in Ancient Egypt and there are some significant similarities between them and Masonic rites”… “Freemasonry is a social and ritual organization whose beginnings go back to Ancient Egypt.”
The European mostly acquired the Knowledge they got from the Nile Valley through invasions, wars, plundering, murdering, robbing, and grave robbing, so they were not trained into the higher understanding with the mysteries. And those who were actually taught by the Ancient Egyptians, like the Ptolemy’s (Early Greeks) etc., were only taught the basic mathematics, science and arts etc and not the Higher Adept Degrees of Knowledge. They got little understanding from their plundering and grave robbing of the Egyptian Mystery System. It was the Moors in the Middle Ages between 710-1610 who were the ones responsible for educating the European with basic knowledge Of The Nile Valley Mystery System. “STOLEN LEGACY” by George G. M. James, tells us that there was a Grand Lodge of Ta MaRe, (Kemet, Egypt) called the “Temple of Karnak” that ‘chartered’ or ‘commissioned’ lodges or schools in other lands, and the founders of these lodges were initiates in the Ta MaRean (Kemetian / Egyptian) Mystery System or the Free Masonic (Phree Messen) Order. Some hierophants went to other lands, taking with them this knowledge. No matter where the hierophants opened lodges, the Grand Lodge of Ta MaRe (Kemet, Egypt) was still in authority and controlled the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries. Ancient subordinate lodges of the Ancient Grand Lodge of Egypt (Ta MaRe, Kemet) recorded by Dr. George G. M. James are …
A. Native Americans (Olmec, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs and etc… of [North, Central and South America] Mexico
B. Central and South America
C. Crete (Minoa, later called Greece)
D. Athens
E. Delphi
F. Estrus (later called Rome)
G. Croton
H. Rhodes
I. Miletus
J. Cyprus
K. Corinth
L. Media (near the Red Sea)
M. Palestine (Mt. Carmel)
N. Syria (Mt. Herman in Lebanon)
O. Babylon
P. India (on the bank of the Ganges River)
Q. Burma
Socrates (Father of Western Philosophy), Aristotle, Euripides, Homer, Herodotus, Pythagoras, Thales, Hippocrates and etc… all received their knowledge from the Egyptian (Ta MaRean, Kemetian) Priesthood, called the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries" i.e., the Temple-Universities of Waset and Ipet Isut (Note: These Greeks may have never existed, at least according to Professor Walter Williams in his new book, he states that the so-called Greek Philosophers did not actually physically exist?). Nevertheless, according to present his-story, NO Greek ever finished the 40 years of Ta Merrian (Kemetian /Egyptian) schooling. Pythagoras is believed to have made it the furthest, having studied in Kemet for 23 years [source:Person-Lynn]. Thus, they can not be the source of pure knowledge of the ancient mysteries, since none finished.
The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilization had on Europe when he wrote "THE MOORS OF SPAIN" and "THE MOORS AFTER SPAIN". Also, study Imam Mustafa El-Amin definitive books titled, “FREEMASONRY: ANCIENT EGYPT AND THE ISLAMIC DESTINY” and “ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY AND FREEMASONRY” analyzing Freemasonry from a Muslim and Islamic perspective. Moreover, Professor Jose Pimienta- Bey, Ph.D said, in one of his video’s “OTHELLO’S CHILDREN IN THE NEW WORLD” stated that “originally Prince Hall Masons were known as the Moorish Rite Masons.” And with this said / written our Supreme Grand Commander, Aalim Bey El Dey A.F.M.R. 33°/76° asks...
"So, whence comes Moorish Freemasonry (renewal)? Well, Moorish Rite Freemasonry (or Freemasonry as was practiced by ancient Moors), owes its present day existence to the late Ill. Most Puissant Clifford E. Hazel Bey 33°/97°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, who encouraged some of the Freemasons in his jurisdiction to develop Moorish lodges based on Moorish cultural and historical perspective. In late July 1998, Bros. Aalim Bey, now the SGC or El Dey of the Moorish Rite Freemasonry and Nasr Ali, jointly petitioned the Sovereign Grand Commander (Clifford E. Hazel Bey) for a charter. The charter was granted September 9th, 1999. Moorish Rite Freemasonry today, is the evolved reemergence of an ancient Moorish Fraternal and didactic legacy. In addition, contrary to whatever perceptions exist, Moorish Rite Freemasonry is not an innovation on any contemporary Masonic Rite; its roots anchor in remote antiquity". www.moorishriteonline.net – S.G.C. Aalim Bey, El Dey, A.F.M.R. 33°/76°
Pharaoh Thutmose III, who ruled Ta Meri (Kemet, Egypt) from 1500 to 1447 B.C., organized the first esoteric school of initiates founded upon principles and methods similar to those perpetuated today by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Astara and other secret societies. Decades later Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was initiated into the secret school. This most enlightened pharaoh—history’s first (recorded) monotheist—was so inspired by the mystery teachings that he gave a completely new direction to Craft of Amen Ra (Egypt’s religion and philosophy). He established a religion which recognized the Aton, the solar disk, as being the symbol of the sole deity—the foundation of life itself, the symbol of Light, Truth, and Joy—and changed his name to Ankh Aton to reflect these new ideas. And although the earlier religion was later reestablished, the mystical idea was put forth in human consciousness, and its flame never died.
“Pharaoh Ankh Aton (Ngu Amen Hotep IV) is credited with the establishing of Free Masonry.” Queen Nefertiti of ancient Kemet [Egypt] reigned alongside her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten around 1380-1362 BC. “Queen Nefertiti is credited with founding the Freemasons Adoptive Rite known as the Order of Eastern Stars.” That information was provided by the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Ill∴B∴ Clifford E. Hazel, 33°/97°, of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, Inc.
Albert Pike 33rd degree Mason, in his book “MORALS AND DOGMA,” pg. 624, refers to the Ancient Mysteries and Freemasonry as being identical, with exceptions found only in that of progressive alterations. As all ancient mysteries independently examined would be a timely and spacious task, it is only necessary to expound on the mystery religion which Masonry itself deems true.
"Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies of initiation were first established. It was there that truth was first veiled in allegory, and the dogmas of religion were first imparted under symbolic forms." (“ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY,” heading “EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES").
In “EGYPT: CRADLE OF ANCIENT MASONRY” Norman Fredrick de Clifford goes too great lengths to show that Freemasonry extends all the way back to the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries.
“STELLAR THEOLOGY AND MASONIC ASTRONOMY” by Robert Brown Jr., 32°; “The mysteries of all the other nations were quite similar to those of Egypt, and were NO doubt derived from them.” …
Master Mason Selami Isindag explains the origins of this philosophy and its place in modern Masonry: “In Ancient Egypt there was a religious society that bequeathed a system of thought and belief to Hermeticism. Masonry held something similar to this. For example, those who had come to a certain level attended ceremonies of the society, revealed their spiritual thoughts and feelings and trained those who were at a lower level. Pythagoras was a Hermeticist trained among them. Again, the organization and the philosophical systems of the Alexandrian school and of Neo-Platonism had their origins in Ancient Egypt and there are some significant similarities between them and Masonic rites”… “Freemasonry is a social and ritual organization whose beginnings go back to Ancient Egypt.”
The European mostly acquired the Knowledge they got from the Nile Valley through invasions, wars, plundering, murdering, robbing, and grave robbing, so they were not trained into the higher understanding with the mysteries. And those who were actually taught by the Ancient Egyptians, like the Ptolemy’s (Early Greeks) etc., were only taught the basic mathematics, science and arts etc and not the Higher Adept Degrees of Knowledge. They got little understanding from their plundering and grave robbing of the Egyptian Mystery System. It was the Moors in the Middle Ages between 710-1610 who were the ones responsible for educating the European with basic knowledge Of The Nile Valley Mystery System. “STOLEN LEGACY” by George G. M. James, tells us that there was a Grand Lodge of Ta MaRe, (Kemet, Egypt) called the “Temple of Karnak” that ‘chartered’ or ‘commissioned’ lodges or schools in other lands, and the founders of these lodges were initiates in the Ta MaRean (Kemetian / Egyptian) Mystery System or the Free Masonic (Phree Messen) Order. Some hierophants went to other lands, taking with them this knowledge. No matter where the hierophants opened lodges, the Grand Lodge of Ta MaRe (Kemet, Egypt) was still in authority and controlled the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries. Ancient subordinate lodges of the Ancient Grand Lodge of Egypt (Ta MaRe, Kemet) recorded by Dr. George G. M. James are …
A. Native Americans (Olmec, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs and etc… of [North, Central and South America] Mexico
B. Central and South America
C. Crete (Minoa, later called Greece)
D. Athens
E. Delphi
F. Estrus (later called Rome)
G. Croton
H. Rhodes
I. Miletus
J. Cyprus
K. Corinth
L. Media (near the Red Sea)
M. Palestine (Mt. Carmel)
N. Syria (Mt. Herman in Lebanon)
O. Babylon
P. India (on the bank of the Ganges River)
Q. Burma
Socrates (Father of Western Philosophy), Aristotle, Euripides, Homer, Herodotus, Pythagoras, Thales, Hippocrates and etc… all received their knowledge from the Egyptian (Ta MaRean, Kemetian) Priesthood, called the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries" i.e., the Temple-Universities of Waset and Ipet Isut (Note: These Greeks may have never existed, at least according to Professor Walter Williams in his new book, he states that the so-called Greek Philosophers did not actually physically exist?). Nevertheless, according to present his-story, NO Greek ever finished the 40 years of Ta Merrian (Kemetian /Egyptian) schooling. Pythagoras is believed to have made it the furthest, having studied in Kemet for 23 years [source:Person-Lynn]. Thus, they can not be the source of pure knowledge of the ancient mysteries, since none finished.
According to Dr. Obenga: “the ancient Greeks traced all human inventions to the Egyptians, from Calculus, Geometry, Astronomy, (Chess) and Dice Games to Writing...Since the time of Homer, Egyptian antiquity functioned strictly as a highly memorialized component of Greek history. Herodotus said it, Plato confirmed it, and Aristotle ... never denied it.” (p. 47). Indeed, in their book, "A HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD" (1984), R. R. Palmer and Joel Colton, corroborate this historical truism by contending that:
Europeans were by no means the pioneer of human civilization. Half of man’s recorded history had passed before anyone in Europe could read or write. The priests of Egypt began to keep written records between 4000 and 3000 B.C., but more than two thousand years later, the poems of Homer were still being circulated in the Greek city-states by word of mouth. Shortly after 3000 B.C., while the pharaohs were building the first pyramids, Europeans were creating nothing more distinguished than huge garbage heaps.
Furthermore, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) himself, writing in "METAPHYSICS", not only refutes Dr. Lefkowitz’s a historical and false assertions but also confesses in Greek Hellenic language that: “Thus the mathematical sciences first (proton) originated in Egypt.” Egypt is “the cradle of mathematics-that is, the country of origin for Greek mathematics”. So, according to Aristotle, “the mathematical arts had never before been formed, constituted or elaborated anywhere else originating in Egypt only” (Obenga, p. 47-48). Aristotle acknowledges the originality of the ancient Egyptians in his own words.
In addition, in "PROLOGUE TO PRODLUS'S COMMENTARIES ON EUCLID'S ELEMENTS", a disciple of Aristotle named Eudemus, who lived in the forth century B.C., confirms: “we shall say, following the general tradition, that the Egyptians were the first to have invented Geometry, (that) Thales, the first Greek to have been in Egypt, brought this theory thereof to Greece” (Obenga, p. 48).
The fact of the matter is that the famous, well known Greeks (Europeans) whom we study and revere in school curricula today all studied at the feet of the ancient Egyptians–Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) in the Nile Valley, Kemet. For example, Plato studied at the Temple of Waset for 11 years; Aristotle was there for 11-13 years; Socrates 15 years Euclid stayed for 10-11 years; Pythagoras for 22 years; Hippocrates studies for 20 years; and the other Greeks who matriculated at Waset included Diodorus, Solon, Thales, Archimedes, and Euripides. Indeed, the Greek, St. Clement of Alexandria, once said that if you were to write a book of 1,000 pages, you would not be able to put down the names of all the Greeks who went to Kemet to be educated and even those who did not surreptitiously claim they went because it was prestigious. “ Herodotus said it, Plato confirmed it and Aristotle never denied it”.
The fact of the matter is that it took 40 years to graduate/matriculate from Waset; this then means that none of the Greeks graduated.
Dr. Obenga points out this significant Kemet-Greece linkage:
I Thales (624-547 B.C.) was the first (protos) Greek student to receive his training from Egyptian priests in the Nile Valley.
II Plato (428-347 B.C.) records that Thales was educated in Egypt under the priests.
III Proclus (Neoplationist, 420-485 A.D.) Reports that Thales introduced science, philosophy and mathematics/geometry to Greece.
IV Greek intellectual life started with the Egyptian-trained student, Thales. He was the founder of the first Greek school of philosophy and science.
V Thales strongly recommended that Pythagoras travel to Egypt to receive his basic education and to converse as often as possible with the priests of Memphis and Thebes.
VI In the fall of 332 B.C. when Alexander invaded Egypt, Aristotle accompanied him
VII Aristotle ranked the country of the Pharaohs (Egypt) the most ancient archaeological reserve in the world. He wrote “That is how the Egyptians whom we considered as the most ancient of the human race”. (Obenga, pp. 28-45).
The Temple of Waset, the world’s first university, and known as “the scepter” was built during the reign of Amenhotep III in the XVIII Dynasty, ca 1391 B.C. At its zenith, it educated 80,000 students. Many people today believe that the words “man know thyself” (in Greek, qnothi seauton) were originally written and spoken by the Greek philosopher, Socrates. The ancient Egyptians wrote these words on the outside of their Temples in the Nile Valley and addressed these words to the neophytes - one of whom was the student Socrates himself. In a companion scenario, the originality of the words “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die,” has been assigned to the Greek philosopher Socrates, whereas history proves that the inventor who coined these words is Imhotep, the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity and “the world’s first recorded multi-genius.” He built the world’s first stone building–the Step pyramid at Saqqara circa 2630 B.C.
