We are proud to have a team of Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE Order of Melchizedek initiates. They are High Priests (Sachemu) who practice Pranic Healing, Usui, Tibetan, Kundalini & Seichim (Sekhem) Reiki, Tai Chi, Chi Kung and etc... These Master Healers, such as, Khadirah El-Bey, Mecca El-Bey, Dr. Alim El-Bey, and etc... are available for readings to assist with your Spiritual Growth. If you need energy adjustments, kundalini attunements, chakra and aura readings, chi & numerology assessments, totem readings get a reading and connect with a Master.
"As Above, So Below." we give the esoteric / metaphysical meaning of animals and further down are our special chart readings. These are animals that you may see out of the norm. In other words, there are animals that are seen rarely. These animals presence is speaking to you. Shamanism, the world's oldest healing tradition, is found in all cultures on planet Earth. Shamans work with their allies--the animal spirits. In the shamanic belief everything is alive and carries with it power and wisdom. Power animals are an essential component of shamanic practice. Among the cultures that practice Shamanism are Native Americans in North America, Indians of South America, Africa, and South and East Asia. Power animals are the helping spirit, which add to the power of the shaman and are essential for success in any venture undertaken by the shaman. Everyone is thought to have a few of these guardian power animals, from childhood on. Over the course of her or his life the person may have several. Each power animal that you have increases your power so that illnesses or negative energy cannot enter your body. However, if a power animal leaves and one does not come to take its place the individual is considered, by the shaman, to be disempowered and therefore vulnerable to illness and bad luck. Power animal retrieval is a healing where the shaman goes to find a new power animal for you. It is believed that the animal guide can communicate with you by drawing your attention to things around you, and a repetition such as that would be a way of communication.Tribal cultures will recognize a Totem for the tribe, one for the clan one belongs to, and one for the family that one is born into.
Alligator/Crocodile's Wisdom Includes:
- Maternal protection
- Connection to the earth mother
- Protection from manipulation
- Understanding deceit
- Revenge through patience
- Initiation
- Understanding weather
- Access to ancient knowledge
Ant's Wisdom Includes:
- Patience
- Stamina
- Planning
- Energy and patience needed to complete work
- Communal living
- Storing for the future
Anteater's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to find lost objects
- Connection to the insect world
- Ability to smell out trouble before seeing it
- Understanding the value of "rooting around" to find solutions
Armadillo's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding your personal boundary
- Respecting the boundaries of others
- Carrying your protection with you at all times
- Understanding your vulnerabilities
- Empathy
- Discrimination
Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
- Swiftness
- Strength
- Courage
- Wisdom
- Keen sight
- Illumination of Spirit
- Healing
- Creation
- Knowledge of magick
- Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
- Rising above the material to see the spiritual
- Ability to see the overall pattern
- Connection to spirit guides and teachers
- Great power and balance
- Dignity with grace
- Ability to see the "big picture"
- Connection with higher truths
- Intuitive and creative spirit
- Respect for the boundaries of the regions
- Grace achieved through knowledge and hard work
Badger's Wisdom Includes:
- Keeper of stories
- Bold Self-Express
- ion
- Aggressiveness
- Single-mindedness
- Passion
- Cunning
- Revenge
- Perseverance
- Control
- Antidote to passivity or victimization
- Persistence in the service of a mission
- Groundedness
- Knowledge of the earth
- Earth magick and wisdom
- Creative action in a crisis
- Protection of rights and spiritual ideas
Bat's Wisdom Includes:
- Shamanic death and rebirth
- Pollination of new ideas
- Transition
- Initiation
- Viewing past lives
- Understanding grief
- The use of vibrational sound
- Camouflage
- Invisibility
- Ability to observe unseen
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
- Introspection
- Healing
- Solitude
- Change
- Communication with Spirit
- Death and rebirth
- Transformation
- Astral travel
- Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
- Visionaries
- Defense and revenge
- Wisdom
Beaver's Wisdom Includes:
- Maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options
- Being persistent
- Using available resources
- Using alternate ways of doing tasks
- Master builder of all things
- Not damming the flow of experiences in life
- Achievement through completion of tasks
- Understanding dynamics of group work
Bee's Wisdom Includes:
- Connection to the Goddess Diana
- Understanding female warrior energy
- Reincarnation
- Communication with the dead
- Helping earth-bound spirits move on to their proper place
- Concentration
- Prosperity
Beetle/Ladybug's Wisdom Includes:
- Carries the Golden Strand that leads to the Center of the Universe
- Past lives
- Spiritual enlightenment
- Death and Rebirth
Black Jaguar's Wisdom Includes :
- Keeper of the circular time continuum
- Gatekeeper to the Unknowable
- All wisdom listed above for Jaguar
Bluebird's Wisdom Includes:
- Happiness
- Movement to new level of being
- Modesty
- Fulfillment
- Confidence
- Ability to return from the brink of extinction
Bobcat's Wisdom Includes:
- Clear vision in dark places
- Vigilance
- Suspicion
- Seeking ancient mystical mysteries
- Ability to live in solitude
- Ability to see through masks
Butterfly/Caterpillar's Wisdom Includes:
- The power of the whirlwind
- Reincarnation
- Transformation
- Transmutation
- Magick
Canary's Wisdom Includes:
- Beauty of voice
- Use of song in healing
- Finding your soul’s song
- Happiness
- Ability to find joy in song during times in darkness/shadow
Cardinal/Redbird's Wisdom Includes:
- Courtship
- Fatherhood
- Understanding the power of the wind
- Finding your soul song
Cat's Wisdom Includes:
- Independence
- Seeing the unseen
- Protection
- Love
