The multi-talented and spiritual “Crown Prince” was bestowed with vast inner gifts, which enabled him to explore numerous schools of thought., such as, Christianity, Islam, Hebraism (Judaism), Moorish Science Temple of America (member, Secretary), Order of the Sufi Brotherhood (member), Seven Golden Rays of Peru (High member given authority by Lord Messimo and Yogi Christopher Brooks to form this “Order”), Ausar Auset Society, (A.M.O.R.C.) Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosy Cross (Higher member), Hare Krishna Movement (member), Eagle Wings Institute (member), Holy Temple of Menelik (founder) and etc…He had many other achievements, such as, Spiritual Counselor (Intuitive Psychic, Tarot Reader and Runes Reader etc…), Shaman Healer (Traditional Usui Reiki Healing System, Pranic Healer etc…), Magickian, Musician (drummer and singer), Security (for the late Her Highness Empress Verdiacee ‘Tiara’ Washitaw [Washington] Tunica [Turner] Goston El-Bey), Business Entrepreneur, Jewelry Craftsman, Cosmetic Arts (degree in Mortuary Sciences, Baths Salts Aromatic Scents etc…), Martial Arts Instructor (student of Grand Master Moses Powell, Nin Jutsu, Wing Chun, Chi Kung-Tai Chi etc…), Ordained Minister of the Afro-Centric Temple and Ordained Minister of the Ancient Coptic Church and Principal of United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation and Establisher of the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE Order of Melchizedek, which is "Her Bak" or "Hah Kha," meaning "The Teachings of Light"... It is the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Teachings of Herukhuti or Heru and Tehuti (Thoth-Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus) combine the Higher Mysteries and the Lesser Mysteries. Below quote is taken from Dr. Albert Churchward's book "THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF FREEMASONRY CONNECTED WITH THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE".
THerefore, we use the "title" melchizedek (melchisedec) in its biblical sense only as a marker of spirituality and not just a physical person at all, but a state of Higher consciousness that personifies in potentially each and everyone of us!
MEL-CHI-SEDEK - The following information is taken from "THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK - in The Bible -" by G.C.F. Grumbine
Who is Melchizedek? Biblical History. His Office and His Order. (The name) Melchizedek is contained in the Holy Bible, in Genesis 4:18; Psalms 110 and Hebrews 5; 6,7. (In the Holy Qur'an, his name is Al Khidr, the Green One, a form of Asaru [(Osiris, the Vegetation Deity] or Heru in Asaru's awaken state). Melchizedek is likened to the head of the human race, and I do mean literally, the 'head' or the "Crown Chakra"; an angel (Arch-Angel or "Arch-Angle of Light"), the son of God in human form, the Messiah (Christ)...and finally, the Holy Ghost...Melchizedek's priesthood is greater than the priesthood descending from Abraham, the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, as the Melchizedek Priesthood is "Spiritual", while the Aaronic/Levitical Priesthood is "Physical". Read vs 15-17. In Psalm 110, God emphatically swore that the Messiah would be a priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Because the Messiah (who is a Melchizedekian priest) has now come, Jesus' priesthood supersedes the Aaronic or Levitical priesthood (allegory). According to "THE METAPHYSICAL BIBLE DICTIONARY" by Charles Fillmore, he states, "Aaron (Heb.)-- means illumined; enlightener, mountaineer (very lofty). Allegory, the Brother of Moses; of the Israelite tribe of Levi, and first high priest of Israel (Exod. 6:20 _ 28:1-4). Now, metaphysical, the executive power of divine law. Aaron, the first high priest of Israel and the bearer of intellectual light to the Israelites, signifies the ruling power of the intellectual consciousness. The making of the "molten calf" by Aaron (Exod. 32:1-8) signifies the false states of thought (idols) that man builds into his consciousness when he perceives the Truth but does not carry his spiritual ideals into execution, choosing instead to let his thoughts function in a lower plane of consciousness.
"A BOOK OF THE BEGINNINGS" by Gerald Massey, Ra-Har-Makhu (Ra-Hoor-Khuit or Ra-Har-Khut), The Lord of the Aeon, also called the Biblical Melchizedek, the "Ancient of Days."
"Ra-Har-Makhu:" ("Har-Makhu" means "Sun of the Double Horizon"...Ra [Asar[u] is On, Amen, Atum [Tum, Tmu, Tammuz, Dumuzi], Aton [Aten, Atun, Adon, Adon-ia, Adon-is], Ptah).
"Heru:" (Har[u], Haru Sebek, Hero), meaning "God of the Sun," "Sun God," "Light," "High," "Far Away," "Distant One or Above." Heru symbolizes the Higher-Self or the Pineal Gland [Pituitary, Hypo-Thalamus] [Brain] called the Spiritual Eye[s]...specifically, the Galaxy like cloud [U.F.O shaped] that hover above the Pineal Gland in the fluid filled chamber third ventricle.
"Ma" is short for Ma'at (Ma'at Re, or Mut-Her[u] or Mot-her), meaning the "Truth Law." Ma'at symbol is the "Scales of Justice, Balance (Shu, the Breath of Life), Order, Harmony, Righteousness, Truth and Peace"
"Khu" (Akh, Ahki, Akhu, means "Protected," a form of Te-HU-Ti, the husband of Ma'at, the Truth Law. Te-HU-Ti is the Sacred Word, the Moon God and since the Moon has no light of it own, it uses the light of the Sun (Heru) to shine down on us at night [Shadow Time]. Te-HU-Ti's symbol is the Ibis Bird or a form of Heru, the Bennu Bird, the Phoenix), it means the "Glorious Light Body," a form of the Spirit"; the Radiant Shining," the transfigured dead which ascends to heaven and dwells among the gods, or among the immortal pole stars which never set.
"Sut" Ba'Ra, Ba'Ur, Ba'Al [Baal], Ba'El or Set, Sutekh, Sut-Nahsi, the Black Asar[u] (Osiris), the Black Krishna, or the Black Christ. Sut means "Black," "South(ern)."
"Tekh" (The word "Talk" is derived from Tekh). Tekh means "Power," "Thirst," "To Drink Too Much," "Drunkenness". Tekh is the Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama'atian / Egyptian) name of the Ibis Bird, a form of Te-HU-Ti (Thoth, Thought) or Divine Intelligence and / or a form of Shu, the Breath [of Life]. In the OLD TESTAMENT (TANKH), Sut Tekh is Yacub (Jacob meaning the "Supplanter") or Djewhuty (Te-HU-Ti, IAO and Y-ha-ho, Jehovah, Yahuwah, Ya Hawwah [Ma'at, his wife, consort, symbolizing the Feminine Living Principle, the Mother of All Living Things, the Kundalini Shakti, Umbilini] DNA, the four Amino Acids). In the NEW TESTAMENT Sut Tekh is Judas/Lucifer/Sat-An, all symbolic to the Lower-Self [Sebek] or the Sexual Organs [Penile Gland / Head of the Penis, Prostate Gland, Testes, Ovary, Uterus] which is often times used excessively and prevertedly.
Who is Melchizedek? Biblical History. His Office and His Order. (The name) Melchizedek is contained in the Holy Bible, in Genesis 4:18; Psalms 110 and Hebrews 5; 6,7. (In the Holy Qur'an, his name is Al Khidr, the Green One, a form of Asaru [(Osiris, the Vegetation Deity] or Heru in Asaru's awaken state). Melchizedek is likened to the head of the human race, and I do mean literally, the 'head' or the "Crown Chakra"; an angel (Arch-Angel or "Arch-Angle of Light"), the son of God in human form, the Messiah (Christ)...and finally, the Holy Ghost...Melchizedek's priesthood is greater than the priesthood descending from Abraham, the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, as the Melchizedek Priesthood is "Spiritual", while the Aaronic/Levitical Priesthood is "Physical". Read vs 15-17. In Psalm 110, God emphatically swore that the Messiah would be a priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Because the Messiah (who is a Melchizedekian priest) has now come, Jesus' priesthood supersedes the Aaronic or Levitical priesthood (allegory). According to "THE METAPHYSICAL BIBLE DICTIONARY" by Charles Fillmore, he states, "Aaron (Heb.)-- means illumined; enlightener, mountaineer (very lofty). Allegory, the Brother of Moses; of the Israelite tribe of Levi, and first high priest of Israel (Exod. 6:20 _ 28:1-4). Now, metaphysical, the executive power of divine law. Aaron, the first high priest of Israel and the bearer of intellectual light to the Israelites, signifies the ruling power of the intellectual consciousness. The making of the "molten calf" by Aaron (Exod. 32:1-8) signifies the false states of thought (idols) that man builds into his consciousness when he perceives the Truth but does not carry his spiritual ideals into execution, choosing instead to let his thoughts function in a lower plane of consciousness.
"A BOOK OF THE BEGINNINGS" by Gerald Massey, Ra-Har-Makhu (Ra-Hoor-Khuit or Ra-Har-Khut), The Lord of the Aeon, also called the Biblical Melchizedek, the "Ancient of Days."
"Ra-Har-Makhu:" ("Har-Makhu" means "Sun of the Double Horizon"...Ra [Asar[u] is On, Amen, Atum [Tum, Tmu, Tammuz, Dumuzi], Aton [Aten, Atun, Adon, Adon-ia, Adon-is], Ptah).
"Heru:" (Har[u], Haru Sebek, Hero), meaning "God of the Sun," "Sun God," "Light," "High," "Far Away," "Distant One or Above." Heru symbolizes the Higher-Self or the Pineal Gland [Pituitary, Hypo-Thalamus] [Brain] called the Spiritual Eye[s]...specifically, the Galaxy like cloud [U.F.O shaped] that hover above the Pineal Gland in the fluid filled chamber third ventricle.
"Ma" is short for Ma'at (Ma'at Re, or Mut-Her[u] or Mot-her), meaning the "Truth Law." Ma'at symbol is the "Scales of Justice, Balance (Shu, the Breath of Life), Order, Harmony, Righteousness, Truth and Peace"
"Khu" (Akh, Ahki, Akhu, means "Protected," a form of Te-HU-Ti, the husband of Ma'at, the Truth Law. Te-HU-Ti is the Sacred Word, the Moon God and since the Moon has no light of it own, it uses the light of the Sun (Heru) to shine down on us at night [Shadow Time]. Te-HU-Ti's symbol is the Ibis Bird or a form of Heru, the Bennu Bird, the Phoenix), it means the "Glorious Light Body," a form of the Spirit"; the Radiant Shining," the transfigured dead which ascends to heaven and dwells among the gods, or among the immortal pole stars which never set.
"Sut" Ba'Ra, Ba'Ur, Ba'Al [Baal], Ba'El or Set, Sutekh, Sut-Nahsi, the Black Asar[u] (Osiris), the Black Krishna, or the Black Christ. Sut means "Black," "South(ern)."