Moreover, contrary to public information, the first Olympics that was held in Olympia, Greece, in776 B.C., was not held to reward sportsmanship, physical brawn or brinkmanship but instead as a public ceremonial worship by the Greeks of the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity Amon, the “ruler of the Gods.” In fact, history proves quite convincingly that the Gods and Goddesses of Europeans were of Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) origin but given European names. For example, the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) God, Amun (Amen, Amon) was renamed Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the Romans; the Afrakan God, Heru (the son of God and associated with light and sun) was called Apollo by both the Greeks and the Romans; the Afrakan God Imhotep (the God of Healing and medicine) was renamed Asclepius by the Greeks and Aesculapius by the Romans; the Afrakan God Djhuti/Thoth (God of Science, Writing and Knowledge) was called Hermes by the Greeks and Mercury by the Romans; the Afrakan God, Pluto, was called Pluto by both the Greeks and Romans; the Afrakan God, Ausar, (the God of resurrection) was renamed Osiris by the Greeks; whereas the Afrakan Goddess Hathor (the Goddess of love and beauty) was called Aphrodite by the Greeks and Venus by the Romans; and the Afrakan Goddess Ist (Aset), (Goddess of maternity), was renamed Isis and was worshiped as the “Black Madonna.” This Afrakan Goddess has had such an impact on Europe that if we were to decipher Paris, the capital city of France, we get Per Isis: Per means Temple, while Isis means “House of Isis”; so the capital of a major European country is named in honor and eternal worship of an Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) Deity/Goddess. (See Figure I.)
One of the greatest contributions of the Nile Valley civilization in Egypt to the world was its educational system. The ultimate aim of education in ancient Kemet was for a person to become “one with God,” to “become like God” or “to become godlike through the revision of one’s own ‘Neter’ of how god is revealed in the person.” “Education in ancient Egypt was religious/spiritual at its base.” At age seven, the brightest boys in Egypt were selected for training in the priesthood. This was the highest honor that could be possibly bestowed on a family-the selection of a son for admission into a caste of brilliant thinkers, the “guardians of the state” whom Plato so greatly admired and wrote about. When the boys (Neophytes) entered the Temple/schools (or Grand Lodge) they had to study for 40 years - subjects as Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic, Geometry, Astronomy, Music, Architecture, Masonry, Carpentry, Engineering, Sculpture, Metallurgy, Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Art and Magic.
The Neophyte was vigorously trained in how to:
1. Control his thoughts
2. Control his actions
3. Have devotion of purpose
4. Have faith in the ability of his master to teach him the truth
5. Have faith in himself to assimilate the truth
6. Have faith in himself to wield the truth
7. Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution
8. Be free from resentment under experience of wrong
9. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal (i.e., he must have a sense of values)
10. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong
Plato, who greatly admired the Egyptian education system and actually recommended that it be introduced into Greece, copied/imitated/derived his three “cardinal virtues” from these ten goals the neophyte had to attain in the Nile Valley. “Control of thoughts and action,” Plato called the “virtue of wisdom;” “freedom of resentment under persecution” Plato called the “virtue of fortitude;” “the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and between the real and unreal,” Plato called the “virtues of justice and temperance.”
In the area of medicine, the literature says that Hippocrates (born 460 B.C.) is the “father of medicine,” but again history proves that the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity, Imhotep, (born 2700 B.C.) was worshiped by the Greeks as the “God of Medicine” 2,000 years before the birth of Hippocrates. Nevertheless, Hippocrates is portrayed as supreme in the area of medicine as reflected in the “Hippocratic Oath” that graduates from medical schools must recite.
The “Oath” reads as follows:
"I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygeia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I fulfill according to my ability and judgement this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art-if they desire to learn it-without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning of my sons and to the sons of him who instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to medical law, but to no one else."
Now, as was mentioned earlier, Apollo is the Greek and Roman derivative of the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity, Heru and Asclepius is the Greek derivative of the Afurakanu deity, Imhotep. However, in this European medical “Oath,” no mention is made of the truism that the revered Greek and Roman deities, Apollo and Asclepius, are duplicates of the original Afurakanu deities, Heru and Imhotep. Furthermore, the “Oath” also callously omits evidence of “the Kemetic roots and the personalities associated” with this ahistorical, Eurocentric medical Oath. Instead of reciting the “Hippocratic Oath,” medical school graduates should now recite the real, historical “Imhotep Oath.”
Ta Meri (Egypt) is indeed the light of the world. In the words of Cheikh Anta Diop: “Universal knowledge runs from the Nile Valley toward the rest of the world, in particular, Greece, which served as an intermediary. As a result, no thought, no ideology is foreign to Africa which was the land of their birth.” And no amount of Eurocentric research can ever efface this Egyptian, historical, contributive reality. #BlackWingSubversion
ALKEBULAN SOCIETY states "Have you not studied and learned that the Grand Lodge of Luxor (Wa Set) was the work of several Grand Masters , from Tut Mose to Amenhotep III, from Set I to Ra Mose III. Dr. George G.M. James wrote in " Stolen Legacy " which is about how western civilizations rise was due to the light brought to Europe from the Nile Valley by Greek scholars such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Pythagoras. They all studied at the feet of the Masters of the Craft in Kemet.
Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was founded in 1400 BCE. For centuries Thebes was the capital of the known world. Known in the Egyptian language as Ipet Resyt, or "the southern sanctuary." In Luxor there are six great temples, the four on the left bank are known to travelers and readers of travels as Goornah, Deir-el-Bahri, the Ramesseum, and Medinet Habu; and the two temples on the right bank are known as the Karnak and Luxor. To the rear of the temple are chapels built by Tutmose III.
Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan, or "Dr. Ben", as he is affectionately known, has showed us exactly how the "Mysteries of Egypt" were developed from the ancient religious rites of the indigenous Africans who once occupied the lands around the major great lakes of Central Africa and along the head-waters of the Nile River." And how the Mysteries of Egypt through the Egyptian Book of the Coming Forth by Day (Book of the Dead) gave rise to the so-called European lodges.
Dr. Ben, a 360 degree mason, the lodge he belongs to is GRAND ORDER OF FREEMASONS - A.T. & A.M. ETHIOPIA EAST AFRICA LODGE, THIS IS NOT A PRINCE HALL LODGE, THIS IS A AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL AFRICAN LODGE. Do you Negroes know what is the meaning of being a 360 degree mason? What do these fraternal orders of Masonry have to do with African people? How did these orders get into Europe, and why were Black men in early America not allowed into membership until the coming of Right Worshipful Master Prince Hall, a colonial Black man? Who are the Knights Templar? What was their relationship to the African Arabs/Moors also called Saracens? What did the Knights Templar find in Israel? Why were they at Jerusalem Temple built by African Hebrews?
Through intense research any man can trace the Proto-Masonic order to ancient Africa. The Afro-Asiatic knowledge found at The Grand Lodges of Africa. Prince Hall, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali and even Elijah Muhammad each addressed these truths. Did not you know the Knowledge of the Craft Originated in Africa? White Masons segregate from black Masons not only because of racism there is a real esoteric purpose for the separation of the African race in the Order. Europeans are "SPECULATIVE MASONS", Africans are "OPERATIVE MASONS."
The many gestures made by the hands of modern masons are each based on the stone reliefs of Kemit and the many African cultures which contributed to the Grand Lodge of Luxor. The masonic grasping of the thumb with the other, is characteristic of the Ogboni Society, a secret society responsible for justice and for the Egbe of the earth in Yorubaland. Even the copper coins of Delphos, Father Of The Great Delphic Oracle each have a image of a head with Africoid features. The All Seeing Eye Coin Of Delphos is a Coin which depicts someone with, Sable Skin, Woolly Hair, Thick Lips and Broad Nose, this is all more than irony.
The Temple of Karnak, the most magnificent of the Chapters of the Grand Lodge of Luxor's Secret Society, where the Mysteries were taught, was built at a distance of 1/2 mile from the Grand Lodge of Luxor. Separated each 12 feet on both sides of an isle, stood a double row of sphinxes. The width of the isle was 60 feet. When in its perfection this entrance presented one of the most magnificent walkways imaginable.
The Luxor was destroyed by fire, burnt to the ground, in the year 548 B. C. E. It was set aflame by foreigners, who were jealous of the indigenous Africans "Negroes," et all knowledge of the "Mysteries" taught in the Osirica, Which included all of the above mentioned disciplines. John Kendrick's, "ANCIENT EGYPT Book II", p. 363; Eva B. Sanford’s, "THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD", pp. 135 - 139; Yosef ben-Jochannan's, "AFRICA: MOTHER OF WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS", Chapter IX.
The African diaspora needs to awake to the fact that the ancient African societies of Kemit, Kush and Nubia are at the head of the class where they belong. This is not just hot air being blown. The world has to accept the fact that the Greeks and Romans were only average students in the schools of Africa. They were repeating (or just claiming) things they were taught once they were allowed into the greatest schools the world has ever known.
Malcolm X talked about the mockery of the Shriners and the analogy to the plight of African Americans in his book "The End of White Supremacy". People who are just starting to discover the ancient teachings of Mother Alkebulon need to be given more information. This subject of connecting Africa to the Masonic order has not been handled correctly in the past, however do not let that prevent you from learning you ancient customs rituals and roots.
Most African lodge members quickly rise to the 90th degree and are also initiated into both the York and Scottish Rites of Modern Freemasonry and into the Shriners, this is how the European lodges are able to claim a African lineage. All under Prince Hall affiliations are also subject to the Grand Lodge of Luxor.
The Grand Lodge of KAM/KEMIT/EGYPT IS LUXOR I understand that promoting the true teachings of the ancients before they were corrupted by Europeans is not popular and is frowned upon by many Masons. But am sure the European masonic organizations can not claim to have the pure teachings or properly use the term Freemason. Referring to one's self as "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" (the definition of Freemason) is a term which refers to ONE'S BLACKNESS and therefore is misleading when used by Europeans.
There are a lot of very interesting explanations given in these books. I believe, unfortunately, that the anti-masonic rhetoric of many will keep most African people from reading these books, particularly those that don't want to hear what does not fit into the script they are following or selling as truth. Reading part of these books will open your eyes and help you complete the journey and open your eyes to Africa's past glory and present legacy.
Greek Philosophy Was the Offspring of The Egyptian Mystery System.
1. The Egyptian Theory of Salvation Became the Purpose of Greek Philosophy.
The earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25).
Plotinus defines this experience as the liberation of the mind from its finite consciousness, when it becomes one and is identified with the Infinite. This liberation was not only freedom of the soul from bodily impediments, but also from the wheel of reincarnation or rebirth. It involved a process of disciplines or purification both for the body and the soul. Since the Mystery System offered the salvation of the soul it also placed great emphasis upon its immortality.
The Egyptian Mystery System, like the modern University, was the center of organized culture, and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. According to Pietschmann, the Egyptian Mysteries had three grades of students (1) The Mortals i.e., probationary students who were being instructed, but who had not yet experienced the inner vision. (2) The Intelligences, i.e., those who had attained the inner vision, and had received mind or nous and (3) The Creators or Sons of Light, who had become identified with or united with the Light (i.e., true spiritual consciousness). W. Marsham Adams, in the "Book of the Master", has described those grades as the equivalents of Initiation, Illumination and Perfection. For years they underwent disciplinary intellectual exercises, and bodily asceticism with intervals of tests and ordeals to determine their fitness to proceed to the more serious, solemn and awful process of actual Initiation.
Their education consisted not only in the cultivation of the ten virtues, which were made a condition to eternal happiness, but also of the seven Liberal Arts which were intended to liberate the soul. There was also admission to the Greater Mysteries, where an esoteric philosophy was taught to those who had demonstrated their proficiency. (Ancient Mysteries C. H. Vail P. 24–25). Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic were disciplines of moral nature by means of which the irrational tendencies of a human being were purged away, and he was trained to become a living witness of the Divine Logos. Geometry and Arithmetic were sciences of transcendental space and numeration, the comprehension of which provided the key not only to the problems of one's being; but also to those physical ones, which are so baffling today, owing to our use of the inductive methods. Astronomy dealt with the knowledge and distribution of latent forces in man, and the destiny of individuals, laces and nations.
Music (or Harmony) meant the living practice of philosophy i.e., the adjustment of human life into harmony with God, until the personal soul became identified with God, when it would hear and participate in the music of the spheres. It was therapeutic, and was used by the Egyptian Priests in the cure of diseases. Such was the Egyptian theory of salvation, through which the individual was trained to become godlike while on earth, and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, as we find in the Christian theory. Reference will again be made to these subjects, as part of the Curriculum of the Egyptian Mystery System. Now that we have outlined the Egyptian theory of salvation and its purpose, let us examine Greek philosophy and its purpose in order to discover whether there is an agreement between the two systems, or not.
2. Circumstances of identity between the Egyptian and Greek Systems.
A. The Indictment and Prosecution of Greek Philosophers.
The indictment and prosecution of Greek philosophers is a circumstance which is familiar to us all. Several philosophers, one after another, were indicted by the Athenian Government, on the common charge of introducing strange divinities. Anaxagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle received similar indictments for a similar offence. The most famous of these was that against Socrates which reads as follows. "Socrates commits a crime by not believing in the Gods of the city, and by introducing other new divinities. He also commits a crime by corrupting the youth". Now, in order to find out what these new divinities were, we must go back to the popular opinion which Aristophanes (423 B.C.) in the Clouds, aroused against him. It runs as follows: "Socrates is an evildoer, who busies himself with investigating things beneath the earth and in the sky, and who makes the worse appear the better reason, and who teaches others these same things (Plato's Apology C. 1–10; Aristophanes' Frogs, 1071; Apology 18 B.C., 19 C. Apology 24 B).
It is clear then that Socrates offended the Athenian government simply because he pursued the study of astronomy and probably that of geology; and that the other philosophers were persecuted for the same reason. But the study of science was a required condition to membership in the Egyptian Mystery System, and its purpose was the liberation of the Soul from the ten bodily fetters, and if the Greek philosophers studied the sciences, then they were fulfilling a required condition to membership in the Egyptian Mystery System and its purpose; either through direct contact with Egypt or its schools or lodges outside its territory.
B. A Life of Virtue was a Condition Required by the Egyptian Mysteries as Elsewhere Mentioned.
The virtues were not mere abstractions or ethical sentiments, but were positive valours and virility of the soul. Temperance meant complete control of the passional nature. Fortitude meant such courage as would not allow adversity to turn us away from our goal. Prudence meant the deep insight that befits the faculty of Seership. Justice meant the unswerving righteousness of thought and action.
Furthermore, when we compare the two ethical systems, we discover that the greater includes the less, and that it also suggests the origin of the latter. In the Egyptian Mysteries the Neophyte was required to manifest the following soul attributes:--
(1) Control of thought and (2) Control of action, the combination of which, Plato called Justice (i.e., the unswerving righteousness of thought and action). (3) Steadfastness of purpose, which was equivalent to Fortitude. (4) Identity with spiritual life or the higher ideals, which was equivalent to Temperance an attribute attained when the individual had gained conquest over the passional nature. (5) Evidence of having a mission in life and (6) Evidence of a call to spiritual Orders or the Priesthood in the Mysteries: the combination of which was equivalent to Prudence or a deep insight and graveness that befitted the faculty of Seership.