- Allows us to dream its dreams
- Assists in meditation
- Ability to fight when cornered
Centipede's Wisdom Includes:
- Balance
- Coordination
- Ability to survive stress
- Beauty of movement
Chickadee's Wisdom Includes:
- The bird of truth
- Truthful expression
- Understanding the power of small things
- All aspects of attitude
- Use of voice
Chicken/Cock/Hen's Wisdom Includes:
- Power of voice
- Understanding language
- Pecking out the answers that escape others
- Awakening powers at sunrise
- Protection of family and community
- Hearing your inner voice
Chipmunk's Wisdom Includes:
- Gathering
- Ability to regulate usage
- Saving for future use
- Ability to carry ones nourishment (both spiritual and physical) with them
- Ability to see both light and shadow
- Mobility
- Cuteness
Clam/Mussel's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to siphon energy
- Living within the Earth
- Balance
- Symbiosis
- Connection to mud
- Going within
Cockroach's Wisdom Includes:
- Speed to avoid harm
- Understanding shadow
- Moving through fear
- Understanding disgust in others
Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:
- Using leadership power wisely and without ego
- Balancing power, intention, strength
- Gaining self-confidence
- Freedom from guilt
- Cunning
For the Zunis of Turtle Island (Southwest United States), Cougar was the Master Hunter, known for its high intelligence, its knowledge of other animal and life forms, its physical prowess, its strength of will, and its intuitive ability. Cougar sees the maintenance of its territory as essential for its survival. Poshaiankia, the father of the Medicine Societies, designated Cougar the duty of carrying messages from humans to the higher spirits, because of this animal’s personal power, superior knowledge, strength of will, and steadfastness. Therefore, Cougar represents the link between ourselves and the most powerful spirits in Zuni Mythology: Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Originator of All.
Cow/Bull's Wisdom Includes:
- Being alert to danger
- Contentment
- Cow: Connection to the Great Mother Goddess
- Love
- Connection to the grasses
- Sharing through community
- Bull: Ability to stand your ground
Coyote's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding that all things are sacred--yet nothing is sacred
- Teaching that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the Source
- Intelligence
- Singing humans into being
- Childhood trust in truth
- Teaching us how to rear our young
- Brings rain
- Ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes
- Placing the North Star
- Shape-shifting
- Teaching balance between risk and safety
- Illumination
- Stealth
Crab's/Hermit Crab's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to escape by moving sidewise
- Understanding the power of dance
- Ability to move through water (emotions)
- Male aspects of community
- Finding new uses for the seemingly useless
- Protection of home space
- Love of freedom
- Mobility
- Ability to live anywhere
- Understands the need for rapid change
- Movement through decades
- Ability to store water energy
- Comfort in darkness
Crane's Wisdom Includes:
- Symbol of spring and light
- Astral travel
- New knowledge
- Seeing all things associated with secrets
- Wisdom
- Seeks to help others on their paths
- Longevity
- Elegance
- Using voice uniquely
Cricket's Wisdom Includes:
- Good luck
- Teaching the power of song in darkness
- Finding ones way out of darkness by following their song
- Understanding the time to jump out of a situation
- Communication
- Connection to the plant kingdom
Crow/Raven/Rook's Wisdom Includes:
- Guardian of the place before existence
- Ability to move in space and time
- Honoring ancestors
- Ethics and Ethical behavior
- Carrier of souls from darkness into light
- Working without fear in darkness
- Guidance while working in shadow
- Moves freely in the void
- Understands all things related to ethics
- Shapeshifter
Damselfly/Dragonfly's Wisdom Includes:
- Mastery of life on the wing
- Power of flight
- Power to escape a blow
- Understanding dreams
- Power of light
- Breaking down illusions
- Seeing the truth in situations
- Swiftness
- Change
- Connection to Dragon
Deer/Hart/Caribou/Reindeer's Wisdom Includes:
- Gentleness in word, thought and touch
- Ability to listen
- Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
- Understanding of what's necessary for survival
- Power of gratitude and giving
- Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
- Connection to the woodland goddess
- Alternative paths to a goal
- Connection to home over long distances
- Power of wandering
- Protection while traveling
- Social skills
- Retention of ones power in group situations
- Ability to go long periods in the dark
Dog's Wisdom Includes:
- Heals emotional wounds in humans
- Understanding of the duality of doubt and faith
- Companionship
- Unquestioned loyalty
- Love
- Knowledge of all things sensual
- Protection
- Ability to smell trouble from a distance
Dolphin/Porpoise's Wisdom Includes:
- Knowledge of the sea
- Patron of sailors
- Change
- Wisdom
- Balance
- Harmony
- Communication skills
- Freedom
- Trust
- Understanding the power of rhythm in your life
- Use of breath to release intense emotions
- Water element magick
Donkey/Ass/Burro's Wisdom Includes:
- Stubbornness
- Ability to make decisions
- Refusing to move when you know it isn’t right
- Saying "no" to others
- Ignoring others opinions
Dove/Pigeon's Wisdom Includes:
- Brings peace and love
- Understanding of gentleness
- Spirit messenger
- Communicates between the two worlds
Elk's Wisdom Includes:
- Stamina
- Strength
- Sensual passion
- Honoring those of your gender
- Ability to pace oneself in tasks
Falcon/Krestal/Merlin's Wisdom Includes:
- Assisting in soul healing
- Accompanying the soul back to the soul world
- Teaching swiftness
- Learning the aerobatics of life
- Controlling speed and movement
- Understanding magick
Firefly's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to find light in the darkness
- Use of light for communication
- Ability to communicate with Color
Flea's Wisdom Includes:
- Metamorphosis
- Ability to alter time within the life cycle
- Sensitivity to light
- Ability to trigger a birth process by the use of light, vibration, or the various components of air.