"Tekh" (The word "Talk" is derived from Tekh). Tekh means "Power," "Thirst," "To Drink Too Much," "Drunkenness". Tekh is the Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama'atian / Egyptian) name of the Ibis Bird, a form of Te-HU-Ti (Thoth, Thought) or Divine Intelligence and / or a form of Shu, the Breath [of Life]. In the OLD TESTAMENT (TANKH), Sut Tekh is Yacub (Jacob meaning the "Supplanter") or Djewhuty (Te-HU-Ti, IAO and Y-ha-ho, Jehovah, Yahuwah, Ya Hawwah [Ma'at, his wife, consort, symbolizing the Feminine Living Principle, the Mother of All Living Things, the Kundalini Shakti, Umbilini] DNA, the four Amino Acids). In the NEW TESTAMENT Sut Tekh is Judas/Lucifer/Sat-An, all symbolic to the Lower-Self [Sebek] or the Sexual Organs [Penile Gland / Head of the Penis, Prostate Gland, Testes, Ovary, Uterus] which is often times used excessively and prevertedly.
"Know Thy Self and Ye Will Know the Universe and God" – Ancient Egyptian (Ta Ma-Rean / Kamau) Proverb
Is the Eight-Pointed Star (7) Seven Rayed Star, plus (1) the connection to it make the (8) Eight-Pointed Star), called the Star of Asaru (Asar, Ausar, Heru), Asarel (Israel), Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek, Malachi Zodok [Hebrew], Malkiy Saadiq [Arabic] - the Angel of Justice and reigned over the Kingdom of Salaam [Salem], in charge of the High Priests of Zodok [Justices], Mur-dock, Mur-doq, Mar-duk, Mal-dek, interchangeable.
Is the Eight-Pointed Star (7) Seven Rayed Star, plus (1) the connection to it make the (8) Eight-Pointed Star), called the Star of Asaru (Asar, Ausar, Heru), Asarel (Israel), Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek, Malachi Zodok [Hebrew], Malkiy Saadiq [Arabic] - the Angel of Justice and reigned over the Kingdom of Salaam [Salem], in charge of the High Priests of Zodok [Justices], Mur-dock, Mur-doq, Mar-duk, Mal-dek, interchangeable.
1. Why Indigenous? The Inspirer P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) belonged to an Indigenous Nation. He was the Crown Prince of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs, under the auspices of Her Highness, the Empress Verdiacee ‘Tiari’ (Tiara’) Tunica (Turner) Washitaw (Washington) Goston El-Bey, who bestowed him the title “Crown Prince” on June 7th, 1999. The Crown Prince Ramisis Abel Bey changed his name in 2003 to Crown Prince: Hutan Tu’pak Bey and he inspired the formation of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation. However, he kept the name P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek in the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek. He was inspired after he was initiated into the Seven Golden Rays of Peru to form (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek. The (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek is the inner circle of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur Nation, the outer circle. Ultimately, I.C.G.R.O.M.'s purpose is to allow men and women to have a personal experience of the Divine without having to resort to a particular creed. This 'Order' (Priesthood) will NOT act as intermediary between "Man and God!" The 'Order' (Priesthood) was designed to help those that want to excel to their Higher Selves.
2. Ancestral Acknowledgement, Historical Research, Religious Studies, Ecology (Geo-Physics), Archaeology, Anthropology, Bio-Chemistry (Genetics) etc...
3. Healing Techniques, such as, Usui, Tibetan and Seichem Reiki, Pranayama (Pranic Healing), Naga Yoga (Kundalini Yoga), Tantra Kriya Yoga, Electro-Magnetic Modality, Massage, Suggestion and Projection of Thought (Hypnosis), Herbology (Herbalism) etc... In reference to the Science of Healing, all High Priests (Sacred Seat of Council) engage in the healing arts. Mel-Chi-Sedek utilizes the green, purple (violet) or gold light. Healing the body was Divine activity that had a considerable degree of attention. The Rau (Elu, Eloh-im, Allah-umma, Anu-Nakis, Nommos) teaches that the ailing (sick) body or even dead body (especially within 3 days, because the ethereal / silver cord is still partially attached) could be filled with Divine Power (The Light, Healing Ether, Vitality, Prana, Nafs) so as to cast out illness and disease. The Rau teaches that the ailing (sick) body can be cured by various plants or herbs, for every illness of Hu[e]man beings there exists a herb (root, leaf or bark) to heal that illness. The methods taught are accumulated in the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation system (of Ta Meri yoga) called "Uatcheta Smai Tawi" = "Serpent to Eye; Union of the Lower and Higher Lands (Selves)".
4. Free Healing Services twice a week with Mediation, Prayer (Chant [Dhikr], Hekau, Hesi, Mantras, Mudras), Breathing, Song and Rhythmic Dance (Drumming) etc...
5. Prophetic engagement (communication with Higher-Self, Higher Spirits, Ancestors). NO! Demonology, such as, blood sacrifices is utilized for they are not necessary. The Universe is abundant with Pranic Energy (Prana, pRAn), which is Red like Blood and is the Universal Life Force Energy.
6. Mastering of one’s Die-t (alkaline food, electrical foods), Herbal Practices, Personal Hygiene Practices, Spiritual Cleansing, etc...
7. Sales of Fruits, Healing Edibles, Herbal Remedies, Incenses (Resins), Soaps, Oils and Ointments etc...
8. Home School, High School and Collegiate (University) for a better future etc...
1. Why Indigenous? The Inspirer P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) belonged to an Indigenous Nation. He was the Crown Prince of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs, under the auspices of Her Highness, the Empress Verdiacee ‘Tiari’ (Tiara’) Tunica (Turner) Washitaw (Washington) Goston El-Bey, who bestowed him the title “Crown Prince” on June 7th, 1999. The Crown Prince Ramisis Abel Bey changed his name in 2003 to Crown Prince: Hutan Tu’pak Bey and he inspired the formation of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation. However, he kept the name P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek in the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek. He was inspired after he was initiated into the Seven Golden Rays of Peru to form (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek. The (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek is the inner circle of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur Nation, the outer circle. Ultimately, I.C.G.R.O.M.'s purpose is to allow men and women to have a personal experience of the Divine without having to resort to a particular creed. This 'Order' (Priesthood) will NOT act as intermediary between "Man and God!" The 'Order' (Priesthood) was designed to help those that want to excel to their Higher Selves.
2. Ancestral Acknowledgement, Historical Research, Religious Studies, Ecology (Geo-Physics), Archaeology, Anthropology, Bio-Chemistry (Genetics) etc...
3. Healing Techniques, such as, Usui, Tibetan and Seichem Reiki, Pranayama (Pranic Healing), Naga Yoga (Kundalini Yoga), Tantra Kriya Yoga, Electro-Magnetic Modality, Massage, Suggestion and Projection of Thought (Hypnosis), Herbology (Herbalism) etc... In reference to the Science of Healing, all High Priests (Sacred Seat of Council) engage in the healing arts. Mel-Chi-Sedek utilizes the green, purple (violet) or gold light. Healing the body was Divine activity that had a considerable degree of attention. The Rau (Elu, Eloh-im, Allah-umma, Anu-Nakis, Nommos) teaches that the ailing (sick) body or even dead body (especially within 3 days, because the ethereal / silver cord is still partially attached) could be filled with Divine Power (The Light, Healing Ether, Vitality, Prana, Nafs) so as to cast out illness and disease. The Rau teaches that the ailing (sick) body can be cured by various plants or herbs, for every illness of Hu[e]man beings there exists a herb (root, leaf or bark) to heal that illness. The methods taught are accumulated in the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation system (of Ta Meri yoga) called "Uatcheta Smai Tawi" = "Serpent to Eye; Union of the Lower and Higher Lands (Selves)".
4. Free Healing Services twice a week with Mediation, Prayer (Chant [Dhikr], Hekau, Hesi, Mantras, Mudras), Breathing, Song and Rhythmic Dance (Drumming) etc...
5. Prophetic engagement (communication with Higher-Self, Higher Spirits, Ancestors). NO! Demonology, such as, blood sacrifices is utilized for they are not necessary. The Universe is abundant with Pranic Energy (Prana, pRAn), which is Red like Blood and is the Universal Life Force Energy.
6. Mastering of one’s Die-t (alkaline food, electrical foods), Herbal Practices, Personal Hygiene Practices, Spiritual Cleansing, etc...
7. Sales of Fruits, Healing Edibles, Herbal Remedies, Incenses (Resins), Soaps, Oils and Ointments etc...
8. Home School, High School and Collegiate (University) for a better future etc...
THE WINGED DISK OF KNEPH This archetypal image is symbolic of the threefold eternal Spirit and the dual soul supporting the sphere of individualized Being, the name itself apparently being de- rived from the combination of k (or kh) and nef—the latter being the first part of the word nefer (from which the Hebrew nephesch is also derived & LATER NAFISH IN ARABIC). The fact that the kneph symbol was always to be found over temple doorways is indicative of the fact that only the Spirit was regarded as being able to pass back and forth between different soul states (thus different rooms).
1. To bestow members with high moral standards and raise members to their ultimate spiritual conscious level. One must strive to be reunited with their / our Creator, Lord and Personal Savior, Heru, the earliest form of the biblical Jesus, esoterically is the "Awakened Soul". Occultly, it is known as the Higher Self. Metaphysically, this is the Netcher Ptah (Putah), the Ta Meri earliest form of Buddha, and the latter form Muhammad, the "7th Seal of the Prophet" symbolizing the 7th Crown Chakram [Shen Ka Rau, Aritu]). The (7) seven chakras are biblical, the (7) seven seals, called in Hebrew, the (7) seven Elohim ("Many Gods").
2. To live in Universal Order, Cosmic Alignment and in tune with Nature (Neteru or the Forces / [7] Elements... Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether [Sound], Light and Thought).
3. To maintain Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Righteousness [Integrity] and Order [Harmony / Balance] (Maa / Ma'at).
4. To build Health and Wellness Centers, Educational Institutions, Farms and etc...
5. To learn Natural Law (Laws of Nations, linking back to the Family of Nations etc…), Common (Sense) Law (Reasoning), Human Rights, Indigenous Law (International Law) and etc...
6. To establish Theaters, Museums, Temples (Mosques, Churches, Shrines), Shamanistic Practices and ALL natural progressive forms of Worship.
7. To study Chemistry (Alchemy), Biology, Ecology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Ethnology, and ALL sciences that brings balance to (connection for) Humanity (Ancestral).