Other requirements in the ethical system of the Egyptian Mysteries were:--
(7) Freedom from resentment, when under the experience of persecution and wrong. This was known as courage. (8) Confidence in the power of the master (as Teacher), and (9) Confidence in one's own ability to learn; both attributes being known as Fidelity. (10) Readiness or preparedness for initiation. There has always been this principle of the Ancient [paragraph continues] Mysteries of Egypt: "When the pupil is ready, then the master will appear". This was equivalent to a condition of efficiency at all times for less than this pointed to a weakness. It is now quite clear that Plato drew the four Cardinal virtues from the Egyptian ten; also that Greek philosophy is the offspring of the Egyptian Mystery System.
C. (i) There was a Grand Lodge in Egypt which had associated Schools and Lodges in the ancient world.
There were mystery schools, or what we would commonly call lodges in Greece and other lands, outside of Egypt, whose work was carried on according to the Osiriaca, the Grand Lodge of Egypt. Such schools have frequently been referred to as private or philosophic mysteries, and their founders were Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries; the Ionian temple at Didymus; the lodge of Euclid at Megara; the lodge of Pythagoras at Crotona; and the Orphic temple at Delphi, with the schools of Plato and Aristotle.
Consequently we make a mistake when we suppose that the so-called Greek philosophers formulated new doctrines of their own; for their philosophy had been handed down by the great Egyptian Hierophants through the Mysteries. (Ancient Mysteries C. H. Vail P. 59). In addition to the control of the mysteries, the Grand Lodge permitted an exchange of visits between the various lodges, in order to ensure the progress of the brethren in the secret science.
We are told in the Timaeus of Plato, that aspirants for mystical wisdom visited Egypt for initiation and were told by the priests of Sais, "that you Greeks are but children" in the Secret Doctrine, but were admitted to information enabling them to promote their spiritual advancement. Likewise, we are told by Iamblichus of a correspondence between Anebo and Porphyry, dealing with the fraternal relations, existing between the various schools or lodges of instructions in different lands, how their members visited, greeted and assisted one another in the secret science, the more advanced being obliged to afford assistance and instruction to their brethren in the inferior Orders. (Iamblichus: correspondence between Anebo and Porphyry) (Plato's Timaeus) (W. L. Wilmshurst on meaning of Masonry).
Having stated that the Grand Lodge of ancient mysteries was situated in Egypt, with jurisdiction over all lodges and schools of the ancient world, it now remains to show that such a Grand Lodge, did actually and physically exist. In doing so, two things are necessary: first, a description of the Egyptian temple, of which our modern mystery lodges (called by different names) are copies, and second, a description of the actual remains of the Grand and Sublime Lodge of Ancient Egypt.
C. (ii) A description of the Egyptian temple.
Here I quote two authorities on the Egyptian temple, the first, C. H. Vail, on Ancient Mysteries P. 159 who says "that the Egyptian temples were surrounded with pillars recording the number of the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac or the cycles of the planets. And each temple was supposed to be a microcosm or a symbol of the temple of the Universe or of the starry vault called temple". The next authority is Max Muller, who in his Egyptian Mythology P. 187–193, has described Egyptian temples as follows:--
"Egyptian temples were made of stone, the outer courts of mud bricks. Wide roads led to the temples for the convenience of processions, while the immediate entrance was lined with statues, consisting of sphinxes and other animals. The front wall formed two high tower like buildings, called pylons, before which stood two granite obelisks. Immediately behind the pylons came a large court where the congregation assembled and watched the sacrifices. Immediately next to the hall of the congregation, came the hall of priests, and immediately following the hall of the priests came the final chamber, called the Adytum, i.e., the Holy of Holies, which was entered only by the high Priest. This was the place of the shrine and the abode of the God. Each temple was a reproduction of the world. The ceilings were painted to represent the sky and the stars, while the floor was green and blue like the meadows. Ceremonial cleanliness was at all times imperative, and the people before entering the temple must carefully purify themselves in a nearby stream. In later times, this became a ceremony of sprinkling with holy water before entrance into the temple".
It is clear from the foregoing description that not only the modern masonic lodges, are copies of the Egyptian temple, but also the ancient ones, for there is complete identity in their internal decoration. But the minor or lower lodges including those outside of Egypt, must have had a governing body, and so now, I proceed to quote C. H. Vail, who in his Ancient Mysteries, pages 182 and 183, describes fully the location and remains of the famous Grand Lodge of Luxor, as follows:--
C. (iii) The location of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Antiquity.
"At a short distance from Danderah, now called Upper Egypt, is the most extraordinary group of architectural ruins presented in any part of the world, known as the Temples of the ancient city of Thebes. Thebes in its prime occupied a large area on both sides of the Nile. This city was the center of a great commercial nation of Upper Egypt ages before Memphis was the capital of the second nation in Lower Egypt; and however grand the architectural monuments of the latter may have been those of the former surpassed them. The portrayal by pencil or brush can convey but a faint idea of the perfected city. As the city stands today, it is like a city of giants, who after a long conflict have been destroyed, leaving the ruins of their various temples, as the only proof of their existence
"The Temple of Luxor (it was in this temple that the Grand Lodge of Initiates always met), stands on a raised platform of brickwork covering more than two thousand feet in length and one thousand feet in breadth (note the oblong shape, which became the pattern for all lodges and churches in the
ancient world). It is the one that interests the members of all Ancient Orders, especially so, all the members of those Orders that worshipped at the Shrine of the Secret Fire, more than perhaps any other, and stands on the eastern bank of the Nile. It is in a very ruined state; but records say the stupendous scale of its proportions almost takes away the sense of its incompleteness.
Up to about a quarter of a century ago, the greater part of its columns in the interior and outer walls had been removed, after falling, for use elsewhere. This temple was founded by the Pharaoh Amenothis III, who constructed the southern part, including the heavy colonnade overlooking the river; but destruction unfortunately conceals this fact.
The chief entrance to the Temple looked to the east; while the Holy Chambers at the upper end of the plain approached the Nile. As mighty as the Temple of Luxor was, it was exceeded in magnitude and grandeur by that of Karnak. The distance between these two great structures was a mile and a half. Along this avenue was a double row of Sphinxes, placed twelve feet apart, and the width of the avenue was sixty feet. When in perfect state this avenue presented the most extraordinary entrance that the world has ever seen.
If we had the power to picture from the field of imagination the grand processions of Neophytes constantly passing through and taking part in the ceremonies of Initiation, we would be powerless to produce the grandeur of the surroundings, and the imposing sight of colour and magnificent trappings of those who took part. Neither can we produce the music that kept the vast number of people in steady marching order. Crude it might have been to the cultivated ear of the 20th century. But could not the palpitating strain sung by massed voices on the lapse of time, whose history launches the profoundest aspirations of the human heart, like the trend of a mighty river, because the grand currents of Universal Law, imparting the desire to that Shadowy Past, as it steps forth from the pages of history, dim with age? Egypt must have been, when these Temples were built, a martial nation for
p. 35
records of her warlike deeds are perpetuated in deeply engraved tablets which even now, excite the admiration of the best Judges of archaeological remains. She was also a highly civilized nation, and of a nature that could bear the expenditure which always attends the culture of the Arts. She surpassed in her astonishing architecture, all other nations that have existed upon the earth."
I am fully convinced by these references and quotations that an Egyptian Grand Lodge of Ancient Mysteries actually existed some five thousand years ago or more, on the banks of the Nile in the city of Thebes, and that it was the only Grand Lodge of the Ancient World whose ruins have been found in Egypt, and that it was the governing body which necessarily controlled the Ancient Mysteries together with the philosophical Schools and minor Lodges wherever they happened to have been organized.
C. (iv) The rebuilding of the temple of Delphi.
The temple of Delphi was burnt down in 548 B.C. and it was King Amasis of Egypt, who rebuilt it for the brethren, by donating three times as much as was needed, in the sum of one thousand talents, and 50,000 lbs. of alum. According to information at hand, the temple had organized its members into an amphictyonic league for protection against political and other forms of violence; but they were too poor to raise sufficient funds from the membership, and they decided upon a public contribution from the citizens of Greece.
Accordingly they wandered throughout the land soliciting aid, but failed in their efforts. Having decided to visit the brethren in Egypt, they approached King Amasis, who as Grand Master, unhesitatingly offered to rebuild the Temple, and donated more than three times as much as was needed for the purpose.
N.B. Here it would be well to note that
(1) The Greeks regarded the Temple of Delphi as a foreign institution, hence
(2) They were unsympathetic towards it and for the same reason destroyed it by fire.
(3) Clearly, the Temple of Delphi was a branch of the Egyptian Mystery System, projected in Greece. Sandford's Mediterranean World p. 135; 139.
John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt Bk. II. P. 363.
3. The abolition of Greek Philosophy together with the Egyptian Mysteries.
From the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the Greeks, who were always attracted by the mysterious worship of the Nile-land, began to imitate the Egyptian religion in its entirety; and during the Roman occupation, the Egyptian religion spread not only to Italy: but throughout the Roman Empire, including Brittany.
This assimilation of the Egyptian religion was confined to the Gods of the Osirian cycle and the Graeco-Egyptian Serapis, and aimed at a close imitation of the ancient traditions of the Nile-land. Owing to the splendour of architecture, the hieroglyphs of the temples, the obelisks and sphinxes before the shrines, the linen vestments and the shaven heads and faces of the priests, the endless and obscure ritual, filled the Greeks with awe, and wonderful mysteries were consequently believed to have underlain these incomprehensibles, and the Egyptian religion stood in the way of the rising Christianity.
The success of the Egyptian religion was due no doubt, on the one hand to its conservatism; while on the other to the shadowy philosophical abstractions which constituted Graeco-Roman religion, so that the staunch faith of the Egyptians, together with their mysterious forms of worship, led to the universal conviction among the Ancients, that Egypt was not only the Holy Land but the Holiest of lands or countries, and that indeed, the Gods dwelt there.
The Nile became a center for pilgrimages in the ancient world, and the pilgrims who went there and experienced the marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings which it afforded them, returned home with the conviction that the Nile was the home of the most profound religious knowledge.
The Greeks failed to imitate Egyptian conservatism and not only in Egyptian cities, with large Greek population, but in Europe, Egyptian divinities were corrupted with Greek and Asiatic names and mythologies and reduced to vague pantheistic personalities, so that Isis and Osiris had retained very little of their Egyptian origin. (Max Muller p. 241–43; Egyptian Mythology). Consequently, as they failed to advance Egyptian Philosophy, so they also failed to advance Egyptian religion.
During the first four centuries of the Christian era, the religion of Egypt continued unabated and uninterrupted, but after the Edict of Theodosius at the end of the fourth century A.D., ordering the close of Egyptian temples, Christianity began to spread more rapidly and both the religion of Egypt and that of Greece began to die. In the island of Philae, in the first cataract of the Nile, however, the Egyptian religion was continued by its inhabitants, the Blemmyans and Nobadians, who refused to accept Christianity and the Roman government fearing a rebellion, paid tribute to them as an appeasement.
During the sixth century A.D., however, Justinian issued a second edict which suppressed this remnant of Egyptian worshippers and propagated Christianity among the Nubians. With the death of the last priest, who could read and interpret "the writings of the words of the Gods" (the hieroglyphics) the Egyptian faith sank into oblivion. It was only in popular magic that some practices lingered on as traces of a faith that became a universal religion, or the survival of a statue of Isis and Horus, which were regarded as the Madonna and Child.
A sentiment of admiration and awe for this strangest of all religions still survived, but the information from classical writers concerning this faith has been incomplete. Napoleon's invasion of Egypt brought a revival of interest from the West to decipher her inscriptions and papyri with a view to an understanding and appreciation of this most ancient of civilizations.
[paragraph continues] (Mythology of Egypt by Max Muller C. XIII p. 241–245; The Mediterranean World by Sandford, p. 508, 548, 552–558, 568).
We learn the following facts from the above quotations:—(i) The Egyptian Mysteries had become the Ancient World Religion, spreading throughout the Roman Empire and including Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, and various parts of Europe including Brittany. This continued under different names, long after Justinian's Edict of toleration granted to the Christians. (ii) Egypt was the Holy Land of the ancient world, that pilgrimages were made to that land because of the marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings which it afforded the ancient peoples, and because of the universal conviction among the Ancients that Egypt was the land of the Gods. (iii) The Edicts of Theodosius in the fourth century A. D,. and that of Justinian in the sixth century A.D. abolished alike not only the Mystery system of Egypt, but also its philosophical schools, located in Greece and elsewhere, outside Egypt.
(iv) The abolition of the Egyptian Mysteries was to create an opportunity for the adoption of Christianity. This was the problem: the Roman government felt that Egypt was now conquered in arms and reduced to her knees, but in order to make the conquest complete, it would be necessary to abolish the Mysteries which still controlled the religious mind of the ancient world. There must be a New World Religion to take the place of the Egyptian religion. This New Religion, which should take the place of the Mysteries, must be equally powerful and universal, and consequently everything possible must be done in order to promote its interests. This explains the rapid growth of Christianity following Justinian's Edict of toleration.
(v) Since the Edicts of Theodosius and Justinian abolished both the Mysteries of Egypt and the schools of Greek philosophy alike, it shows that the nature of the Egyptian Mysteries and Greek philosophy was identical and that Greek philosophy grew out of the Egyptian Mysteries.
4. How the African Continent gave its Culture to the Western World.
As mentioned elsewhere, the Egyptian Mysteries and the philosophical schools of Greece were closed by the edicts of Theodosius in the 4th century A.D. and that of Justinian in the 6th century A.D. (i.e., 529); and as a consequence, intellectual darkness spread over Christian Europe and the Graeco-Roman world for ten centuries; during which time, knowledge had disappeared. As stated elsewhere, the Greeks showed no creative powers, and were unable to improve upon the knowledge which they had received from the Egyptians (Hist. of Science by Sedgwick and Tyler p. 141; 153; Zeller's Hist. of Phil. Introduction p. 31).
During the Persian, Greek and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived, and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system. In the 8th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them, the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e., the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt, which the Greeks used to call Sophia.
As such, the people of North Africa were the neighbours of the Egyptians, and became the custodians of Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors displayed with considerable credit, the grandeur of African culture and civilization. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the Mediaeval world; Science and learning were cultivated and taught; the schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity, that they, like their parent Egypt, attracted students from all parts of the Western world; and from them arose the most famous African professors that the
world has ever known, in medicine, surgery, astronomy and mathematics. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture, to whom the world looked for enlightenment. Consequently, through the medium of the ancient Arabic language, philosophy and the various branches of science were disseminated: (a) all the so-called works of Aristotle in Metaphysics, moral philosophy and natural science (b) translations by Leonardo Pisano in Arabic mathematical science (c) translation by Gideo a Monk of Arezzo in musical notation. (Sedgwick and Tyler's Hist. of Science C. IX.)