Fly's wisdom includes:
- Survival
- Multifaceted vision
- Ability to change waste into valuable assets
- Transformation
- Adaptation to the harshest environments
Flamingo's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to filter soul lessons from emotional waters
- Understanding the language of color
- Ability to maintain soul purpose in group living
- Understanding how to maintain balance
Fox's Wisdom Includes:
- Shapeshifting
- Cleverness
- Observational skills
- Cunning
- Stealth
- Camouflage
- Feminine courage
- Invisibility
- Ability to observe unseen
- Persistence
- Gentleness
- Swiftness
Frog/Toad's Wisdom Includes:
- Reminder of common bonds with all life
- Singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient watery beginnings
- Transformation
- Cleansing
- Understanding emotions
- Rebirth
- Connection to altered states of consciousness
- Symbol of the Earth
- Camouflaging poison
- Changing luck
- Long life
Fruit Fly's Wisdom Includes:
- Transformation
- Multifaceted vision
- Ability to mutate as needed
- Courtship display
- Connection to color
Goldfinch's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding the value of change
- Ability to resolve family conflicts in a healthy manner
- Creating balance in dealing with different peoples
- Understanding the power of voice
Goldfish/Koi's Wisdom Includes:
- Prosperity
- Beauty
- Harmony
- Balance between mind and emotion
- Peace
Gull's Wisdom Includes:
- Spiritual messengers
- Communication with deities
- Behaving responsibly
- Ability to see from above situations
- Friendship
Grasshopper/Locust/Katydid's Wisdom Includes:
- Jumps across space and time
- Leaps of faith
- Jumping without knowing where you will land
- Astral travel
- Leaping over obstacles
- New leaps forward
- Ability to change careers quickly
Hawk's Wisdom Includes:
- Clear-sightedness
- Being observant
- Far-memory
- Messages from spirit
- Guardianship
- Recalling past lives
- Courage
- Wisdom
- Illumination
- Seeing the larger picture
- Creativity
- Truth
- Experience
- Wise use of opportunities
- Overcoming problems
Horse/Pony/Mustang's Wisdom Includes:
- Power
- Stamina
- Endurance
- Faithfulness
- Freedom to run free
- Control of the environment
- Awareness of power achieved with true cooperation
- Interspecies communication
- Expanding one’s own potential abilities
- Friendship and Cooperation
- Travel
- Astral travel
- Guardian of travelers
- Warns of possible danger
- Guide to overcoming obstacles
Humming birds's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to heal by using light as a laser from mouth
- Endurance over long journeys
- Ability to fly into small places to heal
- Joy
- Happiness
- Love
Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
- Seeing the roads within chaos
- Understanding the patterns of chaos
- Moving without fear in the darkness
- Facilitating soul work
- Empowering oneself
- Moving in unknown places
- Shapeshifter
- Psychic sight
Jay's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding how to use power wisely
- Warning
- Courage
- Ability to check on future trouble spots
Jellyfish's Wisdom Includes:
- Sensitivity to water energy—emotions
- Understanding of the value of floating, rather than swimming, through trying emotional times
- Proper use of softness (not being rigid)
- Ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life
Lizard's Wisdom Includes:
- Detachment from ego
- Power to regenerate that which is lost
- Facing fear
- Controlling dreams
- Moving in the otherworld
Llama/Guanaco/Vicuna's Wisdom Includes:
- Overcoming materialism
- Moving over hurdles
- Comforting others
- Withstanding cold
Lobster's Wisdom Includes:
- Concentration
- Coordination
- Understands when to follow not lead
- Ability to transcend the mind/ego
- The power of simplicity
Magpie's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding of the balance of light and
darkness - Seeing in darkness
- Use of ritual in everyday life
- Communication
- Understanding messages from Spirit
- Prophecy
- Intelligence
- Use of voice
- Good luck
Mantis's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to manipulate time
- Power to move between moments
- Understanding of the circular nature of time
- Power of stillness
- Female warrior energy
- Attack strategy
Meadowlark's Wisdom Includes:
- The power of song
- Understanding the use of voice
- Clarity
- Happiness
- Meditating on oneself
- Going inward to find answers
Mockingbird's wisdom includes:
- Using knowledge gained on the outside to heal the inside
- Learning through experience
- Curiosity
- Attitude
- Territoriality
- Overcoming fear
- Intelligence
Mole's Wisdom Includes:
- Guardian of the lower regions
- Connection with the energies of the Earth
- Knowledge of herbs, roots, minerals, seeds, rivers, and other hidden bounties of the earth
- Ability to turn inward
- Introspection and blindness to all but light and dark in the material world
- Love expressed in nature
- Sensitivity to touch and vibration (the kinesthetic sense)
- Understanding of energies and fluxes
Mosquito's Wisdom Includes:
- Using water to transform
- Drawing energy inside one self
- Controlling energy flow in one direction
Moth's Wisdom Includes:
- The power of the whirlwind