LETTER FROM P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) in 2003
"We of I.C.G.R.O.M. (Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE [Ray] Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek) seek to expound Essential LOVE, to generate the TRUE GOD Force and share it with ALL womb-men and men. We are the Mercy and the Beneficence of Life, itself. Life has a consistence pattern that interlocks ALL Humanity. Our purpose is to unite ALL, to be considerate of ALL Life and to center ourselves in, around and through the Golden Light of Healing. I, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek proclaim that we move away from violence (self-hatred, civiliter mortuus) and into Full Life."
Yours, Supreme Grand High Priest, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek, Malachi Zodok).
I.C.G.R.O.M.'s Ta Meri Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga) is known as Uatcheta Smai Tawi. Uatcheta Smai Tawi (Kundalini Yoga) is a collection of Ancient Yogic Teachings, Chi Kung (Qi Gong, Falun Gong, Chinese Yoga), Tai Chi (Baqua, Nei Kung, Wei Kung and etc...) and Practices for Self-Transformation through Self-Realization and Self-Mastery. These were the teachings and practices that allowed the Ngu (Negus) Pharoah (Per Ahh) high officials and crafts men and women, Priests and Priestess, and Sages and Yogis be intelligent, harmonious, disciplined, self-realized leaders in Ancient Indigenous Cultures.
1. To bestow members with high moral standards and raise members to their ultimate spiritual conscious level. One must strive to be reunited with their / our Creator, Lord and Personal Savior, Heru, the earliest form of the biblical Jesus, esoterically is the "Awakened Soul". Occultly, it is known as the Higher Self. Metaphysically, this is the Netcher Ptah (Putah), the Ta Meri earliest form of Buddha, and the latter form Muhammad, the "7th Seal of the Prophet" symbolizing the 7th Crown Chakram [Shen Ka Rau, Aritu]). The (7) seven chakras are biblical, the (7) seven seals, called in Hebrew, the (7) seven Elohim ("Many Gods").
2. To live in Universal Order, Cosmic Alignment and in tune with Nature (Neteru or the Forces / [7] Elements... Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether [Sound], Light and Thought).
3. To maintain Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Righteousness [Integrity] and Order [Harmony / Balance] (Maa / Ma'at).
4. To build Health and Wellness Centers, Educational Institutions, Farms and etc...
5. To learn Natural Law (Laws of Nations, linking back to the Family of Nations etc…), Common (Sense) Law (Reasoning), Human Rights, Indigenous Law (International Law) and etc...
6. To establish Theaters, Museums, Temples (Mosques, Churches, Shrines), Shamanistic Practices and ALL natural progressive forms of Worship.
7. To study Chemistry (Alchemy), Biology, Ecology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Ethnology, and ALL sciences that brings balance to (connection for) Humanity (Ancestral).
LETTER FROM P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) in 2003
"We of I.C.G.R.O.M. (Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE [Ray] Order of Mel-Chi-Sedek) seek to expound Essential LOVE, to generate the TRUE GOD Force and share it with ALL womb-men and men. We are the Mercy and the Beneficence of Life, itself. Life has a consistence pattern that interlocks ALL Humanity. Our purpose is to unite ALL, to be considerate of ALL Life and to center ourselves in, around and through the Golden Light of Healing. I, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek proclaim that we move away from violence (self-hatred, civiliter mortuus) and into Full Life."
Yours, Supreme Grand High Priest, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek, Malachi Zodok).
I.C.G.R.O.M.'s Ta Meri Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga) is known as Uatcheta Smai Tawi. Uatcheta Smai Tawi (Kundalini Yoga) is a collection of Ancient Yogic Teachings, Chi Kung (Qi Gong, Falun Gong, Chinese Yoga), Tai Chi (Baqua, Nei Kung, Wei Kung and etc...) and Practices for Self-Transformation through Self-Realization and Self-Mastery. These were the teachings and practices that allowed the Ngu (Negus) Pharoah (Per Ahh) high officials and crafts men and women, Priests and Priestess, and Sages and Yogis be intelligent, harmonious, disciplined, self-realized leaders in Ancient Indigenous Cultures.
Above is the Symbol of Smai, alongside an image of the lung and trachea, and the pelvis and spine. This is the MDW NTCHR (hieroglyph) of “Smai.” Smai represents the union of the two lungs and the trachea with the brain, but it also represents the union of the pelvis and the spine with the brain. Both of these teachings hold significance to Uatcheta Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga System) and spiritual enlightenment.
The union of the lungs and trachea is seen as necessary in order to breathe. This “breath of life” allows the brain and nervous system to activate the conscious union of the body and brain. This experience of the consciousness (union of body and brain) is critical to being alive. The brain and body are not separate, although they seem to be from a “thinking” and “experiencing” standpoint; yet, neither exists or operates without the other. This union is critical to life. It is in this living union of the brain and body, that we experience physical life, and the opportunities to live a life of: positive qualitys such as harmony, bliss, unconditional love, and liberation, or negative qualitys such as fetters of negativity, dogma, constriction, restriction, and hinderance.
Thus, the Smai Symbol is also a symbol of life, with an emphasis on physical existence. Most importantly this symbol represents our original living nature, which we experience in Our first breath, our awakening, our resurrection. This then points to the higher teachings of the Smai symbol which will be gone into more in-depth below.
The union of the lungs and trachea is seen as necessary in order to breathe. This “breath of life” allows the brain and nervous system to activate the conscious union of the body and brain. This experience of the consciousness (union of body and brain) is critical to being alive. The brain and body are not separate, although they seem to be from a “thinking” and “experiencing” standpoint; yet, neither exists or operates without the other. This union is critical to life. It is in this living union of the brain and body, that we experience physical life, and the opportunities to live a life of: positive qualitys such as harmony, bliss, unconditional love, and liberation, or negative qualitys such as fetters of negativity, dogma, constriction, restriction, and hinderance.
Thus, the Smai Symbol is also a symbol of life, with an emphasis on physical existence. Most importantly this symbol represents our original living nature, which we experience in Our first breath, our awakening, our resurrection. This then points to the higher teachings of the Smai symbol which will be gone into more in-depth below.
In order to fully understand the MDW NCTHR (Hieroglyphic) symbol of Smai Tawi, we must delve into the symbology and teaching of the Ankh. The Ankh symbolizes the Birthing, maintaining, and empowering of Consciousness. The MDW NCTHR (hieroglyphic) symbol of the Ankh is shown as a loop and shaft tied together, symbolizing a living being with the heart as the Knot in the middle. The heart is considered the center of our existence and consciousness, however, it does expand to the center of the brain, the Pineal Gland, where the Soul is embedded at. The Breath of Life (Ankh) is therefore considered the Life-force of the Heart (the Physical Seed Atom is located in the right ventricle of the heart). The Body therefore is an air-gas engine that runs on air ( Ankh, Breathe of Life.) It is the breath, not food, that sustains the Consciousness in the Body-brain physical existence. The Ankh therefore represents air being used to vitalize the heart, through which the circulatory system and blood, enliven the body and brain in order for a living being to experience physical existence. This is very significant for Kemetic Yoga in many ways.
The “breathe of life”, which empowers the union of the body and brain, is symbolized by receiving the Ankh (life) from the gods and goddess (Netcherw: Elements and functions of existence.) For a person to receive the Ankh, one must be able to breath in the life (Prana, chi, ki, mana, vril, through the lungs and trachea (Smai), as symbolized by the image above where the Ngu / Per Ahh ( pharaoh, the living Heru, initiate) is receiving the Ankh from the god Tehuti. This symbology shows the Ngu / Per Ahh with the Serpent (Kundalini to the third eye) on the forehead and headdress of Amun-Re symbology, this signifies our Original Divine Nature as the master of existence and the identity of the creator-being Amun-Re. Tehuti is the divinity that represents consciousness, which provides the Ankh (breath of life): the ability to breath and be alive. This symbolizes that consciousness imbibes the body and brain with Life, and that we exist in our Original Nature as a divine master and creator of our own existence.
Unlike traditional forms of yoga, (Uathceta Smai Tawi (Wadjet Yoga) uses the Ta Meri (Kemetic) spiritual system as its basis. All chants are spoken in the Ta Meri MDW NTCHR (Kemetic / Egyptian) language, and the divine principles and their symbols are a focal point of the various sections of the system. As mentioned, Wadjet would be most comparable to Kundalini Yoga; slow (yin) and vigorous (yang) movement is balanced with deep meditation. Chanting and mudras (hand postures that work on the reflexology of the body) are integrated into the meditations in order to achieve the maximum spiritual benefit from a session.
There are 42 Sacred Laws in the Ta Meri (Kemetic) spiritual system, and Uatcheta Smai (Sema) Tawi (Wadjet Yoga) has been divided into six separate sections, each with seven sets that build upon each other, for a total number of 42 sets in the entire series. Uatcheta (Wadjet) was set up in proportionate divisions so that the practitioner could concentrate his or her efforts on the spiritual completion of one aspect at a time, or have the choice to complete the entire series as a whole, which can be repeated indefinitely. Each set was designed to stand alone for the benefit of physical and mental health and wellness, or to be practiced as a series in order to cultivate the various aspects of the spirit (breath).
The Seven Liberal Arts, which formed the foundation training for all Neophytes and included: grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic (i.e., the Quadrivium) and Geometry, Astronomy and Music (i.e., the Trivium).
1st degree educates you in the coarse or base aspects of medicine and is known as Pastorphoros (All known and unknown sciences)
2nd degree Neocoros focuses on the standard structural energy of medicines, such as, the energy of shapes (squares, pyramids, triangles, obelisks).
3rd degree Melanophoros the student learns the energy forces of non-polarized energy, such as, the Melanin-DNA energy state, which is created between the death and life state.
4th degree Kistophorus the student learns how to will the inherent law of plants, crystals, metals, colors, magnets, music, etc.
5th degree Balahate, the student learns the science of nature and interactions of alchemical laws.
6th degree Astronomos, the student learns cycles, astrology, numerology, and the manipulations of the cosmic forces and their reaction in the cells, thoughts, biochemistry, organs, bones, emotions, vitamins, and minerals in the body and on the galaxy.
7th degree Propheta, the student learns all the secrets of the higher mystery system and becomes a god (Ph.D.). Summum bonum is a Moorish Latin expression meaning "the highest good", which was introduced by Cicero, to correspond to the idea of the Good in Ancient Minoa (Crete / Etrusci) philosophy.