In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova, but also at Cairo in Egypt. (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. 216–219). Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses, who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat, down to Christ.
It should also be of interest to know that European scientists like Roger Bacon, Johann Kepler, Copernicus and others obtained their science through Arab or Berber sources. It is also noteworthy that throughout the Middle Ages, European knowledge of medicine came from these same sources.
(History of The Arabs, by Hitti pages 370, 629, 665 and 572).
(Philo; Esoteric Christianity by Annie Besant p. 107; 128–129; Ancient Mysteries by C. H. Vail p. 59; 61; 74–75; 109). “The Grand Lodge of Luxor (Ipet Resyt or 'the southern sanctuary') was built during the reign of Amenhotep III, during the XVIII Dynasty, 1405-1370 B.C. It had the largest library of the ancient world and at its zenith educated 80,000 students. Its African faculty were experts and masters of a secretive and complex philosophical system known as the Mysteries. The Egyptian Mystery System (Hah Kha) was divided into five major components: astronomy and astrology, geography and geology, philosophy, theology, and law and communication. Students who sought to enter the Mystery System had to demonstrate success at three stages. The third and most difficult stage required students to become part of the spiritual consciousness. In other words, this stage stipulated that students study Esoteric Philosophy. The priests of the Grand Lodge were the only ones who taught Esoteric Philosophy. The Mystery System is one of the most complex philosophical systems ever created. Admission into this system was gained by initiation and a pledge to secrecy.” - Kwame Nantambu “EGYPT AND AFROCENTRIC GEO-POLITICS” Page 8.
Europeans were by no means the pioneer of human civilization. Half of man’s recorded history had passed before anyone in Europe could read or write. The priests of Egypt began to keep written records between 4000 and 3000 B.C., but more than two thousand years later, the poems of Homer were still being circulated in the Greek city-states by word of mouth. Shortly after 3000 B.C., while the pharaohs were building the first pyramids, Europeans were creating nothing more distinguished than huge garbage heaps.
Furthermore, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) himself, writing in "METAPHYSICS", not only refutes Dr. Lefkowitz’s a historical and false assertions but also confesses in Greek Hellenic language that: “Thus the mathematical sciences first (proton) originated in Egypt.” Egypt is “the cradle of mathematics-that is, the country of origin for Greek mathematics”. So, according to Aristotle, “the mathematical arts had never before been formed, constituted or elaborated anywhere else originating in Egypt only” (Obenga, p. 47-48). Aristotle acknowledges the originality of the ancient Egyptians in his own words.
In addition, in "PROLOGUE TO PRODLUS'S COMMENTARIES ON EUCLID'S ELEMENTS", a disciple of Aristotle named Eudemus, who lived in the forth century B.C., confirms: “we shall say, following the general tradition, that the Egyptians were the first to have invented Geometry, (that) Thales, the first Greek to have been in Egypt, brought this theory thereof to Greece” (Obenga, p. 48).
The fact of the matter is that the famous, well known Greeks (Europeans) whom we study and revere in school curricula today all studied at the feet of the ancient Egyptians–Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) in the Nile Valley, Kemet. For example, Plato studied at the Temple of Waset for 11 years; Aristotle was there for 11-13 years; Socrates 15 years Euclid stayed for 10-11 years; Pythagoras for 22 years; Hippocrates studies for 20 years; and the other Greeks who matriculated at Waset included Diodorus, Solon, Thales, Archimedes, and Euripides. Indeed, the Greek, St. Clement of Alexandria, once said that if you were to write a book of 1,000 pages, you would not be able to put down the names of all the Greeks who went to Kemet to be educated and even those who did not surreptitiously claim they went because it was prestigious. “ Herodotus said it, Plato confirmed it and Aristotle never denied it”.
The fact of the matter is that it took 40 years to graduate/matriculate from Waset; this then means that none of the Greeks graduated.
Dr. Obenga points out this significant Kemet-Greece linkage:
I Thales (624-547 B.C.) was the first (protos) Greek student to receive his training from Egyptian priests in the Nile Valley.
II Plato (428-347 B.C.) records that Thales was educated in Egypt under the priests.
III Proclus (Neoplationist, 420-485 A.D.) Reports that Thales introduced science, philosophy and mathematics/geometry to Greece.
IV Greek intellectual life started with the Egyptian-trained student, Thales. He was the founder of the first Greek school of philosophy and science.
V Thales strongly recommended that Pythagoras travel to Egypt to receive his basic education and to converse as often as possible with the priests of Memphis and Thebes.
VI In the fall of 332 B.C. when Alexander invaded Egypt, Aristotle accompanied him
VII Aristotle ranked the country of the Pharaohs (Egypt) the most ancient archaeological reserve in the world. He wrote “That is how the Egyptians whom we considered as the most ancient of the human race”. (Obenga, pp. 28-45).
The Temple of Waset, the world’s first university, and known as “the scepter” was built during the reign of Amenhotep III in the XVIII Dynasty, ca 1391 B.C. At its zenith, it educated 80,000 students. Many people today believe that the words “man know thyself” (in Greek, qnothi seauton) were originally written and spoken by the Greek philosopher, Socrates. The ancient Egyptians wrote these words on the outside of their Temples in the Nile Valley and addressed these words to the neophytes - one of whom was the student Socrates himself. In a companion scenario, the originality of the words “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die,” has been assigned to the Greek philosopher Socrates, whereas history proves that the inventor who coined these words is Imhotep, the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity and “the world’s first recorded multi-genius.” He built the world’s first stone building–the Step pyramid at Saqqara circa 2630 B.C.
Moreover, contrary to public information, the first Olympics that was held in Olympia, Greece, in776 B.C., was not held to reward sportsmanship, physical brawn or brinkmanship but instead as a public ceremonial worship by the Greeks of the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity Amon, the “ruler of the Gods.” In fact, history proves quite convincingly that the Gods and Goddesses of Europeans were of Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) origin but given European names. For example, the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) God, Amun (Amen, Amon) was renamed Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the Romans; the Afrakan God, Heru (the son of God and associated with light and sun) was called Apollo by both the Greeks and the Romans; the Afrakan God Imhotep (the God of Healing and medicine) was renamed Asclepius by the Greeks and Aesculapius by the Romans; the Afrakan God Djhuti/Thoth (God of Science, Writing and Knowledge) was called Hermes by the Greeks and Mercury by the Romans; the Afrakan God, Pluto, was called Pluto by both the Greeks and Romans; the Afrakan God, Ausar, (the God of resurrection) was renamed Osiris by the Greeks; whereas the Afrakan Goddess Hathor (the Goddess of love and beauty) was called Aphrodite by the Greeks and Venus by the Romans; and the Afrakan Goddess Ist (Aset), (Goddess of maternity), was renamed Isis and was worshiped as the “Black Madonna.” This Afrakan Goddess has had such an impact on Europe that if we were to decipher Paris, the capital city of France, we get Per Isis: Per means Temple, while Isis means “House of Isis”; so the capital of a major European country is named in honor and eternal worship of an Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) Deity/Goddess. (See Figure I.)
One of the greatest contributions of the Nile Valley civilization in Egypt to the world was its educational system. The ultimate aim of education in ancient Kemet was for a person to become “one with God,” to “become like God” or “to become godlike through the revision of one’s own ‘Neter’ of how god is revealed in the person.” “Education in ancient Egypt was religious/spiritual at its base.” At age seven, the brightest boys in Egypt were selected for training in the priesthood. This was the highest honor that could be possibly bestowed on a family-the selection of a son for admission into a caste of brilliant thinkers, the “guardians of the state” whom Plato so greatly admired and wrote about. When the boys (Neophytes) entered the Temple/schools (or Grand Lodge) they had to study for 40 years - subjects as Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic, Geometry, Astronomy, Music, Architecture, Masonry, Carpentry, Engineering, Sculpture, Metallurgy, Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Art and Magic.
The Neophyte was vigorously trained in how to:
1. Control his thoughts
2. Control his actions
3. Have devotion of purpose
4. Have faith in the ability of his master to teach him the truth
5. Have faith in himself to assimilate the truth
6. Have faith in himself to wield the truth
7. Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution
8. Be free from resentment under experience of wrong
9. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal (i.e., he must have a sense of values)
10. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong
Plato, who greatly admired the Egyptian education system and actually recommended that it be introduced into Greece, copied/imitated/derived his three “cardinal virtues” from these ten goals the neophyte had to attain in the Nile Valley. “Control of thoughts and action,” Plato called the “virtue of wisdom;” “freedom of resentment under persecution” Plato called the “virtue of fortitude;” “the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and between the real and unreal,” Plato called the “virtues of justice and temperance.”
In the area of medicine, the literature says that Hippocrates (born 460 B.C.) is the “father of medicine,” but again history proves that the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity, Imhotep, (born 2700 B.C.) was worshiped by the Greeks as the “God of Medicine” 2,000 years before the birth of Hippocrates. Nevertheless, Hippocrates is portrayed as supreme in the area of medicine as reflected in the “Hippocratic Oath” that graduates from medical schools must recite.
The “Oath” reads as follows:
"I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygeia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I fulfill according to my ability and judgement this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art-if they desire to learn it-without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning of my sons and to the sons of him who instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to medical law, but to no one else."
Now, as was mentioned earlier, Apollo is the Greek and Roman derivative of the Afurakanu (AfRaKa-n) deity, Heru and Asclepius is the Greek derivative of the Afurakanu deity, Imhotep. However, in this European medical “Oath,” no mention is made of the truism that the revered Greek and Roman deities, Apollo and Asclepius, are duplicates of the original Afurakanu deities, Heru and Imhotep. Furthermore, the “Oath” also callously omits evidence of “the Kemetic roots and the personalities associated” with this ahistorical, Eurocentric medical Oath. Instead of reciting the “Hippocratic Oath,” medical school graduates should now recite the real, historical “Imhotep Oath.”
Ta Meri (Egypt) is indeed the light of the world. In the words of Cheikh Anta Diop: “Universal knowledge runs from the Nile Valley toward the rest of the world, in particular, Greece, which served as an intermediary. As a result, no thought, no ideology is foreign to Africa which was the land of their birth.” And no amount of Eurocentric research can ever efface this Egyptian, historical, contributive reality. #BlackWingSubversion
ALKEBULAN SOCIETY states "Have you not studied and learned that the Grand Lodge of Luxor (Wa Set) was the work of several Grand Masters , from Tut Mose to Amenhotep III, from Set I to Ra Mose III. Dr. George G.M. James wrote in " Stolen Legacy " which is about how western civilizations rise was due to the light brought to Europe from the Nile Valley by Greek scholars such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Pythagoras. They all studied at the feet of the Masters of the Craft in Kemet.
Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was founded in 1400 BCE. For centuries Thebes was the capital of the known world. Known in the Egyptian language as Ipet Resyt, or "the southern sanctuary." In Luxor there are six great temples, the four on the left bank are known to travelers and readers of travels as Goornah, Deir-el-Bahri, the Ramesseum, and Medinet Habu; and the two temples on the right bank are known as the Karnak and Luxor. To the rear of the temple are chapels built by Tutmose III.
Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan, or "Dr. Ben", as he is affectionately known, has showed us exactly how the "Mysteries of Egypt" were developed from the ancient religious rites of the indigenous Africans who once occupied the lands around the major great lakes of Central Africa and along the head-waters of the Nile River." And how the Mysteries of Egypt through the Egyptian Book of the Coming Forth by Day (Book of the Dead) gave rise to the so-called European lodges.
Dr. Ben, a 360 degree mason, the lodge he belongs to is GRAND ORDER OF FREEMASONS - A.T. & A.M. ETHIOPIA EAST AFRICA LODGE, THIS IS NOT A PRINCE HALL LODGE, THIS IS A AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL AFRICAN LODGE. Do you Negroes know what is the meaning of being a 360 degree mason? What do these fraternal orders of Masonry have to do with African people? How did these orders get into Europe, and why were Black men in early America not allowed into membership until the coming of Right Worshipful Master Prince Hall, a colonial Black man? Who are the Knights Templar? What was their relationship to the African Arabs/Moors also called Saracens? What did the Knights Templar find in Israel? Why were they at Jerusalem Temple built by African Hebrews?
Through intense research any man can trace the Proto-Masonic order to ancient Africa. The Afro-Asiatic knowledge found at The Grand Lodges of Africa. Prince Hall, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali and even Elijah Muhammad each addressed these truths. Did not you know the Knowledge of the Craft Originated in Africa? White Masons segregate from black Masons not only because of racism there is a real esoteric purpose for the separation of the African race in the Order. Europeans are "SPECULATIVE MASONS", Africans are "OPERATIVE MASONS."
The many gestures made by the hands of modern masons are each based on the stone reliefs of Kemit and the many African cultures which contributed to the Grand Lodge of Luxor. The masonic grasping of the thumb with the other, is characteristic of the Ogboni Society, a secret society responsible for justice and for the Egbe of the earth in Yorubaland. Even the copper coins of Delphos, Father Of The Great Delphic Oracle each have a image of a head with Africoid features. The All Seeing Eye Coin Of Delphos is a Coin which depicts someone with, Sable Skin, Woolly Hair, Thick Lips and Broad Nose, this is all more than irony.
The Temple of Karnak, the most magnificent of the Chapters of the Grand Lodge of Luxor's Secret Society, where the Mysteries were taught, was built at a distance of 1/2 mile from the Grand Lodge of Luxor. Separated each 12 feet on both sides of an isle, stood a double row of sphinxes. The width of the isle was 60 feet. When in its perfection this entrance presented one of the most magnificent walkways imaginable.
The Luxor was destroyed by fire, burnt to the ground, in the year 548 B. C. E. It was set aflame by foreigners, who were jealous of the indigenous Africans "Negroes," et all knowledge of the "Mysteries" taught in the Osirica, Which included all of the above mentioned disciplines. John Kendrick's, "ANCIENT EGYPT Book II", p. 363; Eva B. Sanford’s, "THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD", pp. 135 - 139; Yosef ben-Jochannan's, "AFRICA: MOTHER OF WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS", Chapter IX.
The African diaspora needs to awake to the fact that the ancient African societies of Kemit, Kush and Nubia are at the head of the class where they belong. This is not just hot air being blown. The world has to accept the fact that the Greeks and Romans were only average students in the schools of Africa. They were repeating (or just claiming) things they were taught once they were allowed into the greatest schools the world has ever known.
Malcolm X talked about the mockery of the Shriners and the analogy to the plight of African Americans in his book "The End of White Supremacy". People who are just starting to discover the ancient teachings of Mother Alkebulon need to be given more information. This subject of connecting Africa to the Masonic order has not been handled correctly in the past, however do not let that prevent you from learning you ancient customs rituals and roots.