- Ease of movement in darkness/shadow
- Transformation
- Ability to confuse enemies
- Ability to find light in darkness
Mouse/Lemming/Vole/Rat's Wisdom Includes:
- Examines life's lessons
- Shyness
- Quietness
- Understanding details
- Seeing double meanings in things
- Invisibility
- Stealth
- Guidance in signing contracts
- Discovery
- Ability to be unseen
- Abundant reproduction
- Defense
- Intelligence
- Symbol of fertility and wealth
Opossum's Wisdom Includes:
- Proper use of deception
- Use of appearances
- Sensibility
- Guidance to uncovering talent, psychic or physical
- Gaining wisdom
- Recovery
Oriole's Wisdom Includes:
- Connection to tree spirits
- Ability to see how all life is woven together
- Facilitates connection to the Little People
- Joy
Ostrich's Wisdom Includes:
- Assists in exorcisms
- Spiritual truth
- Avoidance behavior
- Outrunning adversaries
- Communal living
- Understands all aspects of denial
Otter's Wisdom Includes:
- Woman’s healing wisdom
- Sensibility without suspicion
- Guidance in unmasking talents
- Psychic awareness
- Faithfulness
- Recovery issues
- Understanding the value of playtime
Owl's Wisdom Includes:
- Stealth
- Secrecy
- Silent and swift movement
- Seeing behind masks
- Keen sight
- Messenger of secrets and omens
- Shape-shifting
- Link between the dark, unseen world and the world of light
- Comfort with shadow self
- Moon magick
- Freedom
Oyster's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to filter out life’s static
- Understands when to close doors to prevent energy loss
- Sensitivity to environmental changes
- Maintenance of outer wall of protection
Peacock/Peahen's Wisdom Includes:
- All aspects of beauty
- Immortality
- Ability to see into the past, present, and future
- Dignity
- Self-confidence
- Rising out of ashes
Pheasants's Wisdom Includes:
- Movement through ego
- Using color to heal
- Expansion of self awareness
- Understanding the use of ritual
Pig/Sow/Boar's Wisdom Includes:
- Crone Goddess
- Rooting out the truth
- Deep Earth magick
- Past life knowledge
- Intelligence
- Cunning
- Becoming invisible during times of danger
Piranha's wisdom includes:
- Service to the river and the life within it
- Savagery
- Tearing apart enemies
- Understanding the power of groups
- Ability to totally consume (use) what is given to you
Porcupine's Wisdom Includes:
- Innocence
- Trust in Spirit
- Renewed sense of wonder
- Creating your own path
- Protection of boundaries
- Defense when threatened
- Allowing others their path
- Non-interference
Prairie Dog's Wisdom Includes:
- Communal living
- Value of touch
- Proper use of affection
- Connection to all things found below the surface
Quail's Wisdom Includes:
- Living close to the Earth
- Ability to blend into the background
- Finding peaceful solutions to peril
- Courage to face hardships
Rabbit/Hare's Wisdom Includes:
- Guile
- Paradox and contradiction
- Living by one’s own wits
- Receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages
- Quick-thinking
- Humility
- Moving through fear
- Strengthening intuition
Raccoon's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding the nature of masks
- Disguise
- Dexterity
- Seeking guidance and confidence
- Questioning without fear
- Balancing curiosity
Roadrunner's Wisdom Includes:
- Proper use of speed
- Understanding rapid change
- Agility
- Evading capture through quickness
Robin's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding the power of song
- Happiness
- Guide in the wisdom of change
Salamander's Wisdom Includes:
- Facilitates the connection between earth and water
- Connection to the soul memories of early life on earth
- Change
- Comfort in darkness
- Ability to cloak in the face of adversity
Sandpiper/Peep's Wisdom Includes:
- Communal living
- Ability to go unnoticed
- Understands cycles related to tides
- Value of blending races
- Defense through impersonation
Scorpion's Wisdom Includes:
- Attacking from the rear
- Death and rebirth
- Transmutation of poison
- Reflecting dark and negative energy back to its sender
Sea Turtle's Wisdom Includes:
- Bravery of the young
- Connection to the Moon
- Navigation skills
- Understands the nuances of long cycles
- Duty to completion of ones life path
- Ability to travel long distances to reach home
- Longevity
- Wisdom
- Connection to the Earth’s water energies
Shark's Wisdom Includes:
- A God of the Sea
- Guardian of the family
- Ability to move constantly
- Savior
- Protector
- Connection to past knowledge
- Shapeshifter
- Remorselessness
- Never being caught off guard
- Ability to defend oneself
Sheep/Ram/Ewe's Wisdom Includes:
- Maintaining balance in dangerous situations
- Confidence in ones abilities
- Fertility
- Courage needed to maintain balance
- New beginnings
- Abundance
- Assurance in new areas
Shrimp/Krill/Prawn's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts
- Sustenance
- Ability withstand cold temperatures
- Group living
- Adaptability
Skunk's Wisdom Includes:
- Understanding how to "walk your talk"
- Reputation
- Sensuality
- Understanding energy flows
- Self-respect
- Courage
- Will-power
- Self-confidence
Snail/Slug's Wisdom Includes:
- Importance of keeping yourself mobile
- Understands the value of leaving a trail