The medical practitioners of Af-Ra-Ka (Africa) received formal education by being initiated in the mystery system. A medical student was selected for initiation just as students are selected for college, via scores and personality profiles. The students (initiates) could participate in their education on a general educational level call Exoteric learning, such as,
The education of the Egyptian Priests in: (a) The Seven Liberal Arts; (b) Secret systems of languages and mathematical symbolism; (c) Magic = 9 levels. sciences. Consequently history informs us that the Greeks were forced to make a study of Ethics, which they also borrowed from the Egyptian "summum bonum" or greatest good. The two other Athenian Philosophers must be mentioned here, I mean Socrates and Plato; who also became famous in history as philosophers and great thinkers. Every school boy believes that when he hears or reads the command "know thyself", he is hearing or reading words which were uttered by Socrates. But the truth is that the Egyptian temples carried inscriptions on the out-side addressed to Neophytes and among them was the injunction "know thyself". Socrates copied these words from the Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) Temples, and was not the author. All mystery temples, inside and outside of Ta Meri (Kemet / Egypt) carried such inscriptions, just like the weekly bulletins of our modern Churches. Similarly, every school boy believes that when he hears or reads the names of the four cardinal virtues, he is hearing or reading names of virtues determined by Plato. Nothing has been more misleading, for the Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) Mystery System contained ten virtues, and from this source Plato copied what have been called the four cardinal virtues, justice, wisdom, temperance, and courage. It is indeed surprising how, for centuries, the Greeks have been praised by the Western World for intellectual accomplishments which belong without a doubt to the Egyptians or the peoples of North Africa. The schools of philosophy, Chaldean, Greek and Persian, were part of the Ancient Mystery System of Egypt. They were conducted in secrecy according to the demands of the Osiriaca, whose teachings became common to all the schools. In keeping with the demands for secrecy, the writing and publication of teachings were strictly forbidden and consequently, Initiates who had developed satisfactorily in their training, and had been advanced to the rank of Master or Teacher, refrained from publishing the teachings of the Mysteries or philosophy. The next thing that is peculiar about Greek philosophy is its use in literature. The Egyptian Mystery System was the first secret Order of History and the publication of its teachings was strictly prohibited. This explains why Initiates like Socrates did not commit to writing their philosophy, and why the Babylonians and Chaldaeans who were very closely associated with them also refrained from publishing those teachings. During the Persian, Greek and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived, and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system.
In the 8th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took
with them, the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e., the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt, which the Greeks used to call Sophia. As such, the people of North Africa were the neighbors of the Egyptians, and became the custodians of Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors displayed with considerable credit, the grandeur of African culture and civilization. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the Mediaeval world; Science and learning were cultivated and taught; the schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity, that they, like their parent Egypt, attracted students from all parts of the Western world; and from them arose the most famous African professors that the world has ever known, in medicine, surgery, astronomy and mathematics. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture, to whom the world looked for enlightenment. Consequently, through the medium of the ancient Arabic language, philosophy and the various branches of science were
disseminated: (a) all the so-called works of Aristotle in metaphysics, moral philosophy and natural science (b) translations by Leonardo Pisano in Arabic mathematical science (c) translation by Gideo a Monk of Arezzo in musical notation. (Sedgwick and Tyler's Hist. of Science C. IX.)
In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova, but also at Cairo in Egypt. (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. 216–219). Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses, who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat, down to Christ. The immigration of Greeks to Egypt for the purpose of their education, began as a result of the Persian invasion (525 B.C.), and continued until the Greeks gained possession of that land and access to the Royal Library, through the conquest of Alexander the Great. Alexandria was converted into a Greek city, a center of research and the capital of the newly created Greek empire, under the rule of Ptolemies. Egyptian culture survived and flourished, under the name and control of the Greeks, until the edicts of Theodosius in the 4th century A.D., and that of Justinian in the 6th century A.D., which closed the Mystery Temples and Schools, as elsewhere mentioned. (Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick Bk. II p. 55; Sandford's Mediterranean World p. 562; 570). education. (1) It is said that during the reign of Amasis, Thales who is said to have been born about 585 B.C., visited Egypt and was initiated by the Egyptian Priests into the Mystery System and science of the Egyptians. We are also told that during his residence in Egypt, he learnt astronomy, land surveying, mensuration, engineering and Egyptian Theology. (See Thales in Blackwell's source book of Philosophy; Zeller's Hist. of Phil.; Diogenes Laertius and Kendrick's
Ancient Egypt). the Japanese scientists at Tokio.
Accordingly, we are told that Ptolemy I Soter, in order to elicit the secrets of Egyptian wisdom or mystery system, ordered Manetho, the High Priest of the temple of Isis at Sebennytus in Lower Egypt, to write the philosophy, and the history of the religion of the Egyptians. Accordingly, Manetho published several volumes concerning these respective fields, and Ptolemy issued an order prohibiting the translation of these books which had to be kept on reserve in the Library, for instruction of the Greeks by the Egyptian Priests. Here it becomes quite clear that the first professors of the Alexandrine School were the Egyptian Priests, and that the Scholarchs and pupils of Aristotle's transferred school, received their training directly from the Egyptian Priests. It is also well to note that the chief text books of the Alexandrine School were Manetho's books. We are told by Apollodorus from whom Syncellus drew his information, that Ptolemy II ordered Eratosthenes, the Cyrenean (i.e., a black man and native of Cyrene) and librarian of the Alexandrine Library, to write a chronology of the Theban Kings, and that Eratosthenes did so with the aid of the Egyptian Hierophants at Thebes (Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick vol. II p. 81; Apollodorus; Syncellus; Clinton, Fasti Hellenici, sub anno).
The doctrine and philosophy of opposites is further demonstrated by the Egyptian Creation story, in which Order came out of Chaos and which was represented by four pairs of opposites i.e., male and female gods.
(a) Nun and Naunet i.e., Primeval Matter and Space.
(b) Huk and Hauket i.e., Limitable and the Boundless.
(c) Huh and Hauhet, i.e., Darkness and Obscurity.
(d) Amun (Amen) and Amunet (Amenta), i.e., the hidden and concealed ones (the Air, Wind). The doctrine of the Nous as a matter of fact, originated from (c) the Mystery System of Egypt, in connection with which, the Neter Asaru (God Osiris) was represented in all Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) temples, by the symbol of an Open Eye (Os-Iris), referred to elsewhere. This symbol indicated not only sight that transcended space and time: but also omniscience, as the Great Mind which created and which still directs the universe. This symbol also forms a part of the decoration of all Masonic lodges of the modern world and dates back to the Osirian or Sun worship of the Egyptians more than 5000 B.C. This same notion was also represented by the Egyptians by a God with eyes all over Him and was known as the "All Seeing Eye" (All-Eye Seeing). (Zeller's Hist. of Phil., p. 809). ("The Ancient Mysteries", C. H. Vail, p. 189). (Max Muller: "Egyptian Mythology"). This system of Ethics as has already been mentioned belonged to the Mystery System of Egypt, which required Neophytes in preparation for initiation, to keep the following ten commandments, underlying which were ten principles of virtue:
The Seven Liberal Arts, which formed the foundation training for all Neophytes and included: grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic (i.e., the Quadrivium) and Geometry, Astronomy and Music (i.e., the Trivium).
1st degree educates you in the coarse or base aspects of medicine and is known as Pastorphoros (All known and unknown sciences)
2nd degree Neocoros focuses on the standard structural energy of medicines, such as, the energy of shapes (squares, pyramids, triangles, obelisks).
3rd degree Melanophoros the student learns the energy forces of non-polarized energy, such as, the Melanin-DNA energy state, which is created between the death and life state.
4th degree Kistophorus the student learns how to will the inherent law of plants, crystals, metals, colors, magnets, music, etc.
5th degree Balahate, the student learns the science of nature and interactions of alchemical laws.
6th degree Astronomos, the student learns cycles, astrology, numerology, and the manipulations of the cosmic forces and their reaction in the cells, thoughts, biochemistry, organs, bones, emotions, vitamins, and minerals in the body and on the galaxy.
7th degree Propheta, the student learns all the secrets of the higher mystery system and becomes a god (Ph.D.). Summum bonum is a Moorish Latin expression meaning "the highest good", which was introduced by Cicero, to correspond to the idea of the Good in Ancient Minoa (Crete / Etrusci) philosophy.
The medical practitioners of Af-Ra-Ka (Africa) received formal education by being initiated in the mystery system. A medical student was selected for initiation just as students are selected for college, via scores and personality profiles. The students (initiates) could participate in their education on a general educational level call Exoteric learning, such as,
The education of the Egyptian Priests in: (a) The Seven Liberal Arts; (b) Secret systems of languages and mathematical symbolism; (c) Magic = 9 levels. sciences. Consequently history informs us that the Greeks were forced to make a study of Ethics, which they also borrowed from the Egyptian "summum bonum" or greatest good. The two other Athenian Philosophers must be mentioned here, I mean Socrates and Plato; who also became famous in history as philosophers and great thinkers. Every school boy believes that when he hears or reads the command "know thyself", he is hearing or reading words which were uttered by Socrates. But the truth is that the Egyptian temples carried inscriptions on the out-side addressed to Neophytes and among them was the injunction "know thyself". Socrates copied these words from the Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) Temples, and was not the author. All mystery temples, inside and outside of Ta Meri (Kemet / Egypt) carried such inscriptions, just like the weekly bulletins of our modern Churches. Similarly, every school boy believes that when he hears or reads the names of the four cardinal virtues, he is hearing or reading names of virtues determined by Plato. Nothing has been more misleading, for the Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) Mystery System contained ten virtues, and from this source Plato copied what have been called the four cardinal virtues, justice, wisdom, temperance, and courage. It is indeed surprising how, for centuries, the Greeks have been praised by the Western World for intellectual accomplishments which belong without a doubt to the Egyptians or the peoples of North Africa. The schools of philosophy, Chaldean, Greek and Persian, were part of the Ancient Mystery System of Egypt. They were conducted in secrecy according to the demands of the Osiriaca, whose teachings became common to all the schools. In keeping with the demands for secrecy, the writing and publication of teachings were strictly forbidden and consequently, Initiates who had developed satisfactorily in their training, and had been advanced to the rank of Master or Teacher, refrained from publishing the teachings of the Mysteries or philosophy. The next thing that is peculiar about Greek philosophy is its use in literature. The Egyptian Mystery System was the first secret Order of History and the publication of its teachings was strictly prohibited. This explains why Initiates like Socrates did not commit to writing their philosophy, and why the Babylonians and Chaldaeans who were very closely associated with them also refrained from publishing those teachings. During the Persian, Greek and Roman invasions, large numbers of Egyptians fled not only to the desert and mountain regions, but also to adjacent lands in Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor, where they lived, and secretly developed the teachings which belonged to their mystery system.