Most African lodge members quickly rise to the 90th degree and are also initiated into both the York and Scottish Rites of Modern Freemasonry and into the Shriners, this is how the European lodges are able to claim a African lineage. All under Prince Hall affiliations are also subject to the Grand Lodge of Luxor.
The Grand Lodge of KAM/KEMIT/EGYPT IS LUXOR I understand that promoting the true teachings of the ancients before they were corrupted by Europeans is not popular and is frowned upon by many Masons. But am sure the European masonic organizations can not claim to have the pure teachings or properly use the term Freemason. Referring to one's self as "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" (the definition of Freemason) is a term which refers to ONE'S BLACKNESS and therefore is misleading when used by Europeans.
There are a lot of very interesting explanations given in these books. I believe, unfortunately, that the anti-masonic rhetoric of many will keep most African people from reading these books, particularly those that don't want to hear what does not fit into the script they are following or selling as truth. Reading part of these books will open your eyes and help you complete the journey and open your eyes to Africa's past glory and present legacy.
Greek Philosophy Was the Offspring of The Egyptian Mystery System.
1. The Egyptian Theory of Salvation Became the Purpose of Greek Philosophy.
The earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25).
Plotinus defines this experience as the liberation of the mind from its finite consciousness, when it becomes one and is identified with the Infinite. This liberation was not only freedom of the soul from bodily impediments, but also from the wheel of reincarnation or rebirth. It involved a process of disciplines or purification both for the body and the soul. Since the Mystery System offered the salvation of the soul it also placed great emphasis upon its immortality.
The Egyptian Mystery System, like the modern University, was the center of organized culture, and candidates entered it as the leading source of ancient culture. According to Pietschmann, the Egyptian Mysteries had three grades of students (1) The Mortals i.e., probationary students who were being instructed, but who had not yet experienced the inner vision. (2) The Intelligences, i.e., those who had attained the inner vision, and had received mind or nous and (3) The Creators or Sons of Light, who had become identified with or united with the Light (i.e., true spiritual consciousness). W. Marsham Adams, in the "Book of the Master", has described those grades as the equivalents of Initiation, Illumination and Perfection. For years they underwent disciplinary intellectual exercises, and bodily asceticism with intervals of tests and ordeals to determine their fitness to proceed to the more serious, solemn and awful process of actual Initiation.
Their education consisted not only in the cultivation of the ten virtues, which were made a condition to eternal happiness, but also of the seven Liberal Arts which were intended to liberate the soul. There was also admission to the Greater Mysteries, where an esoteric philosophy was taught to those who had demonstrated their proficiency. (Ancient Mysteries C. H. Vail P. 24–25). Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic were disciplines of moral nature by means of which the irrational tendencies of a human being were purged away, and he was trained to become a living witness of the Divine Logos. Geometry and Arithmetic were sciences of transcendental space and numeration, the comprehension of which provided the key not only to the problems of one's being; but also to those physical ones, which are so baffling today, owing to our use of the inductive methods. Astronomy dealt with the knowledge and distribution of latent forces in man, and the destiny of individuals, laces and nations.
Music (or Harmony) meant the living practice of philosophy i.e., the adjustment of human life into harmony with God, until the personal soul became identified with God, when it would hear and participate in the music of the spheres. It was therapeutic, and was used by the Egyptian Priests in the cure of diseases. Such was the Egyptian theory of salvation, through which the individual was trained to become godlike while on earth, and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, as we find in the Christian theory. Reference will again be made to these subjects, as part of the Curriculum of the Egyptian Mystery System. Now that we have outlined the Egyptian theory of salvation and its purpose, let us examine Greek philosophy and its purpose in order to discover whether there is an agreement between the two systems, or not.
2. Circumstances of identity between the Egyptian and Greek Systems.
A. The Indictment and Prosecution of Greek Philosophers.
The indictment and prosecution of Greek philosophers is a circumstance which is familiar to us all. Several philosophers, one after another, were indicted by the Athenian Government, on the common charge of introducing strange divinities. Anaxagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle received similar indictments for a similar offence. The most famous of these was that against Socrates which reads as follows. "Socrates commits a crime by not believing in the Gods of the city, and by introducing other new divinities. He also commits a crime by corrupting the youth". Now, in order to find out what these new divinities were, we must go back to the popular opinion which Aristophanes (423 B.C.) in the Clouds, aroused against him. It runs as follows: "Socrates is an evildoer, who busies himself with investigating things beneath the earth and in the sky, and who makes the worse appear the better reason, and who teaches others these same things (Plato's Apology C. 1–10; Aristophanes' Frogs, 1071; Apology 18 B.C., 19 C. Apology 24 B).
It is clear then that Socrates offended the Athenian government simply because he pursued the study of astronomy and probably that of geology; and that the other philosophers were persecuted for the same reason. But the study of science was a required condition to membership in the Egyptian Mystery System, and its purpose was the liberation of the Soul from the ten bodily fetters, and if the Greek philosophers studied the sciences, then they were fulfilling a required condition to membership in the Egyptian Mystery System and its purpose; either through direct contact with Egypt or its schools or lodges outside its territory.
B. A Life of Virtue was a Condition Required by the Egyptian Mysteries as Elsewhere Mentioned.
The virtues were not mere abstractions or ethical sentiments, but were positive valours and virility of the soul. Temperance meant complete control of the passional nature. Fortitude meant such courage as would not allow adversity to turn us away from our goal. Prudence meant the deep insight that befits the faculty of Seership. Justice meant the unswerving righteousness of thought and action.
Furthermore, when we compare the two ethical systems, we discover that the greater includes the less, and that it also suggests the origin of the latter. In the Egyptian Mysteries the Neophyte was required to manifest the following soul attributes:--
(1) Control of thought and (2) Control of action, the combination of which, Plato called Justice (i.e., the unswerving righteousness of thought and action). (3) Steadfastness of purpose, which was equivalent to Fortitude. (4) Identity with spiritual life or the higher ideals, which was equivalent to Temperance an attribute attained when the individual had gained conquest over the passional nature. (5) Evidence of having a mission in life and (6) Evidence of a call to spiritual Orders or the Priesthood in the Mysteries: the combination of which was equivalent to Prudence or a deep insight and graveness that befitted the faculty of Seership.
Other requirements in the ethical system of the Egyptian Mysteries were:--
(7) Freedom from resentment, when under the experience of persecution and wrong. This was known as courage. (8) Confidence in the power of the master (as Teacher), and (9) Confidence in one's own ability to learn; both attributes being known as Fidelity. (10) Readiness or preparedness for initiation. There has always been this principle of the Ancient [paragraph continues] Mysteries of Egypt: "When the pupil is ready, then the master will appear". This was equivalent to a condition of efficiency at all times for less than this pointed to a weakness. It is now quite clear that Plato drew the four Cardinal virtues from the Egyptian ten; also that Greek philosophy is the offspring of the Egyptian Mystery System.
C. (i) There was a Grand Lodge in Egypt which had associated Schools and Lodges in the ancient world.
There were mystery schools, or what we would commonly call lodges in Greece and other lands, outside of Egypt, whose work was carried on according to the Osiriaca, the Grand Lodge of Egypt. Such schools have frequently been referred to as private or philosophic mysteries, and their founders were Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries; the Ionian temple at Didymus; the lodge of Euclid at Megara; the lodge of Pythagoras at Crotona; and the Orphic temple at Delphi, with the schools of Plato and Aristotle.
Consequently we make a mistake when we suppose that the so-called Greek philosophers formulated new doctrines of their own; for their philosophy had been handed down by the great Egyptian Hierophants through the Mysteries. (Ancient Mysteries C. H. Vail P. 59). In addition to the control of the mysteries, the Grand Lodge permitted an exchange of visits between the various lodges, in order to ensure the progress of the brethren in the secret science.
We are told in the Timaeus of Plato, that aspirants for mystical wisdom visited Egypt for initiation and were told by the priests of Sais, "that you Greeks are but children" in the Secret Doctrine, but were admitted to information enabling them to promote their spiritual advancement. Likewise, we are told by Iamblichus of a correspondence between Anebo and Porphyry, dealing with the fraternal relations, existing between the various schools or lodges of instructions in different lands, how their members visited, greeted and assisted one another in the secret science, the more advanced being obliged to afford assistance and instruction to their brethren in the inferior Orders. (Iamblichus: correspondence between Anebo and Porphyry) (Plato's Timaeus) (W. L. Wilmshurst on meaning of Masonry).
Having stated that the Grand Lodge of ancient mysteries was situated in Egypt, with jurisdiction over all lodges and schools of the ancient world, it now remains to show that such a Grand Lodge, did actually and physically exist. In doing so, two things are necessary: first, a description of the Egyptian temple, of which our modern mystery lodges (called by different names) are copies, and second, a description of the actual remains of the Grand and Sublime Lodge of Ancient Egypt.
C. (ii) A description of the Egyptian temple.
Here I quote two authorities on the Egyptian temple, the first, C. H. Vail, on Ancient Mysteries P. 159 who says "that the Egyptian temples were surrounded with pillars recording the number of the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac or the cycles of the planets. And each temple was supposed to be a microcosm or a symbol of the temple of the Universe or of the starry vault called temple". The next authority is Max Muller, who in his Egyptian Mythology P. 187–193, has described Egyptian temples as follows:--
"Egyptian temples were made of stone, the outer courts of mud bricks. Wide roads led to the temples for the convenience of processions, while the immediate entrance was lined with statues, consisting of sphinxes and other animals. The front wall formed two high tower like buildings, called pylons, before which stood two granite obelisks. Immediately behind the pylons came a large court where the congregation assembled and watched the sacrifices. Immediately next to the hall of the congregation, came the hall of priests, and immediately following the hall of the priests came the final chamber, called the Adytum, i.e., the Holy of Holies, which was entered only by the high Priest. This was the place of the shrine and the abode of the God. Each temple was a reproduction of the world. The ceilings were painted to represent the sky and the stars, while the floor was green and blue like the meadows. Ceremonial cleanliness was at all times imperative, and the people before entering the temple must carefully purify themselves in a nearby stream. In later times, this became a ceremony of sprinkling with holy water before entrance into the temple".
It is clear from the foregoing description that not only the modern masonic lodges, are copies of the Egyptian temple, but also the ancient ones, for there is complete identity in their internal decoration. But the minor or lower lodges including those outside of Egypt, must have had a governing body, and so now, I proceed to quote C. H. Vail, who in his Ancient Mysteries, pages 182 and 183, describes fully the location and remains of the famous Grand Lodge of Luxor, as follows:--
C. (iii) The location of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Antiquity.
"At a short distance from Danderah, now called Upper Egypt, is the most extraordinary group of architectural ruins presented in any part of the world, known as the Temples of the ancient city of Thebes. Thebes in its prime occupied a large area on both sides of the Nile. This city was the center of a great commercial nation of Upper Egypt ages before Memphis was the capital of the second nation in Lower Egypt; and however grand the architectural monuments of the latter may have been those of the former surpassed them. The portrayal by pencil or brush can convey but a faint idea of the perfected city. As the city stands today, it is like a city of giants, who after a long conflict have been destroyed, leaving the ruins of their various temples, as the only proof of their existence
"The Temple of Luxor (it was in this temple that the Grand Lodge of Initiates always met), stands on a raised platform of brickwork covering more than two thousand feet in length and one thousand feet in breadth (note the oblong shape, which became the pattern for all lodges and churches in the
ancient world). It is the one that interests the members of all Ancient Orders, especially so, all the members of those Orders that worshipped at the Shrine of the Secret Fire, more than perhaps any other, and stands on the eastern bank of the Nile. It is in a very ruined state; but records say the stupendous scale of its proportions almost takes away the sense of its incompleteness.
Up to about a quarter of a century ago, the greater part of its columns in the interior and outer walls had been removed, after falling, for use elsewhere. This temple was founded by the Pharaoh Amenothis III, who constructed the southern part, including the heavy colonnade overlooking the river; but destruction unfortunately conceals this fact.
The chief entrance to the Temple looked to the east; while the Holy Chambers at the upper end of the plain approached the Nile. As mighty as the Temple of Luxor was, it was exceeded in magnitude and grandeur by that of Karnak. The distance between these two great structures was a mile and a half. Along this avenue was a double row of Sphinxes, placed twelve feet apart, and the width of the avenue was sixty feet. When in perfect state this avenue presented the most extraordinary entrance that the world has ever seen.
If we had the power to picture from the field of imagination the grand processions of Neophytes constantly passing through and taking part in the ceremonies of Initiation, we would be powerless to produce the grandeur of the surroundings, and the imposing sight of colour and magnificent trappings of those who took part. Neither can we produce the music that kept the vast number of people in steady marching order. Crude it might have been to the cultivated ear of the 20th century. But could not the palpitating strain sung by massed voices on the lapse of time, whose history launches the profoundest aspirations of the human heart, like the trend of a mighty river, because the grand currents of Universal Law, imparting the desire to that Shadowy Past, as it steps forth from the pages of history, dim with age? Egypt must have been, when these Temples were built, a martial nation for
p. 35
records of her warlike deeds are perpetuated in deeply engraved tablets which even now, excite the admiration of the best Judges of archaeological remains. She was also a highly civilized nation, and of a nature that could bear the expenditure which always attends the culture of the Arts. She surpassed in her astonishing architecture, all other nations that have existed upon the earth."
I am fully convinced by these references and quotations that an Egyptian Grand Lodge of Ancient Mysteries actually existed some five thousand years ago or more, on the banks of the Nile in the city of Thebes, and that it was the only Grand Lodge of the Ancient World whose ruins have been found in Egypt, and that it was the governing body which necessarily controlled the Ancient Mysteries together with the philosophical Schools and minor Lodges wherever they happened to have been organized.
C. (iv) The rebuilding of the temple of Delphi.
The temple of Delphi was burnt down in 548 B.C. and it was King Amasis of Egypt, who rebuilt it for the brethren, by donating three times as much as was needed, in the sum of one thousand talents, and 50,000 lbs. of alum. According to information at hand, the temple had organized its members into an amphictyonic league for protection against political and other forms of violence; but they were too poor to raise sufficient funds from the membership, and they decided upon a public contribution from the citizens of Greece.
Accordingly they wandered throughout the land soliciting aid, but failed in their efforts. Having decided to visit the brethren in Egypt, they approached King Amasis, who as Grand Master, unhesitatingly offered to rebuild the Temple, and donated more than three times as much as was needed for the purpose.
N.B. Here it would be well to note that
(1) The Greeks regarded the Temple of Delphi as a foreign institution, hence
(2) They were unsympathetic towards it and for the same reason destroyed it by fire.
(3) Clearly, the Temple of Delphi was a branch of the Egyptian Mystery System, projected in Greece. Sandford's Mediterranean World p. 135; 139.
John Kendrick's Ancient Egypt Bk. II. P. 363.