- Ability to use slow movement to ones advantage
- Defense through retreat
- Understands the value of humor
Snake/Serpent's Wisdom Includes:
- Messenger of the Rainbow Serpent
- Elusiveness
- Manipulates lightning
- Transmutation
- Exploration of the mysteries of life
- Primitive or elemental energy
- Protection from religious persecution
- Goddess energy
- Psychic energy
- Creative power
- Immortality
- Connection to or forms the magic cord by which the shaman travels to the soul world
Spider's Wisdom Includes:
- Master weaver
- Weaver of the web of fate
- Wisdom
- Creativity
- Divine inspiration
- Shapeshifting
- Understanding the patterns of illusion
- Female energy for the creative force of life
- Daily Success
Sparrow's Wisdom Includes:
- Desire
- Fertility
- Manifesting new love in ones life
- Understanding the aspects of race
- Ability to use the power of song
- All aspects of color
Squirrel's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to solve puzzles
- Resourcefulness
- Quick change of direction
- Storing for the future
- Balance in giving and receiving
- Power of rest during times of non-movement
- Warning
- Discovery
- Change
- Avoiding danger by climbing to a higher place
Stink Bug's Wisdom Includes:
- Use of odor as protection
- Exchange of life energy
- Camouflage
- Use of exterior shell as protection
Stork's Wisdom Includes:
- Creation
- New beginnings
- Faithfulness
- Protection of the young
Swallow's Wisdom Includes:
- Closely related to the Thunderbird
- Power of communal living
- Understands the value to family and home
- Protection
- Agility
- Ability to maneuver
- Connection to the arrival of thunderstorms
Swan's Wisdom Includes:
- Awakening the power of self
- Understanding dream symbols
- Seeing into the future
- Understanding spiritual evolution
- Developing intuitive abilities
- Divination
- Grace in dealing with others
Termite's Wisdom Includes:
Termite's Wisdom Includes:
- Defense of personal space
- Single-mindedness
- Connection to tropical forests
- Co-operative living
Tick's Wisdom Includes:
- Transmission of ideas
- Patience
- Ability to use heat and movement to see
- Ingenuity
Turkey's Wisdom Includes:
- Sacrifice of self for a higher purpose
- Understanding the gift of giveaway
- Honoring the Earth Mother
- Harvest bounties
Turtle/Tortoise's Wisdom Includes:
- Symbol of the earth
- Connection with the center
- Navigation skills
- Patience
- Self-boundaries
- Associated with the feminine
- Power to heal female diseases
- Respecting the boundaries of others
- Developing new ideas
- Psychically protecting oneself
- Self-reliance
- Tenacity
- Nonviolent defense
Vulture/Buzzard/Condor's Wisdom Includes:
- Death and rebirth
- Prophecy
- Love of the Mother goddess
- Knowledge concerning the death of a loved one
- New vision
- Purification
Wasp/Hornet/Yellowjacket's Wisdom Includes:
- Use of female warrior energy
- Sisterhood
- Understanding female societies
- Communal living
Weasel's Wisdom Includes:
- Stealth
- Cunning
- Ingenuity
- Revenge
- Keen observation
- Ability to see hidden reasons behind things
- Power of observation
Whale's Wisdom Includes:
- Record keeper for all eternity
- All knowledge associated with voice
- Psychic and telepathic abilities
- All aspects of the sea
- Beauty of movement
Wolf's Wisdom Includes:
- Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage
- Death and rebirth
- Spirit teaching
- Guidance in dreams and meditations
- Instinct linked with intelligence
- Social and familial values
- Outwitting enemies
- Ability to pass unseen
- Steadfastness
- Skill in protection of self and family
- Taking advantage of change
Wolverine's Wisdom Includes:
- Last phantom of the wilderness
- Hyena of the North
- Master of the Forest
- Trickster hero
- Magical link between the material and the spirit worlds
- Revenge
- Craftiness
- Understands how to satisfy appetites
- Ability to travel in very cold places
- Understanding aggression
- Protection against attackers
- Multilevel protection
- Standing your ground
- Fierceness
- Elusiveness
- Gluttonry
- Cleverness
- Strength
- Non-retreat
- Effective attack
- Endurance
- Courage
Woodchuck/Marmot/Ground Hog's Wisdom Includes:
- Sense of family and community
- Connection to seasonal changes
- Understands the power of cycles
- Ability to hibernate (sleep) during hard times
- Protection from floods
- Ability to go underground when trouble arises
Woodpecker/Sapsucker's Wisdom Includes:
- Connection to the earth
- Ability to find hidden layers
- Understands rhythms, cycles and patterns
- Warnings
- Prophecy
- Associated with thunder
- The Earth's drummer
- Pecks away at deception until the truth is revealed
Worm's Wisdom Includes:
- Regeneration
- Purifies the Earth
- Ability to find nurturing within the Earth
- Camouflage
- Ability to wiggle out of difficult situations
Wren's Wisdom Includes:
- Messenger from the gods
- Sibling (brother/sister) relationships
- Power of voice
- Fearlessness
- Seeing future events
Aura Readings
An aura is the energy field that surrounds every living being/thing (including plants, the earth and animals). Most of the time, the aura is seen as layers of colors and energy around you. This reading is done via google hang out so a gmail, Facebook or Skype account is required.