In the 8th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took
with them, the Egyptian culture which they had preserved. Knowledge in the ancient days was centralized i.e., it belonged to a common parent and system, i.e., the Wisdom Teaching or Mysteries of Egypt, which the Greeks used to call Sophia. As such, the people of North Africa were the neighbors of the Egyptians, and became the custodians of Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors displayed with considerable credit, the grandeur of African culture and civilization. The schools and libraries which they established became famous throughout the Mediaeval world; Science and learning were cultivated and taught; the schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville and Saragossa attained such celebrity, that they, like their parent Egypt, attracted students from all parts of the Western world; and from them arose the most famous African professors that the world has ever known, in medicine, surgery, astronomy and mathematics. But these people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African culture, to whom the world looked for enlightenment. Consequently, through the medium of the ancient Arabic language, philosophy and the various branches of science were
disseminated: (a) all the so-called works of Aristotle in metaphysics, moral philosophy and natural science (b) translations by Leonardo Pisano in Arabic mathematical science (c) translation by Gideo a Monk of Arezzo in musical notation. (Sedgwick and Tyler's Hist. of Science C. IX.)
In addition, the Moors kept up constant contact with mother Egypt: for they had established Caliphates not only at Baghdad and Cordova, but also at Cairo in Egypt. (Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault p. 216–219). Just here it would be well to mention that all the great leaders of the great religions of antiquity were Initiates of the Egyptian Mystery System: from Moses, who was an Egyptian Hierogrammat, down to Christ. The immigration of Greeks to Egypt for the purpose of their education, began as a result of the Persian invasion (525 B.C.), and continued until the Greeks gained possession of that land and access to the Royal Library, through the conquest of Alexander the Great. Alexandria was converted into a Greek city, a center of research and the capital of the newly created Greek empire, under the rule of Ptolemies. Egyptian culture survived and flourished, under the name and control of the Greeks, until the edicts of Theodosius in the 4th century A.D., and that of Justinian in the 6th century A.D., which closed the Mystery Temples and Schools, as elsewhere mentioned. (Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick Bk. II p. 55; Sandford's Mediterranean World p. 562; 570). education. (1) It is said that during the reign of Amasis, Thales who is said to have been born about 585 B.C., visited Egypt and was initiated by the Egyptian Priests into the Mystery System and science of the Egyptians. We are also told that during his residence in Egypt, he learnt astronomy, land surveying, mensuration, engineering and Egyptian Theology. (See Thales in Blackwell's source book of Philosophy; Zeller's Hist. of Phil.; Diogenes Laertius and Kendrick's
Ancient Egypt). the Japanese scientists at Tokio.
Accordingly, we are told that Ptolemy I Soter, in order to elicit the secrets of Egyptian wisdom or mystery system, ordered Manetho, the High Priest of the temple of Isis at Sebennytus in Lower Egypt, to write the philosophy, and the history of the religion of the Egyptians. Accordingly, Manetho published several volumes concerning these respective fields, and Ptolemy issued an order prohibiting the translation of these books which had to be kept on reserve in the Library, for instruction of the Greeks by the Egyptian Priests. Here it becomes quite clear that the first professors of the Alexandrine School were the Egyptian Priests, and that the Scholarchs and pupils of Aristotle's transferred school, received their training directly from the Egyptian Priests. It is also well to note that the chief text books of the Alexandrine School were Manetho's books. We are told by Apollodorus from whom Syncellus drew his information, that Ptolemy II ordered Eratosthenes, the Cyrenean (i.e., a black man and native of Cyrene) and librarian of the Alexandrine Library, to write a chronology of the Theban Kings, and that Eratosthenes did so with the aid of the Egyptian Hierophants at Thebes (Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick vol. II p. 81; Apollodorus; Syncellus; Clinton, Fasti Hellenici, sub anno).
The doctrine and philosophy of opposites is further demonstrated by the Egyptian Creation story, in which Order came out of Chaos and which was represented by four pairs of opposites i.e., male and female gods.
(a) Nun and Naunet i.e., Primeval Matter and Space.
(b) Huk and Hauket i.e., Limitable and the Boundless.
(c) Huh and Hauhet, i.e., Darkness and Obscurity.
(d) Amun (Amen) and Amunet (Amenta), i.e., the hidden and concealed ones (the Air, Wind). The doctrine of the Nous as a matter of fact, originated from (c) the Mystery System of Egypt, in connection with which, the Neter Asaru (God Osiris) was represented in all Ta Meri (Kemetian / Egyptian) temples, by the symbol of an Open Eye (Os-Iris), referred to elsewhere. This symbol indicated not only sight that transcended space and time: but also omniscience, as the Great Mind which created and which still directs the universe. This symbol also forms a part of the decoration of all Masonic lodges of the modern world and dates back to the Osirian or Sun worship of the Egyptians more than 5000 B.C. This same notion was also represented by the Egyptians by a God with eyes all over Him and was known as the "All Seeing Eye" (All-Eye Seeing). (Zeller's Hist. of Phil., p. 809). ("The Ancient Mysteries", C. H. Vail, p. 189). (Max Muller: "Egyptian Mythology"). This system of Ethics as has already been mentioned belonged to the Mystery System of Egypt, which required Neophytes in preparation for initiation, to keep the following ten commandments, underlying which were ten principles of virtue:
The Ta Meri (Kamau / Egyptians) called them the Hehu (YHWH). They are represented by 4 pairs of primordial qualities, forces, or Deities.
A = Amen/Amenet
N = Nun/Nunet
K = Kek/Kehhet
H= Heh/Hehet
ANKH (YHWH, YHVH) - The 4 Based Amino Acids, the "Building Blocks" of DNA called Protein. If these are primoridal creators or important forces then their names would have primoridal sounds. Said or chanted together would produce the sound A-N-K-H = ANKH or AUNG, which can awaken DNA. The following are examples:
Ankh Ptah Sekher Asar - (“Life-Creation, Death and Resurrection”) Mantra for stimulating a profound protective force on ALL levels of Human activity, and help set in motion a process of transformation of the individual from Human into Super-Human.
Aung Ausar Hung - (Life Eternal and Indivisibility, or something which cannot be torn apart) “Life begins in the State of Triple Darkness / Blackness; Blackness is the Source of Creation [Soul=God]; Mantra for manifesting your True Self and the Source of ALL Spiritual Powers.”
A = Amen/Amenet
N = Nun/Nunet
K = Kek/Kehhet
H= Heh/Hehet
ANKH (YHWH, YHVH) - The 4 Based Amino Acids, the "Building Blocks" of DNA called Protein. If these are primoridal creators or important forces then their names would have primoridal sounds. Said or chanted together would produce the sound A-N-K-H = ANKH or AUNG, which can awaken DNA. The following are examples:
Ankh Ptah Sekher Asar - (“Life-Creation, Death and Resurrection”) Mantra for stimulating a profound protective force on ALL levels of Human activity, and help set in motion a process of transformation of the individual from Human into Super-Human.
Aung Ausar Hung - (Life Eternal and Indivisibility, or something which cannot be torn apart) “Life begins in the State of Triple Darkness / Blackness; Blackness is the Source of Creation [Soul=God]; Mantra for manifesting your True Self and the Source of ALL Spiritual Powers.”
The Neophyte must (I) control his thoughts (II) control his actions (III) have devotion of purpose (IV) have faith in the ability of his master to teach him the truth (V) have faith in himself to assimilate the truth (VI) have faith in himself to wield the truth (VII) be free from resentment under the experience of persecution (VIII) be free from resentment under experience of wrong, (IX) cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and (X) cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal (he must have a sense of values).
The Gods of Order and arrangement in the cosmos are represented by nine gods, in one Godhead, called the Ennead. Here Atum (Atom), the source of the Ogdoad, is also retained as the source of the Gods of Order and arrangement. Atum (Atom) names four pairs of parts of his own body, and thus creates eight Gods, who together with himself become nine. These Eight Gods are the created Gods, the first creatures of this world; and Atum (Atom), the Creator God, in his form as Ptah-Tehuti or Huhi (YHWH) the Demiurge (Ialdabaoth Jehovah), of whom Plato spoke. The Gods whom Atum (Atom) projected from his body were:
(i) Shu (Air)
(ii) Tefnut (Moisture)
(iii) Geb (Earth) and
(iv) Nut (Sky); who are said to have given birth to four other Gods:
(v) Asaru (Osiris, the Neter [God] of OMni-Potence, OMni-Science and OMni-Presence)
(vi) Aset (Isis, wife of Osiris, Female Principle, Queen of Heaven)
(vii) Sut / Set (Seth, the Opposing Neter)
(viii) Neb Het (Nephthys, the Female Principle in the Unseen World). (Plutarch: Isis et Osiris, 355A; 364C;
371B; Frankfurt; Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, p. 66–67). act of creation.
Taken from: "EGYPTIAN COSMOLOGY" by Moustafa Gadalla
According to the Memphite Theology of the Egyptians, Atum created Eight Gods who proceeded from eight parts of His own body. He was seated upon Ptah the Mound and was unmoved. In this act of creation Atum (Atom) became the Unmoved Mover. In spite of the Memphite Theology being the direct source of these doctrines, yet Plato has been given credit for The Curriculum of the Egyptian Mystery System consisted of the following subjects:
(i) The Seven Liberal Arts, which formed the foundation training for all Neophytes and included: grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Dialectic (i.e., the Quadrivium) and Geometry, Astronomy and Music (i.e., the Trivium).
(ii) The Sciences of the 42 Books of Tehuti (Hermes or Heru Mes)
In addition to the foundation training prescribed for all Neophytes, those who sought Holy Orders, had to be versed in the books of Hermes and according to Clement of Alexandria, their orders and subjects were as follows:--
(a) The Singer or Odus, who must know two books of Hermes dealing with Music i.e., the hymns of the Gods.
(b) The Horoscopus, who must know four books of Hermes dealing with Astronomy.
(c) The Hierogrammat, who must know the hieroglyphics, cosmography, geography, astronomy and the topography of Egypt and Land Surveying.
(d) The Stolistes, who must know the books of Hermes that deal with slaughter of animals and the process of embalming.
(e) The Prophetes, who is the President of the temple, and must know ten books of Hermes dealing with higher esoteric theology and the whole education of priests.
(f) The Pastophori, who must know six books of Hermes, which are medical books, dealing with physiology, the diseases of male and female, anatomy, drugs and instruments.
(iii) The Sciences of the Monuments (Pyramids, Temples, Libraries, Obelisks, Phinxes, Idols);— Architecture, masonry, carpentry, engineering, sculpture, metallurgy, agriculture, mining and forestry. Art (drawing and painting).
(iv) The Secret Sciences Numerical symbolism, geometrical symbolism, magic, the book of the Dead, myths and parables. "Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy" by George G. M. James
The Journal of Pan African Studies 2009 eBook.
(1) The Summum Bonum. This means (a) The Greatest Good (b) the lifting of man from the level of a mortal and advancing him to the level of a God (c) the salvation of the soul (d) the purpose of philosophy (e) the goal of the Egyptian theory of salvation. Read C. H. Vail's "Ancient Mysteries", p. 25.