3. The abolition of Greek Philosophy together with the Egyptian Mysteries.
From the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the Greeks, who were always attracted by the mysterious worship of the Nile-land, began to imitate the Egyptian religion in its entirety; and during the Roman occupation, the Egyptian religion spread not only to Italy: but throughout the Roman Empire, including Brittany.
This assimilation of the Egyptian religion was confined to the Gods of the Osirian cycle and the Graeco-Egyptian Serapis, and aimed at a close imitation of the ancient traditions of the Nile-land. Owing to the splendour of architecture, the hieroglyphs of the temples, the obelisks and sphinxes before the shrines, the linen vestments and the shaven heads and faces of the priests, the endless and obscure ritual, filled the Greeks with awe, and wonderful mysteries were consequently believed to have underlain these incomprehensibles, and the Egyptian religion stood in the way of the rising Christianity.
The success of the Egyptian religion was due no doubt, on the one hand to its conservatism; while on the other to the shadowy philosophical abstractions which constituted Graeco-Roman religion, so that the staunch faith of the Egyptians, together with their mysterious forms of worship, led to the universal conviction among the Ancients, that Egypt was not only the Holy Land but the Holiest of lands or countries, and that indeed, the Gods dwelt there.
The Nile became a center for pilgrimages in the ancient world, and the pilgrims who went there and experienced the marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings which it afforded them, returned home with the conviction that the Nile was the home of the most profound religious knowledge.
The Greeks failed to imitate Egyptian conservatism and not only in Egyptian cities, with large Greek population, but in Europe, Egyptian divinities were corrupted with Greek and Asiatic names and mythologies and reduced to vague pantheistic personalities, so that Isis and Osiris had retained very little of their Egyptian origin. (Max Muller p. 241–43; Egyptian Mythology). Consequently, as they failed to advance Egyptian Philosophy, so they also failed to advance Egyptian religion.
During the first four centuries of the Christian era, the religion of Egypt continued unabated and uninterrupted, but after the Edict of Theodosius at the end of the fourth century A.D., ordering the close of Egyptian temples, Christianity began to spread more rapidly and both the religion of Egypt and that of Greece began to die. In the island of Philae, in the first cataract of the Nile, however, the Egyptian religion was continued by its inhabitants, the Blemmyans and Nobadians, who refused to accept Christianity and the Roman government fearing a rebellion, paid tribute to them as an appeasement.
During the sixth century A.D., however, Justinian issued a second edict which suppressed this remnant of Egyptian worshippers and propagated Christianity among the Nubians. With the death of the last priest, who could read and interpret "the writings of the words of the Gods" (the hieroglyphics) the Egyptian faith sank into oblivion. It was only in popular magic that some practices lingered on as traces of a faith that became a universal religion, or the survival of a statue of Isis and Horus, which were regarded as the Madonna and Child.
A sentiment of admiration and awe for this strangest of all religions still survived, but the information from classical writers concerning this faith has been incomplete. Napoleon's invasion of Egypt brought a revival of interest from the West to decipher her inscriptions and papyri with a view to an understanding and appreciation of this most ancient of civilizations.
[paragraph continues] (Mythology of Egypt by Max Muller C. XIII p. 241–245; The Mediterranean World by Sandford, p. 508, 548, 552–558, 568).
We learn the following facts from the above quotations:—(i) The Egyptian Mysteries had become the Ancient World Religion, spreading throughout the Roman Empire and including Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, and various parts of Europe including Brittany. This continued under different names, long after Justinian's Edict of toleration granted to the Christians. (ii) Egypt was the Holy Land of the ancient world, that pilgrimages were made to that land because of the marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings which it afforded the ancient peoples, and because of the universal conviction among the Ancients that Egypt was the land of the Gods. (iii) The Edicts of Theodosius in the fourth century A. D,. and that of Justinian in the sixth century A.D. abolished alike not only the Mystery system of Egypt, but also its philosophical schools, located in Greece and elsewhere, outside Egypt.
(iv) The abolition of the Egyptian Mysteries was to create an opportunity for the adoption of Christianity. This was the problem: the Roman government felt that Egypt was now conquered in arms and reduced to her knees, but in order to make the conquest complete, it would be necessary to abolish the Mysteries which still controlled the religious mind of the ancient world. There must be a New World Religion to take the place of the Egyptian religion. This New Religion, which should take the place of the Mysteries, must be equally powerful and universal, and consequently everything possible must be done in order to promote its interests. This explains the rapid growth of Christianity following Justinian's Edict of toleration.
(v) Since the Edicts of Theodosius and Justinian abolished both the Mysteries of Egypt and the schools of Greek philosophy alike, it shows that the nature of the Egyptian Mysteries and Greek philosophy was identical and that Greek philosophy grew out of the Egyptian Mysteries.
4. How the African Continent gave its Culture to the Western World.
As mentioned elsewhere, the Egyptian Mysteries and the philosophical schools of Greece were closed by the edicts of Theodosius in the 4th century A.D. and that of Justinian in the 6th century A.D. (i.e., 529); and as a consequence, intellectual darkness spread over Christian Europe and the Graeco-Roman world for ten centuries; during which time, knowledge had disappeared. As stated elsewhere, the Greeks showed no creative powers, and were unable to improve upon the knowledge which they had received from the Egyptians (Hist. of Science by Sedgwick and Tyler p. 141; 153; Zeller's Hist. of Phil. Introduction p. 31).
During the Persian, Greek and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived, and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system. In the 8th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them, the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e., the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt, which the Greeks used to call Sophia.
As such, the people of North Africa were the neighbours of the Egyptians, and became the custodians of Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors displayed with considerable credit, the grandeur of African culture and civilization. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the Mediaeval world; Science and learning were cultivated and taught; the schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity, that they, like their parent Egypt, attracted students from all parts of the Western world; and from them arose the most famous African professors that the
world has ever known, in medicine, surgery, astronomy and mathematics. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture, to whom the world looked for enlightenment. Consequently, through the medium of the ancient Arabic language, philosophy and the various branches of science were disseminated: (a) all the so-called works of Aristotle in Metaphysics, moral philosophy and natural science (b) translations by Leonardo Pisano in Arabic mathematical science (c) translation by Gideo a Monk of Arezzo in musical notation. (Sedgwick and Tyler's Hist. of Science C. IX.)
In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova, but also at Cairo in Egypt. (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. 216–219). Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses, who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat, down to Christ.
It should also be of interest to know that European scientists like Roger Bacon, Johann Kepler, Copernicus and others obtained their science through Arab or Berber sources. It is also noteworthy that throughout the Middle Ages, European knowledge of medicine came from these same sources.
(History of The Arabs, by Hitti pages 370, 629, 665 and 572).
(Philo; Esoteric Christianity by Annie Besant p. 107; 128–129; Ancient Mysteries by C. H. Vail p. 59; 61; 74–75; 109). “The Grand Lodge of Luxor (Ipet Resyt or 'the southern sanctuary') was built during the reign of Amenhotep III, during the XVIII Dynasty, 1405-1370 B.C. It had the largest library of the ancient world and at its zenith educated 80,000 students. Its African faculty were experts and masters of a secretive and complex philosophical system known as the Mysteries. The Egyptian Mystery System (Hah Kha) was divided into five major components: astronomy and astrology, geography and geology, philosophy, theology, and law and communication. Students who sought to enter the Mystery System had to demonstrate success at three stages. The third and most difficult stage required students to become part of the spiritual consciousness. In other words, this stage stipulated that students study Esoteric Philosophy. The priests of the Grand Lodge were the only ones who taught Esoteric Philosophy. The Mystery System is one of the most complex philosophical systems ever created. Admission into this system was gained by initiation and a pledge to secrecy.” - Kwame Nantambu “EGYPT AND AFROCENTRIC GEO-POLITICS” Page 8.
Consequently, the Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Grand Lodge of France cannot prove it lineage from the Grand Lodge of Luxor, Ta MaRe (Kemet, Egypt) by way of a warrant, or charter etc… Yet as of 2006 in North America alone it has been reported that over 245 said ‘Bogus,’ ‘Illegitimate,’ ‘Irregular’ or ‘clandestine’ so-called Black Grand Lodges and there are something like 40 “so-called” Black organizations calling themselves Masonic that are concerned illegitimate (irregular or clandestine) meaning, they have no connection with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland or the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Recently, the Grand Lodge of Minnesota and other US grand lodges (including PH Grand Lodges) have decided to re-recognize the Grand Lodge of France. Hence, either with the Grand Lodge of France.
Eventhough, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland or the Grand Lodge of Scotland particularly refers to others as, ‘Bogus,’ ‘Illegitimate,’ ‘Irregular’ or ‘clandestine’ and tossed around these terms so loosely.
"Clandestine." "Bogus." "Irregular." "Phoney." "Fraudulent." Or just plain "Dumb." The list goes on. Call us what you will. But know this: The Creator has called us by His will." - SGM Aalim El Dey to The Ancient Free Moorish Rite OL Forum.
Eventhough, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland or the Grand Lodge of Scotland particularly refers to others as, ‘Bogus,’ ‘Illegitimate,’ ‘Irregular’ or ‘clandestine’ and tossed around these terms so loosely.
"Clandestine." "Bogus." "Irregular." "Phoney." "Fraudulent." Or just plain "Dumb." The list goes on. Call us what you will. But know this: The Creator has called us by His will." - SGM Aalim El Dey to The Ancient Free Moorish Rite OL Forum.
None of these said Grand Lodges, such as, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Grand Lodge of France can prove it lineage from the Grand Lodge of Ta MaRe (Kemet, Egypt) by way of a warrant, or charter etc. Therefore, technically, all of them are clandestine, i.e. bogus!” (Note: European [Western] Freemasonry was born in 1717, when 4 Craft Lodges gathered at the Apple Tree Tavern in London, and set up a constitution for Free and Accepted Masons,... but they claim their roots can be traced to Egypt, Syria, Babylon... and the stonecutters of the Solomon Temple, specially "Hiram Abiff". Although most of the thirty-three degrees of the Scottish Rite existed in parts of previous degree systems, the Scottish Rite did not come into being until the formation of the Mother Supreme Council at Charleston, South Carolina, in May 1801. Historically, the European [Western] York Rite was established in 1878). Hence, it appears that it is simply the matter of the cat calling the kettle black.
In fact, Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan spoke on this matter from his lecture called "BLACK MAN MUST WAKE UP!" “How could you talk about the Grand Lodge of Luxor and then at the same time, say that [Freemasonry] came from Solomon? If the Grand Lodge is in Luxor, Solomon ain’t got nothing to do with it. Solomon is only 991-971 B. C. The Grand Lodge of Karnak [and] the Grand Lodge of Saqqara [existed] more than 3,000 years before the birth of Solomon. King Solomon has nothing to do with Freemasonry. Nothing absolutely. It is a distortion of the works of the Africans along the Nile that early Hebrews did by putting Solomon into it.”
In fact, Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan spoke on this matter from his lecture called "BLACK MAN MUST WAKE UP!" “How could you talk about the Grand Lodge of Luxor and then at the same time, say that [Freemasonry] came from Solomon? If the Grand Lodge is in Luxor, Solomon ain’t got nothing to do with it. Solomon is only 991-971 B. C. The Grand Lodge of Karnak [and] the Grand Lodge of Saqqara [existed] more than 3,000 years before the birth of Solomon. King Solomon has nothing to do with Freemasonry. Nothing absolutely. It is a distortion of the works of the Africans along the Nile that early Hebrews did by putting Solomon into it.”
“A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. In a broad sense, he is any person who daily tries to live the Masonic life, and to serve intelligently the needs of the Great Architect.”
Free Mason was traced back to the ancient Khametic empire (Egypt). It comes from a combination of two Khametic words Phre (the sun) and Mas (a child) meaning "Children of the Sun" and / or "Sons (Daughters) of Light" (John G. Jackson, "MAN, GOD AND CIVILIZATION" 1972). These two words combine to make the word 'Freemason'. The term originated in Egypt and proves that the first Freemasons were ancient Africans (called black people in modern racial terms). It also shows that the order originated in Africa. According to Idries Shah, the twelfth century Qadiriyya Sufi order was the origin of the Rosicrucians, the most important occult movement after the Renaissance, who later evolved into the modern Freemasons. Nevertheless, Frank C. Higgins also defines Freemason the same as above, and he has it as Phre-Messen (from Egypt) (Higgins, 1923). The seven liberal arts and sciences of the Phre-Mas-Sens are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music.
Free Mason was traced back to the ancient Khametic empire (Egypt). It comes from a combination of two Khametic words Phre (the sun) and Mas (a child) meaning "Children of the Sun" and / or "Sons (Daughters) of Light" (John G. Jackson, "MAN, GOD AND CIVILIZATION" 1972). These two words combine to make the word 'Freemason'. The term originated in Egypt and proves that the first Freemasons were ancient Africans (called black people in modern racial terms). It also shows that the order originated in Africa. According to Idries Shah, the twelfth century Qadiriyya Sufi order was the origin of the Rosicrucians, the most important occult movement after the Renaissance, who later evolved into the modern Freemasons. Nevertheless, Frank C. Higgins also defines Freemason the same as above, and he has it as Phre-Messen (from Egypt) (Higgins, 1923). The seven liberal arts and sciences of the Phre-Mas-Sens are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music.
Zachary P. Gremillion, 90 degree Free Masonic Shriner states in his book "AFRICAN ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY"...
Therefore, as the original “Phree Messen” do we need European (Albion) recognition? European (Albion) Freemasonry represents a stolen legacy (Reference: Del Jones; "THE BLACK HOLOCAUST"). Many of the “so-called Blacks” (Moors) are mesmerized by the Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Grand Lodge of France and their clandestine European-controlled institutions like: (1) The Illuminati, (2) The Bilderberger Group, (3) Trilateral Commission, (4) [C.F.R.] Council on Foreign Relations, (5) Bohemian Grove, (6) Skull and Bones, (7) Federal Reserve Bank, (8) [I.M.F.] International Monetary Fund, (9) World Bank (10) European Masonic Lodge(s) etc… The Jesuits (Assassins for Jesus) followers of the "Black Pope" of the Vatican (Catholic Church / Papal State) have used Freemasonry many times. It is one of their most powerful tentacles. The Rothschild's during the establishment of the modern European craft were (and still are) the heads of Freemasonry worldwide. Unfortunately, while we spend an inordinate amount of time marveling over their power and / or influence in the world; we fail to understand that the foundation of what these groups believe in is based directly on African (Afrakan) history and culture. They pervert our culture and history and use it for their interests. Consequently, basis for European (Albion) “civilization” is African (Afrakan) history and culture. Without it, there would be no “western civilization.”Therefore, it become imperative we form our own, based on the real principles of the Ancient Mystery System. Moreover, many European (Albions) states that “Free Masonry” came from Africa (Afraka), Egypt in particular. But, yet they Europeans (Albions) do not consider themselves to be African (Afrakan). Therefore, how can they make such a claim that they are the custodians of our ancient knowledge called “Phree Messen Re” (Free Masonry)? "Who has the right (Rite)? The said Blacks in Africa and the so-called Blacks in America are labeled "African" (as in "African-American")! Hence, it appears we do! Therefore,“Never let another man hold you back from what’s yours!” And with all this said... we introduce...