Auras are energy bodies, electro-magnetic energy that contains loads of information about what is going on with people, animals, plants, and so forth at a deeper level.Your aura, for instance, includes information about how you communicate, your truthfulness, your emotions, the use of your mind, your sexiness, and how you deal with power.
Temporary things show up, short-term problems, chronic complaints, and deep gifts of the soul. It's a huge reservoir of information that anyone can access. Aura reading means accessing that information.
An aura is the energy field that surrounds every living being/thing (including plants, the earth and animals). Most of the time, the aura is seen as layers of colors and energy around you. This reading is done via google hang out so a gmail, Facebook or Skype account is required.
Auras are energy bodies, electro-magnetic energy that contains loads of information about what is going on with people, animals, plants, and so forth at a deeper level.Your aura, for instance, includes information about how you communicate, your truthfulness, your emotions, the use of your mind, your sexiness, and how you deal with power.
Temporary things show up, short-term problems, chronic complaints, and deep gifts of the soul. It's a huge reservoir of information that anyone can access. Aura reading means accessing that information.
Chakra Readings
Reading gives a detailed break down of individual chakra conditions. Heal yourself from within! This reading will reveal how to channel your body's natural energy into everything you do. Delve into the mind-body connection as you focus on your physical and mental well-being.
Chakra Reading- What kind of information can be gained from a chakra reading? Chakras are energy centers in the body that spin; they are wheels, of color and vibration that relate to our health, wealth and, spiritual evolution. With each chakra this is what and where we look for particular issues:
1st CHAKRA: Root or Base Chakra.
LOCATION: Between the Legs (Perienium, G. Spot).
COLOR: Red (secondary color is black = Ifa-Yoruba = Eshu Elegba).
FUNCTIONS: Gives vitality to the physical body.Life-Force, survival, self-preservation, instincts.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones. GEMS/MINERALS: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz.
FOODS: Proteins (meat and dairy products not recommended), red fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: The physical body, mastery of the body, individuality, stability, stillness, health, courage, patience. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-Centered (EGO), insecurity, violence, greed, anger. Overly concerned with one's physical survival. Tension in the spine and constipation.
2nd CHAKRA: Navel Chakra.
LOCATION: Lower Abdomen (Base of the Spine, Sacral Bone area [Coccyx]).
COLOR: Orange.
FUNCTIONS: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones. GEMS/MINERALS: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz.
FOODS: Proteins (meat and dairy products not recommended), red fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: The physical body, mastery of the body, individuality, stability, stillness, health, courage, patience. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-Centered (EGO), insecurity, violence, greed, anger. Overly concerned with one's physical survival. Tension in the spine and constipation.Emotional well-being, childhood issues, family relationships, romantic relationships, sexuality. Creativity. How are you feeling. Pleasures, sexual/passionate love, change, assimilation of change and new ideas.
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra. Will-power, strength, energy. How do I use my power, my energy. Authority, self control.
LOCATION: Upper Abdomen, above the navel, but below the chest.
COLOR: Yellow.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system. Digestive processes, metabolism, emotions.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles.
GEMS/MINERALS: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, and gold.
FOODS: Starches, yellow fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Will, personal power, authority, energy, mastery of desire, self control. Radiance, warmth, awakening, transformation, humor, laughter, immortality.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize. Too much emphasis on power and / or recognition. Anger, fear, hate. Digestive problems.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Ability to love, give compassion, relate to others, romance, parenting qualities, spiritual devotion. Who do I Love. Divine and unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.
LOCATION: Center of the chest.
COLOR: Green (secondary color is pink).
FUNCTIONS: Anchors the life-force from the right ventricle of the heart called the "Atom Seed" to the Higher Self. Energizes the blood and physical body with the life-force. Blood circulation.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs. GEMS/MINERALS: Emerald, green and pink toumaline, pink rose quartz, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, chrysoprase, kunzite.
FOODS: Green fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Divine / unconditional love when kundalini (umbilini) is resonating at this chakra (arit), however, as the kundalini (umbilini) travels up to the crown, the heart establishes conditional love. Forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life. Acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, contentment.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Regression of love, emotional instability, out of balance. Heart problems, circulation problems.
5th Chakra: Throat Chakra: Creative Path, self expression. What is my creative path and how should I use my talents? Power of the spoken word. Creative expression in speech, writing, and the arts.
LOCATION: Throat area.
ELEMENT: Sound / Akasha / Ether.
FUNCTIONS: Speech, sound, vibration and communication.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus gland, throat, mouth. GEMS/MINERALS: Turquoise, chrysocilla, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, azurite, kyanite.