(2) The Grand Lodge of Luxor. The ruins of the ancient Grand Lodge of Luxor are found today on the banks of the Nile in Upper Egypt in the ancient city of Thebes. It was built by Pharaoh Amenothis III. It was the only Grand Lodge of the ancient world. It had branches or minor lodges throughout the ancient world; in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America and probably in Australia. These were some of the places:—(a) Palestine at Mt. Carmel (b) Syria at Mt. Herman in Lebanon (c) Babylon (d) Media, near the Red Sea (e) India, on the banks of the Ganges (f) Burma (g) Athens (h) Rome (i) Croton (j) Rhodes (k) Delphi (l) Miletus (m) Cyprus (n) Corinth (o) Crete (p) Central and South America, especially Peru (q) Among the American Indians and among the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas of Mexico. Diogenes Laertius; and History of Philosophy by Thomas Stanley. The discovery of the ruins of Luxor on the banks of the Nile and the organization of the Egyptian Mysteries into a Grand Lodge with minor lodges throughout the ancient world are evidence that Egypt was the cradle of the Mysteries and of the Masonic Brotherhood. (a) The Egyptian Mystery System was the One Holy Catholic Religion of the remotest antiquity. (b) It was the one and only Masonic Order of Antiquity. We as I.C.G.R.O.M. continue these traditions; however, not in the separation of Freemasons and the Eastern Stars, but in unison.
1. What is the I.C.G.R.O.M. (Wenwet)?
Answer: An Order of Love, Love of Self, Love of Higher-Self (Eloh-im, Eloh, Elah, Alah, Allah [Ur Ra], Allah-umma, Anu-Naki, Nommo, Adon-ia [Aton], Y.H.W.H. [Tehuti]). An I.C.G.R.O.M. member uses, the Universal Life Force Energy of Prana, Chi, [Rei] Ki, Ka Huna Mana, Holy Spirit [Holy Ghost], Healing Energies of Lights and Colors, Healing Sounds of Power and Thought Projection and Suggestion, etc...for the benefit of Humanity and other Life Forces [Animals, Trees, Waters etc...] that we may interact with out of Divine Love.
2. What is the Office of the (Supreme) Grand High Priest/ess (It[a]-Neter (it-ntr or jt-ntr))? Answer: To lead meetings, address difficulties, enforce laws of the Order, to issue ordinances and help in the evaluation of candidates.
3. What is the Office of Captain (Sehedj)? Answer: To lead training methods, oversee security, and maintain Peace in the Order of Light.
4. What is the Office of Lieutenant (Imi-Khet)? Answer: To build and assist the Captain, Grand Priestess, Grand Priest and help in the maintenance of the Priesthood.
5. What is the Office of Secretary (Record Keeper), and/or Treasurer (Sesh Per Ankh)? Answer: Recorder (Tehuti = Maa Kheru) and Archiver of ALL meetings, as well as, the Banker (Financier) of the Order.
6. What is the Office of a High Priest/ess (Wab/et)? Answer: The Orders' Chief Officer that upholds ALL facets of the "Veil" and "Covenant?"
7. What is the meaning "Veil" and "Covenant?" Answer: Love! Thy Mother (Ma’at Re, Mut-Her[u]) and Thy Father (Ptah Re). Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself!
Wenwet, the Priesthood: The Supreme Grand High Priest/ess, Grand High Priest/ess, High Priest/ess and ALL those Priests in various positions are to take a vow of Service (Humility). "Spiritual Warriors are Healers too!"
It[a]-Neter (it-ntr or jt-ntr) - Literally translates to "Father / Mother of the God." While in the older periods of Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama’atian, Egyptian) history this title could be held by members of the priesthood of the highest ranks.
Yemjra - frequently held other titles and positions within the temple
Sehedj - “Inspector of the Priesthood”
Imi-Khet– “Supervisors of Temple Operations”
Hem Neter (Man) "Servant of the God/dess"; and “Hemet Neter” (Womb-Man) "Servant of the God/dess"; were the primary ancient Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama’atian / Egyptian) words for priest and priestess
Wab (Man) and Wabet (Womb-Man) means "Pure Priests." They are responsible for the purity of the ritual and the cleanliness of sacred rooms, tools, paraphernalia, and priesthood.
Imi-Unut Along with the scribes of the House of Life, the Imi-Unut were astrologers / astronomer priests and priestesses who calculated the positions of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets
Kher Heb was the priest or priestess who recited the liturgy and magick spells
Sesh Per Ankh means “Scribes of the House of Life”; were the learned priesthood (including mathematicians, doctors, and scientists).
Sesh Ked were the artists of the priesthood
Sunu - Those priests involved with healing
Rakhet - meaning ‘knowing one' The Rekhet were considered "wise women." They were seers who were able to communicate with the dead. It appears that the Rekhet were comprised of women only who had passed their child bearing years.
Sau - Workers of protective magic.
Duat (Dewat, Dwat, Daut, Taut, Twat) Neter - This term literally means "In Tune with the the Forces of Nature" or "Worshiper of the God" and was a title carried by priestesses of Hwt-Hrw (Het Heru) as early as the Old Kingdom. They are depicted as performing all of the temple rites that are reserved for only the highest level of the clergy. This position was also referred to as the "God's Wife" and the "Hand of the God" both of which echo back to the creation myths in which Het Heru (Hwt-Hrw, Hathor), Nebet-Hetepet, Iusaas (Aset) sexually stimulates Atum-Ra so that creation may begin.
Iunmutef (iwn-mwt.f) – the male equivalent to the Dewat Neter. This is a term that translates to "Pillar of his Mother" The term "Pillar" often represented the phallus (as seen in the mysteries of Aset (Isis) and Asar[u] (Osiris) it seems logical that, similar to the Dewat Neter priestesses, the Iunmutef Priest stimulate Goddesses to whom the priest may be in service, so that fertility (regeneration) would continue. This is reminiscent of Ra's title as "Bull of His Mother" representing the cycle of fertility and creation, in which Ra impregnates Hwt-Hrw as the noonday Sun so that She may give birth to him the next day.
Whmw - A term meaning messenger (Prophet) or herald, these appeared to have been trained to be intermediaries between the Neteru and humans. This skill seems to particularly have been employed in regards to oracle.
Sem (Sem-en) - The Sem were mortuary priests who oversaw and conducted the funerary rituals
Hener - These were the temple musicians and dancers
Weret Hener (wrt-hnr), a priestess of high rank. Music and dancing were performed to promote fertility and rebirth; as such the Hener participated in almost all ceremonies from festivals to funerals
Teachers may complete subsequent intermediate levels and senior levels of certification. In Uatcheta Smai Tawi (Egyptian yogic) tradition followers of the Nebertcher or Neteru are known as the circle of Semu or Shemsu incarnated Netcheru (Neteru) priesthood, teachers are known as Seba or Sebai, doctors Sunu (Sunnu) and Masters Nub (Nub-ian), Neb or Nebu (Nebo). Nebu meaning 'Lord' or 'Master' another meaning is 'Golden', in alchemical terms one who as transformed her/himself from base metal in to gold. This is symbolic of the work required to develop oneself in to a better person through the system of Tehuti / Ma'at.
These ten forms of Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi (Yoga) are all practiced integrally (all practice practiced together). One single yoga form can take an individual to the ultimate goal: Smai Tawi, but it is advice to undertake all forms because they provide a harmonic practice which works will all areas of ones nature. A lay practitioner may practice only one of the forms of Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi (Yoga) or just, for example they may read scripture (Insight) and give offerings (Devotional Love.) One path alone has the ability to take an individual to higher states of consciousness to self-realization. The synthesis of all the forms is for one who truly seeks to pursue the highest level of practice and be a Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi Yogi, a Priest or Priestess. This is high level practice is done simply through living the Yogic practices and applying them to ones life. As one learns more about them, studying their specific section in this site, one can understand that these practices form into a lifestyle. When this occurs the highest practice can be maintained at all times and in all places regardless of ones responsibilities in life outside of Yoga practice. This is a being who is worthy to awaken in this lifetime.
Anointment with Chrism (DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Pinoline) and Holy Breath
Three Feasts and One Release (I.G.C.R.O.M. Holy Days Celebrated Annually):
a) Great Birth of Heru (Christ) December 21st - burn white candle
b) Great Trials (Passover) of Heru (Christ) over Sut (Sat-an) (March 21st) - burn green candle
c) Great Renunciation Heru (Light, Day, Time) over Sut (June 21st) - burn gold candle
d) Great Ascension (Passing-Remembrance) Celebration Living Relatives (Ascended Family, Friends, Masters and Fellow Travelers) (September 22nd) - burn black candle, then burn white candle e) through f) are celebrated with feasts, worship, and celebration.
g) is celebrated with remembrance of our ascended (deceased, the term "living ancestors" is used instead of "dead relatives")
1. First Law is to show Love (Ma’at) without discrimination. Love arises spontaneously when hatred and anger and other forms of selfish and negative thought are absent.
2. Second Law is to hurt NO one and help ALL! (Note: Jesus, figuratively, summed up the 10 Commandments, which was summed up from the 42, 77, 147 said “Negative Confessions of Ma’at,” into, (1) One Commandment, “Do unto others as you will have them do unto you!”…In other words, as your parent[s] has told you, I am sure on numerous occasions, “Treat people the way in which you would like to be treated!” This is beyond, name [physical/birth name given that is and NOT referencing one’s galactic name], race, creed, color, nationality, ethnicity, handicap, or etc…)
3. Third Law is to work towards total inner and outer Peace (Ma’at) and Unity (Smai Tawi) with the Higher Self (Allah or Ur Ra in Man [Mind]). If you practice meditation daily, then gradually over the years, without straining to be perfect, you will become less and less self centered and a natural love for others will arise within you. Thus, with changing the inner world of oneself, you automatically change the outer world.
The Supreme Grand High Priest, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) is the Inspiration of this Order, the (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Melchizedek. I.C.G.R.O.M. is an Order of Light, the mastery of Dark. We call upon Melchizedek (Heru Ma Khu Sut Tekh). We are non-denominational, yet we bear the (stepping) stones of the Ancient Sciences, said Mysteries (Hah Kha, Spiritual Systems / RE-ligions), which Judaism, Christianity and Islam (said Mono-Theistic Religions), Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and etc…are derived. The Hah Kha teachings are found in all lands, among all RE-ligions. Our structure symbolizes the "Force of One." The Supreme Grand High Priest or Grand Priest/ess in her or his stay has the power to form Laws, as long as, the Laws are in tune with Nature, called Natural Law and NOT colorable law) with the assistance of the Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary (Record Keeper) and Treasurer.