Mmadi “Angelo Soliman” Make, the "royal Moor", the "noble Moor", the "princely Moor" and / or the "court Moor". Angelo Soliman is historically recognized as the first Moorish Freemason. Mmadi was born 1721, in present-day northeastern Nigeria/northern Cameroon called the Congo; he died on November 21, 1796, in Vienna. He was a member of the Kanuri ethnic tribe, also called Berber (Kushitic people). Most Kanuri are Muslims (Islam spread among them in the 11th century). His original name, Mmadi Make, is linked to a princely class in the Sokoto State in modern Nigeria. Mmadi spoke often of the fact that his father was the Chief of his tribe. Nevertheless, Mmadi was taken captive as a child at the age of (7) seven and arrived in Marseilles as a servant. Soliman was sold to a Sicilian lady and family. He was eventually transferred to the household of a marchioness in Messina who oversaw his training. Out of affection for another servant in the household, Angelina, he adopted the name Angelo and chose to celebrate September 11, his baptismal day, as his birthday. He entered the service of Field Marshal Prince Lobkowitz, the General of the Austrian Army and the Governor of Sicily, as the personal attendant, soldier and confidant. There was a fashion for "House Moors" at this time and Soliman was apparently an exceptional man. From 1753 he lived in Vienna, where he played an important role in the household of Prince Liechtenstein: Soliman was chamberlain and tutor to the prince’s children. He chose his name out of love of another servant girl, Angelina. In 1734 he left with Prince Georg Christian, Furst von Lobkowitz, the imperial governor of Sicily to continue his education. He became the Prince's valet and travelling companion and once saved the Prince's life in the field of battle. After the death of the Prince he was transferred to the house of Joseph Wenzel I, Prince of Liechtenstein where he rose to the rank of chief servant and tutor to the Prince's son, Aloys I. Consequently, Soliman became a member of the royal Hapsburg household. A cultured man, Soliman was highly respected in the intellectual circles of Vienna and counted as a valued friend by Austrian Emperor Joseph II and Count Franz Moritz von Lacy. During this time he was reported to have learned (7) seven different languages, Native tongue Kanuri (Hausa, Arabic, etc), Czech, French, Italian, English, German, Latin and could write three of them fluently as well. He was also a master swordsman, a war hero, a chess specialist, a navigation expert, and a tutor to royalty. He is considered one of the most learned people of his generation as well as one of the greatest Vienna citizens of all time. in Vienna. He was a Vienna celebrity, a dashing figure and personality who was widely admired for his handsomeness, fashionable Moorish attire and social grace; he was an excellent dancer and romancer at elite social affairs.
(Note: Vienna at this time had many fraternal orders, including the Rosicrucian Masonic rite which appeared between 1770 and 1777 in Bavaria, Austria,Bohemia, and Hungary. It was first adopted by the Crescent of Three Keys,a Masonic lodge in Rosenburg. In Vienna,which gave rise to the Three Swords Lodge.The latter became the breeding ground of the Rosicrucian Masonic rite which fostered alchemy. Every family member Bro:. Angelo Soliman belonged to was a Knight Of The Golden Fleece, which was founded in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. In 1757 he created a Masonic rite-the Societas Roseae et Aureae Crucis (Fraternity of the Golden Rosy Cross) that had alchemist
and priest leaning and was composed of Rosicrucian degrees.These temples included 1772-1778 ‘Zu den drei schwertern’ (The Three Swords) in 1790 ‘Zur Liebe und Wahrheit’ (Love and Truth) and from 1784 ‘Zu den sieben Himmeln’ (The Seven Heavens) observed the rites of the Asiatic brethren. Bro:. Angelo Soliman was transferred to Prince Georg Christian, Furst von Lobkowitz in 1732-34. In November 28, 1739 Prince Georg was made a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece).
Angelo Soliman was a Vienna celebrity, a dashing figure and personality who was widely admired for his handsomeness, fashionable Moorish attire and social grace; he was an excellent dancer and romancer at elite social affairs.
Angelo Soliman was described as “a prominent, widely respected citizen of Vienna, a veteran with a shining record, a learned attendant of kings and princes, a royal pensioner, ... a devoted husband and father.” [Frank Peters “THE PRINCELY MOOR WHO CIRCULATED IN MOZART'S VIENNA”]
He married Magdalena von Kellermann - Christiani, the widow of Harrach'schen, sister of the French general Francois Etienne de Kellerman (1770-1835), General of Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Valmy and Secretary of Anton Christiano in 1768, by Archbishop Migazzi, which angered Prince Liechtenstein, and led to Soliman's dismissal. The Prince, who required absolute obedience of his servants, even regarding their private life, did not forgive Soliman of his ‘unauthorized act’. Soliman purchased a small garden home and devoted most of his time studying history and science. His only child, Josefine (Jospepha, Josephine), was born in 1772.
In the same year, 1768, Soliman joined the Zur Wahren Eintracht Masonic Lodge (the True Concord Freemason Lodge or True Harmony Lodge), whose membership included many of Vienna's influential artists and scholars of the time, among them the musicians Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Joseph Haydn, as well as, the Hungarian poet Ferenc Kazinczy. Bro:. Soliman rose to the level of ‘Frater terribilis’ or Vice-Grand Master of Ceremony (Grand Master), what we would call the Worshipful Master in our modern-day Lodges. It was at this time that Soliman chose 'Massinissa' as his Masonic name, which alluded to the Numidic king of the same name that lived from 240-148 B.C., and was the leader of the new Numidic state, one that was made up of a culture of Carthaginian-Minoan roots. He rewrote and refined its Masonic rituals and other literature. The Soliman Freemasonic literary style spread all over Europe and around the world, eventually even influencing modern Freemasonic literature and rituals.
The Zur Wahren Eintracht Masonic Lodge (the True Concord Freemason Lodge or True Harmony Lodge) pushed members to produce academic works, music or poetry for special, semi-public lodge meetings whose purpose was to spread specialized knowledge and foster debate. The lodge did not stop at producing lectures; it also issued several successful periodical publications. Vienna thus quickly became a center of the Republic of Letters generating a remarkable amount of Enlightenment activity in a few short years. The ideas and methods of the Viennese Enlightenment were a product of and a response to the reforms of Joseph II. It would also be the king’s wariness and lack of support that would cause the Enlightenment movement to recede; by the end of the decade Freemasonry came under state regulation, secret police dampened public debate, and the press became less free.This was a very risky thing at the time, as the Church could very easily label someone a heretic, or even worse. By implementing this change Bro:.Soliman opened the door for many famous Masons to be able to speak and present ideas and theories without the fear of the Church finding out.. Therefore, Soliman is called the Father of "Pure Masonic Thought". This new Masonic direction rapidly influenced Freemasonic practice throughout Europe and all around the world. The Moorish Rite hails Angelo Soliman as its patriarchal figure; he is a profound model of early Moorish achievement. Soliman is the writer of The Barbary Treaties of 1786 until his death and The Treaty with Morocco June 28 and July 15, 1786 for King Mohammed III.
On November 21, 1796, Soliman suffered a stroke and died of apoplexy near St. Stephen's cathedral. After his death his body was acquired by Emperor Franz II (I) for the Imperial-Royal Court Cabinet of Natural History. This is the same family that Soliman had served for years. Franz had reversed a lot of the policies of Joseph II, abolishing many of his enlightenment ideas. Also, as tradition hands down through the ages, Franz II had a perverse addiction to human flesh, not unlike the Nazi's who would later make book bindings, lampshades, etc., out of human skin. Nevertheless, his body was taken to the Faculty of Medicine at Vienna's old University. Here, in the facility's anatomical theater, his intestines were removed, his skin and skeleton saved, and stuffed; the rest of his remains were buried in a cemetery on the outskirts of Vienna two days later. A famed sculptor by the name of Franz Thaller stretched Soliman's skin over a padded wooden model and made into an exhibit within this cabinet of curiosities. The model was kept in a wooden chest that was displayed in the Imperial Library as part of it's natural history display. Here his remains resided for ten years until 1806. Despite protests and petitions from Soliman’s daughter, Josefine, who sought to have his remains returned to the family were in vain. Soliman’s mortal remains were exhibited to the public, shows clearly how the person of Soliman, valued during his life as an intellectual, was stripped of the insignia of his lifetime achievements, ethnologists instrumentalized him and posthumously degraded as a "African savage": dressed in a loincloth, feathered ostrich crown and necklaces of shells and glass beads, he stood together with three other stuffed said black-skinned humans against a screen painted with a tropical landscape, surrounded by exotic stuffed animals. In 1848 the mortal remains of Angelo Soliman, which had been so ignominiously abused in this way, were destroyed by a fire ensuing from the hostilities during the October revolution of 1848. A plaster cast of Soliman's head made shortly after his death of a stroke in 1796 is still on display in the Rollett Museum in Baden. His grandson is Ernst, Baron von Feuchtersleben (http://thespeculativemason.blogspot.com/2012/04/angelo-soliman-famous-mason-meets.html).
(Note: The African presence in Europe has always been significant. However over the past few centuries, many European and American scholars have seen fit to bury the past. From the tenor of their research, it seems as though their self-concept is at war with the historical record. According to Louis Charles Elson and Ignace Jan Paderewski, in Modern Music and Musicians, wrote: Franz Joseph Haydn (March 31, 1732 - May 31, 1809) was a Moorish composer... "the Magyar was seized with a violent fit of laughter before this little man with the dark-colored face. “Is the music truly by this Moor? Well, well black-a-moor, from this day thou dost belong to me. But I do not like to see thee thus. Thou art a dwarf; thy face is piteous. Dress thyself like a kapellmeister; get a new suit, a buckled wig, red band, and red heels; and take care that the heels are high, because thy stature should correspond with thy merit.” He was one of the most important, prolific and prominent composers of the classical period. He is often called the “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet” because of his important contributions to these genres. He was also instrumental in the development of the piano trio and in the evolution of sonata form. Haydn produced some 340 hours of music, more than Bach or Handel, Mozart or Beethoven).
Soliman was the inspiration for Mozart’s character of the "MOORISH MONOSTATOS" in "THE MAGIC FLUTE", also called the "GOLDEN FLUTE". It is likely that the character Bassa Selim in Mozart's opera “THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO” was based on Soliman also. He is also the inspiration for the character of disgraced servant boy in Robert Musil's novel, "THE MAN WITHOUT QUALITIES", written about the end of the Austrian monarchy. The Wien Museum featured an exhibit in 2011, entitled "SOLIMAN: AN AFRICAN IN VENICE" and it was very well received. Soliman's life is the best-documented of any non-European in Vienna, yet his biography remains sketchy. This exhibition provides few details of his daily life. I hope that even more is discovered about Soliman in the years to com; as he has been "recognized historically as the First Moorish Freemason in the Occident, Grand Master Angelo Soliman stands as the Historic Patriarchal Figure of Moorish Rite Freemasonry!" - Bro. Ahkket Ra El!
(Note: Vienna at this time had many fraternal orders, including the Rosicrucian Masonic rite which appeared between 1770 and 1777 in Bavaria, Austria,Bohemia, and Hungary. It was first adopted by the Crescent of Three Keys,a Masonic lodge in Rosenburg. In Vienna,which gave rise to the Three Swords Lodge.The latter became the breeding ground of the Rosicrucian Masonic rite which fostered alchemy. Every family member Bro:. Angelo Soliman belonged to was a Knight Of The Golden Fleece, which was founded in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. In 1757 he created a Masonic rite-the Societas Roseae et Aureae Crucis (Fraternity of the Golden Rosy Cross) that had alchemist
and priest leaning and was composed of Rosicrucian degrees.These temples included 1772-1778 ‘Zu den drei schwertern’ (The Three Swords) in 1790 ‘Zur Liebe und Wahrheit’ (Love and Truth) and from 1784 ‘Zu den sieben Himmeln’ (The Seven Heavens) observed the rites of the Asiatic brethren. Bro:. Angelo Soliman was transferred to Prince Georg Christian, Furst von Lobkowitz in 1732-34. In November 28, 1739 Prince Georg was made a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece).
Angelo Soliman was a Vienna celebrity, a dashing figure and personality who was widely admired for his handsomeness, fashionable Moorish attire and social grace; he was an excellent dancer and romancer at elite social affairs.
Angelo Soliman was described as “a prominent, widely respected citizen of Vienna, a veteran with a shining record, a learned attendant of kings and princes, a royal pensioner, ... a devoted husband and father.” [Frank Peters “THE PRINCELY MOOR WHO CIRCULATED IN MOZART'S VIENNA”]
He married Magdalena von Kellermann - Christiani, the widow of Harrach'schen, sister of the French general Francois Etienne de Kellerman (1770-1835), General of Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Valmy and Secretary of Anton Christiano in 1768, by Archbishop Migazzi, which angered Prince Liechtenstein, and led to Soliman's dismissal. The Prince, who required absolute obedience of his servants, even regarding their private life, did not forgive Soliman of his ‘unauthorized act’. Soliman purchased a small garden home and devoted most of his time studying history and science. His only child, Josefine (Jospepha, Josephine), was born in 1772.
In the same year, 1768, Soliman joined the Zur Wahren Eintracht Masonic Lodge (the True Concord Freemason Lodge or True Harmony Lodge), whose membership included many of Vienna's influential artists and scholars of the time, among them the musicians Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Joseph Haydn, as well as, the Hungarian poet Ferenc Kazinczy. Bro:. Soliman rose to the level of ‘Frater terribilis’ or Vice-Grand Master of Ceremony (Grand Master), what we would call the Worshipful Master in our modern-day Lodges. It was at this time that Soliman chose 'Massinissa' as his Masonic name, which alluded to the Numidic king of the same name that lived from 240-148 B.C., and was the leader of the new Numidic state, one that was made up of a culture of Carthaginian-Minoan roots. He rewrote and refined its Masonic rituals and other literature. The Soliman Freemasonic literary style spread all over Europe and around the world, eventually even influencing modern Freemasonic literature and rituals.