FOODS: Blue fruit and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Power of the spoken word. True communication. Creative expression in speech, writing and the arts. Integration, peace (silence), truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindness..
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Communication and / or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment. Depression, thyroid problems.
6th Chakra: Brow Chakra / Third Eye: Openness of psychic abilities, awareness, meditation. How aware am I, what do I see and how. Psychic and clairvoyant visions, wisdom and devotion.
LOCATION: Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows.
COLOR: Indigo (Dark Blue / Night Sky).
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system. Vision.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pituitary gland (beam white to the Pineal Gland), left eye, nose, ears.
GEMS/MINERALS: Lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, sapphire, indicolite tourmaline.
FOODS: Blue / Purple fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Spiritual Soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairgustance, Clairsentient, Psychometry, concentration, peace of mind. Wisdom, devotion.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of concentration and focus, fear, cynicism, tension. Headaches, eye problems, bad dreams. Overly attached from the world.
7th Chakra: Crown Chakra: Spiritual guides, spiritual path. What is my spiritual path? Who are my guides and what do they have to tell me? How open am I to Universal life force energy? Connection with Higher Self. Delve deeper into your Soul Self.
LOCATION: Top of the head.
COLOR: Violet / Purple (Secondary color[s] White or Gold).
ELEMENT: Thought.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum).
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pineal Gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye.
GEMS/MINERALS: Amethyst, alexandrite, diamond sugilite, purple fluorine, quartz crystal, selenite.
FOODS: This energy center is associated with the idea of fasting: Also, violet (purple) fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Unification of the Higher Self with the human ego (personality). Oneness with the infinite. Spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding. Idealism, selfless service, unconditional love. Perception beyond duality (time and space). Continuity of consciousness.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve and senility.
Reading gives a detailed break down of individual chakra conditions. Heal yourself from within! This reading will reveal how to channel your body's natural energy into everything you do. Delve into the mind-body connection as you focus on your physical and mental well-being.
Chakra Reading- What kind of information can be gained from a chakra reading? Chakras are energy centers in the body that spin; they are wheels, of color and vibration that relate to our health, wealth and, spiritual evolution. With each chakra this is what and where we look for particular issues:
1st CHAKRA: Root or Base Chakra.
LOCATION: Between the Legs (Perienium, G. Spot).
COLOR: Red (secondary color is black = Ifa-Yoruba = Eshu Elegba).
FUNCTIONS: Gives vitality to the physical body.Life-Force, survival, self-preservation, instincts.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones. GEMS/MINERALS: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz.
FOODS: Proteins (meat and dairy products not recommended), red fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: The physical body, mastery of the body, individuality, stability, stillness, health, courage, patience. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-Centered (EGO), insecurity, violence, greed, anger. Overly concerned with one's physical survival. Tension in the spine and constipation.
2nd CHAKRA: Navel Chakra.
LOCATION: Lower Abdomen (Base of the Spine, Sacral Bone area [Coccyx]).
COLOR: Orange.
FUNCTIONS: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones. GEMS/MINERALS: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz.
FOODS: Proteins (meat and dairy products not recommended), red fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: The physical body, mastery of the body, individuality, stability, stillness, health, courage, patience. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-Centered (EGO), insecurity, violence, greed, anger. Overly concerned with one's physical survival. Tension in the spine and constipation.Emotional well-being, childhood issues, family relationships, romantic relationships, sexuality. Creativity. How are you feeling. Pleasures, sexual/passionate love, change, assimilation of change and new ideas.
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra. Will-power, strength, energy. How do I use my power, my energy. Authority, self control.
LOCATION: Upper Abdomen, above the navel, but below the chest.
COLOR: Yellow.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system. Digestive processes, metabolism, emotions.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles.
GEMS/MINERALS: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, and gold.
FOODS: Starches, yellow fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Will, personal power, authority, energy, mastery of desire, self control. Radiance, warmth, awakening, transformation, humor, laughter, immortality.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize. Too much emphasis on power and / or recognition. Anger, fear, hate. Digestive problems.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Ability to love, give compassion, relate to others, romance, parenting qualities, spiritual devotion. Who do I Love. Divine and unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.
LOCATION: Center of the chest.
COLOR: Green (secondary color is pink).
FUNCTIONS: Anchors the life-force from the right ventricle of the heart called the "Atom Seed" to the Higher Self. Energizes the blood and physical body with the life-force. Blood circulation.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs. GEMS/MINERALS: Emerald, green and pink toumaline, pink rose quartz, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, chrysoprase, kunzite.
FOODS: Green fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Divine / unconditional love when kundalini (umbilini) is resonating at this chakra (arit), however, as the kundalini (umbilini) travels up to the crown, the heart establishes conditional love. Forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life. Acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, contentment.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Regression of love, emotional instability, out of balance. Heart problems, circulation problems.
5th Chakra: Throat Chakra: Creative Path, self expression. What is my creative path and how should I use my talents? Power of the spoken word. Creative expression in speech, writing, and the arts.
LOCATION: Throat area.
ELEMENT: Sound / Akasha / Ether.