1. What is the I.C.G.R.O.M. (Wenwet)?
Answer: An Order of Love, Love of Self, Love of Higher-Self (Eloh-im, Eloh, Elah, Alah, Allah [Ur Ra], Allah-umma, Anu-Naki, Nommo, Adon-ia [Aton], Y.H.W.H. [Tehuti]). An I.C.G.R.O.M. member uses, the Universal Life Force Energy of Prana, Chi, [Rei] Ki, Ka Huna Mana, Holy Spirit [Holy Ghost], Healing Energies of Lights and Colors, Healing Sounds of Power and Thought Projection and Suggestion, etc...for the benefit of Humanity and other Life Forces [Animals, Trees, Waters etc...] that we may interact with out of Divine Love.
2. What is the Office of the (Supreme) Grand High Priest/ess (It[a]-Neter (it-ntr or jt-ntr))? Answer: To lead meetings, address difficulties, enforce laws of the Order, to issue ordinances and help in the evaluation of candidates.
3. What is the Office of Captain (Sehedj)? Answer: To lead training methods, oversee security, and maintain Peace in the Order of Light.
4. What is the Office of Lieutenant (Imi-Khet)? Answer: To build and assist the Captain, Grand Priestess, Grand Priest and help in the maintenance of the Priesthood.
5. What is the Office of Secretary (Record Keeper), and/or Treasurer (Sesh Per Ankh)? Answer: Recorder (Tehuti = Maa Kheru) and Archiver of ALL meetings, as well as, the Banker (Financier) of the Order.
6. What is the Office of a High Priest/ess (Wab/et)? Answer: The Orders' Chief Officer that upholds ALL facets of the "Veil" and "Covenant?"
7. What is the meaning "Veil" and "Covenant?" Answer: Love! Thy Mother (Ma’at Re, Mut-Her[u]) and Thy Father (Ptah Re). Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself!
Wenwet, the Priesthood: The Supreme Grand High Priest/ess, Grand High Priest/ess, High Priest/ess and ALL those Priests in various positions are to take a vow of Service (Humility). "Spiritual Warriors are Healers too!"
It[a]-Neter (it-ntr or jt-ntr) - Literally translates to "Father / Mother of the God." While in the older periods of Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama’atian, Egyptian) history this title could be held by members of the priesthood of the highest ranks.
Yemjra - frequently held other titles and positions within the temple
Sehedj - “Inspector of the Priesthood”
Imi-Khet– “Supervisors of Temple Operations”
Hem Neter (Man) "Servant of the God/dess"; and “Hemet Neter” (Womb-Man) "Servant of the God/dess"; were the primary ancient Ta-Ma-Re-an (Kama’atian / Egyptian) words for priest and priestess
Wab (Man) and Wabet (Womb-Man) means "Pure Priests." They are responsible for the purity of the ritual and the cleanliness of sacred rooms, tools, paraphernalia, and priesthood.
Imi-Unut Along with the scribes of the House of Life, the Imi-Unut were astrologers / astronomer priests and priestesses who calculated the positions of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets
Kher Heb was the priest or priestess who recited the liturgy and magick spells
Sesh Per Ankh means “Scribes of the House of Life”; were the learned priesthood (including mathematicians, doctors, and scientists).
Sesh Ked were the artists of the priesthood
Sunu - Those priests involved with healing
Rakhet - meaning ‘knowing one' The Rekhet were considered "wise women." They were seers who were able to communicate with the dead. It appears that the Rekhet were comprised of women only who had passed their child bearing years.
Sau - Workers of protective magic.
Duat (Dewat, Dwat, Daut, Taut, Twat) Neter - This term literally means "In Tune with the the Forces of Nature" or "Worshiper of the God" and was a title carried by priestesses of Hwt-Hrw (Het Heru) as early as the Old Kingdom. They are depicted as performing all of the temple rites that are reserved for only the highest level of the clergy. This position was also referred to as the "God's Wife" and the "Hand of the God" both of which echo back to the creation myths in which Het Heru (Hwt-Hrw, Hathor), Nebet-Hetepet, Iusaas (Aset) sexually stimulates Atum-Ra so that creation may begin.
Iunmutef (iwn-mwt.f) – the male equivalent to the Dewat Neter. This is a term that translates to "Pillar of his Mother" The term "Pillar" often represented the phallus (as seen in the mysteries of Aset (Isis) and Asar[u] (Osiris) it seems logical that, similar to the Dewat Neter priestesses, the Iunmutef Priest stimulate Goddesses to whom the priest may be in service, so that fertility (regeneration) would continue. This is reminiscent of Ra's title as "Bull of His Mother" representing the cycle of fertility and creation, in which Ra impregnates Hwt-Hrw as the noonday Sun so that She may give birth to him the next day.
Whmw - A term meaning messenger (Prophet) or herald, these appeared to have been trained to be intermediaries between the Neteru and humans. This skill seems to particularly have been employed in regards to oracle.
Sem (Sem-en) - The Sem were mortuary priests who oversaw and conducted the funerary rituals
Hener - These were the temple musicians and dancers
Weret Hener (wrt-hnr), a priestess of high rank. Music and dancing were performed to promote fertility and rebirth; as such the Hener participated in almost all ceremonies from festivals to funerals
Teachers may complete subsequent intermediate levels and senior levels of certification. In Uatcheta Smai Tawi (Egyptian yogic) tradition followers of the Nebertcher or Neteru are known as the circle of Semu or Shemsu incarnated Netcheru (Neteru) priesthood, teachers are known as Seba or Sebai, doctors Sunu (Sunnu) and Masters Nub (Nub-ian), Neb or Nebu (Nebo). Nebu meaning 'Lord' or 'Master' another meaning is 'Golden', in alchemical terms one who as transformed her/himself from base metal in to gold. This is symbolic of the work required to develop oneself in to a better person through the system of Tehuti / Ma'at.
- Wab: Yoga of Purification
- Heka: Yoga of Heka (Mantras)
- Tef Neteru: Yoga of the Physical Postures
- Ankh Breathing: Yoga of Life-Force Breathing exercises
- Uashu: Yoga of Devotional Love
- Shedi: Yoga of Insight and Wisdom
- MaaKheru: Yoga of Living Truth
- Sekhem: Yoga of Tantra
- Nehast: Yoga of Meditation
- Akhu: Yoga of Dreams
- Devotional Love = Smai Tawi of Uashu
- Insight = Smai Tawi of Shedi
- Truthful Living = Smai Tawi of MaaKheru
- Tantra = Smai Tawi of Sekhem
- Meditation = Smai Tawi of Nehast
These ten forms of Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi (Yoga) are all practiced integrally (all practice practiced together). One single yoga form can take an individual to the ultimate goal: Smai Tawi, but it is advice to undertake all forms because they provide a harmonic practice which works will all areas of ones nature. A lay practitioner may practice only one of the forms of Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi (Yoga) or just, for example they may read scripture (Insight) and give offerings (Devotional Love.) One path alone has the ability to take an individual to higher states of consciousness to self-realization. The synthesis of all the forms is for one who truly seeks to pursue the highest level of practice and be a Ta Meri (Kemetic) Smai Tawi Yogi, a Priest or Priestess. This is high level practice is done simply through living the Yogic practices and applying them to ones life. As one learns more about them, studying their specific section in this site, one can understand that these practices form into a lifestyle. When this occurs the highest practice can be maintained at all times and in all places regardless of ones responsibilities in life outside of Yoga practice. This is a being who is worthy to awaken in this lifetime.
Anointment with Chrism (DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Pinoline) and Holy Breath
Three Feasts and One Release (I.G.C.R.O.M. Holy Days Celebrated Annually):
a) Great Birth of Heru (Christ) December 21st - burn white candle
b) Great Trials (Passover) of Heru (Christ) over Sut (Sat-an) (March 21st) - burn green candle
c) Great Renunciation Heru (Light, Day, Time) over Sut (June 21st) - burn gold candle
d) Great Ascension (Passing-Remembrance) Celebration Living Relatives (Ascended Family, Friends, Masters and Fellow Travelers) (September 22nd) - burn black candle, then burn white candle e) through f) are celebrated with feasts, worship, and celebration.
g) is celebrated with remembrance of our ascended (deceased, the term "living ancestors" is used instead of "dead relatives")
1. First Law is to show Love (Ma’at) without discrimination. Love arises spontaneously when hatred and anger and other forms of selfish and negative thought are absent.
2. Second Law is to hurt NO one and help ALL! (Note: Jesus, figuratively, summed up the 10 Commandments, which was summed up from the 42, 77, 147 said “Negative Confessions of Ma’at,” into, (1) One Commandment, “Do unto others as you will have them do unto you!”…In other words, as your parent[s] has told you, I am sure on numerous occasions, “Treat people the way in which you would like to be treated!” This is beyond, name [physical/birth name given that is and NOT referencing one’s galactic name], race, creed, color, nationality, ethnicity, handicap, or etc…)
3. Third Law is to work towards total inner and outer Peace (Ma’at) and Unity (Smai Tawi) with the Higher Self (Allah or Ur Ra in Man [Mind]). If you practice meditation daily, then gradually over the years, without straining to be perfect, you will become less and less self centered and a natural love for others will arise within you. Thus, with changing the inner world of oneself, you automatically change the outer world.
The Supreme Grand High Priest, P.R.A.B. (Prince Ramisis Abel Bey) Mel-Chi-Sedek (Mel-Chi-Zedek, Mel-Che-Zedek) is the Inspiration of this Order, the (I.C.G.R.O.M.) Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Melchizedek. I.C.G.R.O.M. is an Order of Light, the mastery of Dark. We call upon Melchizedek (Heru Ma Khu Sut Tekh). We are non-denominational, yet we bear the (stepping) stones of the Ancient Sciences, said Mysteries (Hah Kha, Spiritual Systems / RE-ligions), which Judaism, Christianity and Islam (said Mono-Theistic Religions), Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and etc…are derived. The Hah Kha teachings are found in all lands, among all RE-ligions. Our structure symbolizes the "Force of One." The Supreme Grand High Priest or Grand Priest/ess in her or his stay has the power to form Laws, as long as, the Laws are in tune with Nature, called Natural Law and NOT colorable law) with the assistance of the Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary (Record Keeper) and Treasurer.