The Zur Wahren Eintracht Masonic Lodge (the True Concord Freemason Lodge or True Harmony Lodge) pushed members to produce academic works, music or poetry for special, semi-public lodge meetings whose purpose was to spread specialized knowledge and foster debate. The lodge did not stop at producing lectures; it also issued several successful periodical publications. Vienna thus quickly became a center of the Republic of Letters generating a remarkable amount of Enlightenment activity in a few short years. The ideas and methods of the Viennese Enlightenment were a product of and a response to the reforms of Joseph II. It would also be the king’s wariness and lack of support that would cause the Enlightenment movement to recede; by the end of the decade Freemasonry came under state regulation, secret police dampened public debate, and the press became less free.This was a very risky thing at the time, as the Church could very easily label someone a heretic, or even worse. By implementing this change Bro:.Soliman opened the door for many famous Masons to be able to speak and present ideas and theories without the fear of the Church finding out.. Therefore, Soliman is called the Father of "Pure Masonic Thought". This new Masonic direction rapidly influenced Freemasonic practice throughout Europe and all around the world. The Moorish Rite hails Angelo Soliman as its patriarchal figure; he is a profound model of early Moorish achievement. Soliman is the writer of The Barbary Treaties of 1786 until his death and The Treaty with Morocco June 28 and July 15, 1786 for King Mohammed III.
On November 21, 1796, Soliman suffered a stroke and died of apoplexy near St. Stephen's cathedral. After his death his body was acquired by Emperor Franz II (I) for the Imperial-Royal Court Cabinet of Natural History. This is the same family that Soliman had served for years. Franz had reversed a lot of the policies of Joseph II, abolishing many of his enlightenment ideas. Also, as tradition hands down through the ages, Franz II had a perverse addiction to human flesh, not unlike the Nazi's who would later make book bindings, lampshades, etc., out of human skin. Nevertheless, his body was taken to the Faculty of Medicine at Vienna's old University. Here, in the facility's anatomical theater, his intestines were removed, his skin and skeleton saved, and stuffed; the rest of his remains were buried in a cemetery on the outskirts of Vienna two days later. A famed sculptor by the name of Franz Thaller stretched Soliman's skin over a padded wooden model and made into an exhibit within this cabinet of curiosities. The model was kept in a wooden chest that was displayed in the Imperial Library as part of it's natural history display. Here his remains resided for ten years until 1806. Despite protests and petitions from Soliman’s daughter, Josefine, who sought to have his remains returned to the family were in vain. Soliman’s mortal remains were exhibited to the public, shows clearly how the person of Soliman, valued during his life as an intellectual, was stripped of the insignia of his lifetime achievements, ethnologists instrumentalized him and posthumously degraded as a "African savage": dressed in a loincloth, feathered ostrich crown and necklaces of shells and glass beads, he stood together with three other stuffed said black-skinned humans against a screen painted with a tropical landscape, surrounded by exotic stuffed animals. In 1848 the mortal remains of Angelo Soliman, which had been so ignominiously abused in this way, were destroyed by a fire ensuing from the hostilities during the October revolution of 1848. A plaster cast of Soliman's head made shortly after his death of a stroke in 1796 is still on display in the Rollett Museum in Baden. His grandson is Ernst, Baron von Feuchtersleben (http://thespeculativemason.blogspot.com/2012/04/angelo-soliman-famous-mason-meets.html).
(Note: The African presence in Europe has always been significant. However over the past few centuries, many European and American scholars have seen fit to bury the past. From the tenor of their research, it seems as though their self-concept is at war with the historical record. According to Louis Charles Elson and Ignace Jan Paderewski, in Modern Music and Musicians, wrote: Franz Joseph Haydn (March 31, 1732 - May 31, 1809) was a Moorish composer... "the Magyar was seized with a violent fit of laughter before this little man with the dark-colored face. “Is the music truly by this Moor? Well, well black-a-moor, from this day thou dost belong to me. But I do not like to see thee thus. Thou art a dwarf; thy face is piteous. Dress thyself like a kapellmeister; get a new suit, a buckled wig, red band, and red heels; and take care that the heels are high, because thy stature should correspond with thy merit.” He was one of the most important, prolific and prominent composers of the classical period. He is often called the “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet” because of his important contributions to these genres. He was also instrumental in the development of the piano trio and in the evolution of sonata form. Haydn produced some 340 hours of music, more than Bach or Handel, Mozart or Beethoven).
Soliman was the inspiration for Mozart’s character of the "MOORISH MONOSTATOS" in "THE MAGIC FLUTE", also called the "GOLDEN FLUTE". It is likely that the character Bassa Selim in Mozart's opera “THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO” was based on Soliman also. He is also the inspiration for the character of disgraced servant boy in Robert Musil's novel, "THE MAN WITHOUT QUALITIES", written about the end of the Austrian monarchy. The Wien Museum featured an exhibit in 2011, entitled "SOLIMAN: AN AFRICAN IN VENICE" and it was very well received. Soliman's life is the best-documented of any non-European in Vienna, yet his biography remains sketchy. This exhibition provides few details of his daily life. I hope that even more is discovered about Soliman in the years to com; as he has been "recognized historically as the First Moorish Freemason in the Occident, Grand Master Angelo Soliman stands as the Historic Patriarchal Figure of Moorish Rite Freemasonry!" - Bro. Ahkket Ra El!
The Clifford E. Hazel Bey Jariyyah (Lodge) No. 1 in North Carolina received a certificate of authority and notice of authorization the 9th Day of October 2009 for an initial one year term, not to expire until the 9th Day of December 2010; to form a Moorish Rite Auxiliary Body (Lodge in Formation) in the territory state, North Carolina. with Brother Thomas Aldridge El Bey, Senior Officer and myself Asaru Alim El-Bey) as Junior Officer, Index #3151358210X6143-1092009. (4) Four of us received the Asiatic Degree initiated May, 7, 2009 by Khanin Sayyied, Kenneth El of the territory state Florida and Senior Officer, Thomas 'Alchemy' Aldridge of the territory state North Carolina... those names were myself (Asaru Alim El-Bey), Kwu Jadias El Bey, Chu'a Franko Al-Dey, and Akil Ali Bey. We received our Asiatic Degrees from the Al Ahkhet Lodge No. 1, A.F.M.R. presented the 9th Day of June, 2009. Along with our Asiatic Degrees came a letter from the Supreme Grand Commander Aalim Bey, El Dey, A.F.M.R. 33°/76°, January 23, 2010, which in part stated...
"I remind you that your initiative here in North Carolina, is a new found pride for Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey; he was born here, became a Freemason here; and nothing honors him more than living to witness the foundation of a Moorish Rite lodge erected in his name and work -- here!
On December 12th, 2013 our (official) Clifford E. Hazel Bey, Lodge No. 1 'CHARTER', index (#131833582-1-2011521030) 2013 was sealed and affixed by the Supreme and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Moorish Rite, Aalim Bey, El Dey A.F.M.R. 33°/76°, good through March 30, 2015. It arrived in the mail approximately January 22th, 2013. Aalim Bey, El Dey A.F.M.R. 33°/76° stated on www.moorishriteonline.net that in the memory of The Illustrious Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey 33/97°, he commended Clifford E. Hazel Bey Lodge N0.1 (Fayetteville, NC), the first Moorish Rite lodge named in his honor, and other Moorish Rite lodges currently in the forming also poised to bear the name of Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey.
Regular, Progressive, and Moorish Rite Freemasons look to the East together. East Coast Masonic Summit December, 2015 Newark, New Jersey.
NOTE: NONE have the authority to re-duplicate, re-make, re-publish and definitely NOT to re-sell this document. Portions of it has been faded to avoid such incidence(s).
Fraternal Greetings... My beloved brethrens after you type / write to us or call requesting the selected initiation in order; the Office of the Supreme Grand Commander / El Dey will have the Degree(s) forwarded to you immediately. The CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY LODGE (JARIYYAH) NO. 1 North Carolina ONLY accept and initiate those whom domicile in North Carolina state!
The on-line initiate is encouraged to diligently study his materials and learn as much as he can. Current Freemasons belonging to other rites or jurisdictions can initiate on-line in the Moorish Rite if their jurisdictions allow them. If a Freemason, currently a member of another Masonic jurisdiction, wishes to become a Moorish Rite Freemason and attend lodge meetings, there is often a standard Masonic process that most Grand lodges insist upon, and one which a Freemason must honor to arrange such transition. This involves his getting an official Masonic demit from his lodge or whatever departure process his lodge or jurisdiction follows. Now we are offering the Asiatic and Mu'wahid Degrees, the preliminary or 1st and 2nd Moorish Rite degrees. All on-line initiates receive On Northward Sail; the official Moorish Rite manual and other study material (all materials are downloadable and must be opened in Adobe reader). There is a self conducted initiation ritual in the manual, as well as, an optional quiz at the end of the book for those who desire a certificate (also downloadable in Adobe).
Fraternal Greetings... My beloved brethrens after you type / write to us or call requesting the selected initiation in order; the Office of the Supreme Grand Commander / El Dey will have the Degree(s) forwarded to you immediately. The CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY LODGE (JARIYYAH) NO. 1 North Carolina ONLY accept and initiate those whom domicile in North Carolina state!
The on-line initiate is encouraged to diligently study his materials and learn as much as he can. Current Freemasons belonging to other rites or jurisdictions can initiate on-line in the Moorish Rite if their jurisdictions allow them. If a Freemason, currently a member of another Masonic jurisdiction, wishes to become a Moorish Rite Freemason and attend lodge meetings, there is often a standard Masonic process that most Grand lodges insist upon, and one which a Freemason must honor to arrange such transition. This involves his getting an official Masonic demit from his lodge or whatever departure process his lodge or jurisdiction follows. Now we are offering the Asiatic and Mu'wahid Degrees, the preliminary or 1st and 2nd Moorish Rite degrees. All on-line initiates receive On Northward Sail; the official Moorish Rite manual and other study material (all materials are downloadable and must be opened in Adobe reader). There is a self conducted initiation ritual in the manual, as well as, an optional quiz at the end of the book for those who desire a certificate (also downloadable in Adobe).

(NOTE: *O.M.S. (The Order of the Moorish Star) the women's component of the Moorish Rite / Nefertiti Degree - $144.00 USD: First Degree of The Order of the Moorish Star (O.M.S.) ... Ill. Bro. Clifford E. Hazel Bey, 33/97 said, “There are no degrees within the Moorish Rite that are more profound, more sacred, and more necessary than those which define the OMS..." As previously stated, the O.M.S is the veritable women's component of the Moorish Rite, the first degree (Nefertiti), however, is open to Moorish Rite Freemasons (males) as a degree requisite for the men. All Moorish Rite Freemasons must have the Nefertiti degree to advance in Moorish Rite degrees. As a foundational degree, the Nefertiti degree serves a dual purpose: 1) To initiate women into the order 2) To initiate men into the order for the purpose of true complimentary. True complimentary in this meaning establishes proper fraternal mode of communication and community between men and women members.
Asiatic Degree $144.00 USD - THE ASIATIC DEGREE MUST BE DONE THROUGH Al Ahkket Lodge N0. 1 http://www.moorishriteonline.net/theonlineprocess.htm
Mu'Wahid Degree $164.00 USD, the preliminary or 1st Moorish Rite degrees.
You say “Moorish,” but why not say African American or Black?
The term “Moorish” alludes (without strict limitation) to, the Moorish Empire, which once extended from North Africa through all Western and some of Southern Africa. During that time, Moors contributed prominently to the world’s understanding of science, mathematics, literature, art, architecture, in short, all of the sciences of civilization! Additionally, the Moors were present in the Americas (well before Columbus; great historical commission). “Moor” therefore, is a word that globally identifies people of African as well as moral descent, while it also links us with a particular, and glorious epoch of our history, and points to a concrete geopolitical reality. Therefore, we embrace our identity as Moorish men and women, knowing that we are identifying with a rich and great historical legacy. We do not necessarily discount that other nomenclature, we choose Moorish fraternally and do understand the use of other nomenclature in proper context.
While the Ancient Free Moorish Rite respects the sincere efforts of Moorish, Fraternal, Religious, Political organizations and otherwise, as well as well-meaning individuals, to promote or share information on the Internet, external links to this site do not necessarily imply Moorish Rite affiliation with the linking parties. While visits to this site are encouraged, readers are cautioned to exercise their own judgment in choosing and reviewing external material and should critically evaluate any views, sentiments and opinions expressed therefrom... www.moorishriteonline.net. Moreover, readers are here advised, that any such views, sentiments and opinions are not necessarily endorsed or supported by the Ancient Free Moorish Rite (A.F.M.R.) CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY LODGE (JARIYYAH) NO. 1 - North Carolina.
Asiatic Degree $144.00 USD - THE ASIATIC DEGREE MUST BE DONE THROUGH Al Ahkket Lodge N0. 1 http://www.moorishriteonline.net/theonlineprocess.htm
Mu'Wahid Degree $164.00 USD, the preliminary or 1st Moorish Rite degrees.
- Wali Degree $200.00 USD
- Sayyied Degree $256.00 USD
- (NOTE: Initiations are ONLY for those that live within the said state of North Carolina!
- What makes the Moorish Rite special?
You say “Moorish,” but why not say African American or Black?
The term “Moorish” alludes (without strict limitation) to, the Moorish Empire, which once extended from North Africa through all Western and some of Southern Africa. During that time, Moors contributed prominently to the world’s understanding of science, mathematics, literature, art, architecture, in short, all of the sciences of civilization! Additionally, the Moors were present in the Americas (well before Columbus; great historical commission). “Moor” therefore, is a word that globally identifies people of African as well as moral descent, while it also links us with a particular, and glorious epoch of our history, and points to a concrete geopolitical reality. Therefore, we embrace our identity as Moorish men and women, knowing that we are identifying with a rich and great historical legacy. We do not necessarily discount that other nomenclature, we choose Moorish fraternally and do understand the use of other nomenclature in proper context.
While the Ancient Free Moorish Rite respects the sincere efforts of Moorish, Fraternal, Religious, Political organizations and otherwise, as well as well-meaning individuals, to promote or share information on the Internet, external links to this site do not necessarily imply Moorish Rite affiliation with the linking parties. While visits to this site are encouraged, readers are cautioned to exercise their own judgment in choosing and reviewing external material and should critically evaluate any views, sentiments and opinions expressed therefrom... www.moorishriteonline.net. Moreover, readers are here advised, that any such views, sentiments and opinions are not necessarily endorsed or supported by the Ancient Free Moorish Rite (A.F.M.R.) CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY LODGE (JARIYYAH) NO. 1 - North Carolina.
- If you domicile in North Carolina state (meaning if you do NOT live in North Carolina, you can NOT join the ANCIENT FREE MOORISH RITE CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY JARIYYAH NO. 1. You will have to go to facebook https://www.facebook.com/Ancient-Free-Moorish-Rite-132770886793927/ . However, if you do domicile in North Carolina and have further questions on being initiated into the A.F.M.R. (Ancient Free Moorish Rite) CLIFFORD E. HAZEL BEY JARIYYAH (LODGE) NO. 1, please call 910-364-9099. Thank you!