FUNCTIONS: Speech, sound, vibration and communication.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus gland, throat, mouth. GEMS/MINERALS: Turquoise, chrysocilla, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, azurite, kyanite.
FOODS: Blue fruit and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Power of the spoken word. True communication. Creative expression in speech, writing and the arts. Integration, peace (silence), truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindness..
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Communication and / or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment. Depression, thyroid problems.
6th Chakra: Brow Chakra / Third Eye: Openness of psychic abilities, awareness, meditation. How aware am I, what do I see and how. Psychic and clairvoyant visions, wisdom and devotion.
LOCATION: Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows.
COLOR: Indigo (Dark Blue / Night Sky).
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system. Vision.
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pituitary gland (beam white to the Pineal Gland), left eye, nose, ears.
GEMS/MINERALS: Lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, sapphire, indicolite tourmaline.
FOODS: Blue / Purple fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Spiritual Soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairgustance, Clairsentient, Psychometry, concentration, peace of mind. Wisdom, devotion.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of concentration and focus, fear, cynicism, tension. Headaches, eye problems, bad dreams. Overly attached from the world.
7th Chakra: Crown Chakra: Spiritual guides, spiritual path. What is my spiritual path? Who are my guides and what do they have to tell me? How open am I to Universal life force energy? Connection with Higher Self. Delve deeper into your Soul Self.
LOCATION: Top of the head.
COLOR: Violet / Purple (Secondary color[s] White or Gold).
ELEMENT: Thought.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum).
GLANDS/ORGANS: Pineal Gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye.
GEMS/MINERALS: Amethyst, alexandrite, diamond sugilite, purple fluorine, quartz crystal, selenite.
FOODS: This energy center is associated with the idea of fasting: Also, violet (purple) fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Unification of the Higher Self with the human ego (personality). Oneness with the infinite. Spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding. Idealism, selfless service, unconditional love. Perception beyond duality (time and space). Continuity of consciousness.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve and senility.
Chakra Reading- What kind of information can be gained from a chakra reading? Chakras are energy centers in the body that spin; they are wheels, of color and vibration that relate to our health, wealth and, spiritual evolution. With each chakra this is what and where we look for particular issues:
1st Chakra: Root or Base Chakra. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
2nd Chakra: Navel Chakra. Emotional well-being, childhood issues, family relationships, romantic relationships, sexuality. Creativity. How are you feeling. Pleasures, sexual/passionate love, change, assimilation of change and new ideas.
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra. Will-power, strength, energy. How do I use my power, my energy. Authority, self control.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Ability to love, give compassion, relate to others, romance, parenting qualities, spiritual devotion. Who do I Love. Divine and unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.
5th Chakra: Throat Chakra: Creative Path, self expression. What is my creative path and how should I use my talents? Power of the spoken word. Creative expression in speech, writing, and the arts.
6th Chakra: Brow Chakra / Third Eye: Openness of psychic abilities, awareness, meditation. How aware am I, what do I see and how. Psychic and clairvoyant visions, wisdom and devotion.
7th Chakra: Crown Chakra: Spiritual guides, spiritual path. What is my spiritual path? Who are my guides and what do they have to tell me? How open am I to Universal life force energy? Connection with higher self.
Delve deeper into your spiritual self
1st Chakra: Root or Base Chakra. Life path, work health, home, travel, ability to ground. Security issues, matters relating to the physical body. Where you might live. Best place to live, career path.
2nd Chakra: Navel Chakra. Emotional well-being, childhood issues, family relationships, romantic relationships, sexuality. Creativity. How are you feeling. Pleasures, sexual/passionate love, change, assimilation of change and new ideas.
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra. Will-power, strength, energy. How do I use my power, my energy. Authority, self control.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Ability to love, give compassion, relate to others, romance, parenting qualities, spiritual devotion. Who do I Love. Divine and unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.
5th Chakra: Throat Chakra: Creative Path, self expression. What is my creative path and how should I use my talents? Power of the spoken word. Creative expression in speech, writing, and the arts.
6th Chakra: Brow Chakra / Third Eye: Openness of psychic abilities, awareness, meditation. How aware am I, what do I see and how. Psychic and clairvoyant visions, wisdom and devotion.
7th Chakra: Crown Chakra: Spiritual guides, spiritual path. What is my spiritual path? Who are my guides and what do they have to tell me? How open am I to Universal life force energy? Connection with higher self.
Delve deeper into your spiritual self
Biorhythm charts illustrate the principle that we are influenced by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles. Many people report that they can improve the quality of their lives by monitoring the highs and lows of these cycles and acting accordingly. For example, you might try to schedule important exams during your intellectual highs, avoid talking to your significant other during your emotional lows, or arranging the lineup of your baseball team around their physical highs. If you would like a Biorhythms reading we will need your birth day and year.
The I Ching also known as the Yi Jing, Yijing, or I Ging, is one of the Five Classics, the fundamental books of Confucianism. It means the book of change or transformation It is over 3000 years old (the symbols used in divination are over 5000 years old), making it both one of the oldest surviving books in the world, and one of the oldest forms of divination. It is by far the most popular spiritual resource and oracle in Asia but deriving originally from Africa via the Ifa oracle system. Thus growing a following amongst the Indigenous people throughout the world for its ability to provide detailed insights to those who study it carefully.