I.C.G.R.O.M.'s healing system is called Uatcheta Smai Tawi. Uatcheta means 'Serpent' or 'Eye' and Smai Tawi means "Union of Two Lands (Lower and Upper Egypt')" together it means the "Science of Breath" or "Breath of Life" activates the Indwelling Serpent (Kundalini, Aset, Set) to the Eye (Pineal Gland, Asaru, the "Sleeping Soul"). Unify the Lower and Higher Selves producing THE ONE SELF (Heru, the Awaken Soul, Christ)." In fact, the ancient title of Afrakan Yoga is Ta Meri Smai Tawi (Taui). It is found on temple walls in the area known modernly as Egypt and within the ancient papyrus scrolls drawn by the people of the Nile Valley thousands of years ago. The Afrakan symbol of Smai is a depiction of the lungs and esophagus, the instruments in the body essential for receiving and processing the breath (Shu) for a healthy body and mind. Smai means Union, in the picture above it denotes the union or co-operation of two principles Heru and Set symbolized as upper and lower selves, natures or minds (states). Also the symbol of Smai reflects the spine and the pelvis, two important aspects of generating what is called Sekhem (Umbilini, Kundalini) energy through the nervous system and the arit (chakra) systems (Arushaats) of the human body, a route of internal power favored by ancient and modern yogi practitioners the world over. Note: The word "Sekhem," which means "Power" is the same word used among the "Algonquian Chiefs" in North America called "Sachem" meaning also, "Power."
Afrakan Yoga is the expression of cosmic force. Afrakan is the spirit and vehicles by which it came to exist. It was introduced to and preserved by mystics, artisans, and shamans of ancient Afraka. It has now been re-birthed in its modern form by urban yogic spiritual warriors, priest priestesses and is being carried around the globe by a new generation of healers and creative facilitators. What is clearly evident is the elemental accent in motion throughout the system Earth, Air, Water and Fire are brought to life within and throughout the body. The Afrakan concept of honoring the female encompassing grace, soft yet subtle energy, takes precedence in the art of Afrakan Yoga. The sound of the drum plays an important part in Afrakan society and is integral to rituals using movement and dance.
Uatcheta Smai Tawi has 9 main disciplines:
1. Science of the Breath: Pranic Breath Techniques (6-3-6-3, 7-17-1, and Empty Retention) and etc...
2. Proper Exercise: Through the practice of a system of Sayunaats/Postures commonly called Asanas, its use of Hanu movements Raagus African Dance, Afrakan Martial Arts called Montu Ta Meri Arts -and Hudu African Chi Kung (Qi Gong), Tai Chi Chuan, Dim Mak, Ba Gua Zhang, and Falun Gong, etc... aims to unite the body, mind and spirit for health and well-being. This discipline is considered a powerful tool to relieve the stresses of modern-day life which in turn can help promote total physical and spiritual well-being.
3. Nutrition: I.C.G.R.O.M. members are to adhere to livetary (dietary) laws that correspond to the obligations determined by the stage of spiritual development they have been initiated into. These diets are Omnivorous, Piscivorous (fish), Vegetarian (eggs, cheese), Vegan (vegetables, fruits), Fruitarian (fruits), Liquidarian (water, vegetable juices, fruit juices), Breathatarian (less food, more solar rejuvenation).
4. Restraint (Discipline): Lust, Greed, Jealousy, Envy, Hatred and etc... ANY and ALL lower self (Set) attributes.
5. Relaxation: 4-7-8 Breath Technique and etc...
6. Steadying of the Mind or Meditation
7. Mantra (Hekau, Hesi): 7 (9-12) Arit (Chakra) Cosmic Sounds of Healing
8. Visualization
9. Transformation
Uatcheta Smai Tawi has 9 main disciplines:
1. Science of the Breath: Pranic Breath Techniques (6-3-6-3, 7-17-1, and Empty Retention) and etc...
2. Proper Exercise: Through the practice of a system of Sayunaats/Postures commonly called Asanas, its use of Hanu movements Raagus African Dance, Afrakan Martial Arts called Montu Ta Meri Arts -and Hudu African Chi Kung (Qi Gong), Tai Chi Chuan, Dim Mak, Ba Gua Zhang, and Falun Gong, etc... aims to unite the body, mind and spirit for health and well-being. This discipline is considered a powerful tool to relieve the stresses of modern-day life which in turn can help promote total physical and spiritual well-being.
3. Nutrition: I.C.G.R.O.M. members are to adhere to livetary (dietary) laws that correspond to the obligations determined by the stage of spiritual development they have been initiated into. These diets are Omnivorous, Piscivorous (fish), Vegetarian (eggs, cheese), Vegan (vegetables, fruits), Fruitarian (fruits), Liquidarian (water, vegetable juices, fruit juices), Breathatarian (less food, more solar rejuvenation).
4. Restraint (Discipline): Lust, Greed, Jealousy, Envy, Hatred and etc... ANY and ALL lower self (Set) attributes.
5. Relaxation: 4-7-8 Breath Technique and etc...
6. Steadying of the Mind or Meditation
7. Mantra (Hekau, Hesi): 7 (9-12) Arit (Chakra) Cosmic Sounds of Healing
8. Visualization
9. Transformation
Recognizing the influence of matter on the mental and emotional principles of humanity as a potential retardant to the movement of spiritual energy, all members are required to:
1) Wash their whole body before attending service,
2) Wash before meditation and prayer,
3) Sanitize their living area daily,
4) Groom pubic hair at least twice a month,
5) Use natural hygiene products, without any animal by-products (non-GMOs),
6) Use incenses, such as, sandalwood, sage, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli and etc... to purify members and dissipate negative energy in space of services on Resurrection Day (these items must be blessed).
The following items are essential for the practice of I.C.G.R.O.M. and should be in the possession and control of I.C.G.R.O.M. members:
2) "BREAKING GENERATIONAL CURSES UNDER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK: God's Remedy to Generational and Genetic Anomalies (The Order of Melchizedek Chronicles)" (Volume 4) by Dr. Francis Myles (mandatory)
3) "MELCHIZEDEK AND THE MYSTERY OF FIRE: A Treatise in Three Parts" by Manly P. Hall (mandatory)
4) "THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF MELCHIZEDEK" by Melchizedek Y. Lewis (mandatory)
6) "THE GOLDEN BOOK OF MELCHIZEDEK: How to Become an Integrated Christ/Buddha in This Lifetime Volume 1" by Joshua Stone (optional)
7) "THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK: Rediscovering the Eternal Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ & How it impacts the Church and Marketplace (The Order of Melchizedek Chronicles)" (Volume 2) by Dr. Francis Myles (optional)
8) THE MELCHIZEDEK TRADITION: A Critical Examination of the Sources to the Fifth Century A.D. and in the Epistle to the Hebrews" by Fred L. Horton Jr. (optional)
1. One must be willing to relinquish the grip of the EGO over one’s behavior, deed and actions and rightfully desire the emergence (Union of the Lands of Hapi or Smai Tawi [Yoga, Religion]) of the lower self (4 Devils or 4 Lower chakras, carnal self, the body of desires [Note: However, the desire body can be utilized to create unification with the Higher Self see Tantric Kriya Yoga], is the reflection of the Higher Self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh…’Maya’ or “Sea of Illusion” Matter / Mother or Mut-Her[u] / Ma'at Re, forms of Aset [Isis] Meri /Mary) with the Higher-Self (three upper chakras or the Holy Trinity, forms of Asar[u] [Osiris]) to form The One Self (Divine Union, God [Heru], Over Soul, Monad from Nomad). Hence, conquering one’s lower self (attributes, such as, lust, greed, jealousy, envy and etc) that breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murder, theft, and everything that harms…to exhibit the Higher-Self’s attributes (99 Attributes of Allah / Allat, Ur Ra / Ur Rait, Amen / Amenta, the Father / Mother of ALL Virtues), Justice, Mercy, Love and Right.
2. One must possess high moral standards and is able to withstand the temptations of the world. One must learn development of detachment from reactions and (wrong) desires.
3. One must be willing to work daily through, Proper Breathing, Mediation, Prayer (Song, Chant [Dhikr], Hekau, Hesi, Mantras, Mudras), Exercise (Dance) and Die-t to develop one’s spiritual (mental / conscious) gifts (Siddhas, 1 Corinthians 12 Ch.). But at the same time realize that your gifts are NOT the end of the road of your spiritual development, they are simply its beginning. To develop spiritual skills, a person must be accepting of the phenomena and must continually look for spiritual influence in life in the form of coincidences, hunches, and other unusual phenomena. The Bible says that "as we sow, so shall we reap." In the East this is called the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect, one of the Seven Universal Laws of Tehuti (Djewhuti, Djewhuty, Djew, Jew), the others are the Law of Correspondence, the Law of Polarity, the Law of Rhythm, the Law of Vibration, the Law of Gender [Sex], and the Law of Mentalism. The purpose of karma is not to punish us for some past misdeed, as many may think, but rather to educate us so we’ll make changes. The purpose of karma is to teach us something, to help us evolve spiritually. We are responsible for the consequences of our actions. So we can ask ourselves, "What am I learning from this?" In this way one will increase awareness of spiritual influence in life and notice more and more the activity of spiritual skills. This positive feedback will lead to improvement and enhancement of spiritual skills. Therefore it is necessary to err on the side of credulity rather than skepticism.
4. One must learn how to focus on one’s earthly mission and spiritual purpose in life and one’s intentions in every situation. The questions should be asked "What is my soul’s unique mission?" and/or "What do I have to give the world?"
Initiation into the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Melchizedek is "ONLY" by way of being an United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur National (The Outer Circle) or one has joined the Healing Wings Institute and have graduated. To join I.C.G.R.O.M. one must make an additional contribution of $1440.00 and provide a $15 monthly due. Fill out the form below. I.C.G.R.O.M. is a group initiation, meaning two or more High Priests or Priestesses must be in attendance. For further information contact Grand High Priest: Sunu Heb Heru Ma Khu Sut Tekh en Re # (910)-364-9099.
1. One must be willing to relinquish the grip of the EGO over one’s behavior, deed and actions and rightfully desire the emergence (Union of the Lands of Hapi or Smai Tawi [Yoga, Religion]) of the lower self (4 Devils or 4 Lower chakras, carnal self, the body of desires [Note: However, the desire body can be utilized to create unification with the Higher Self see Tantric Kriya Yoga], is the reflection of the Higher Self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh…’Maya’ or “Sea of Illusion” Matter / Mother or Mut-Her[u] / Ma'at Re, forms of Aset [Isis] Meri /Mary) with the Higher-Self (three upper chakras or the Holy Trinity, forms of Asar[u] [Osiris]) to form The One Self (Divine Union, God [Heru], Over Soul, Monad from Nomad). Hence, conquering one’s lower self (attributes, such as, lust, greed, jealousy, envy and etc) that breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murder, theft, and everything that harms…to exhibit the Higher-Self’s attributes (99 Attributes of Allah / Allat, Ur Ra / Ur Rait, Amen / Amenta, the Father / Mother of ALL Virtues), Justice, Mercy, Love and Right.
2. One must possess high moral standards and is able to withstand the temptations of the world. One must learn development of detachment from reactions and (wrong) desires.
3. One must be willing to work daily through, Proper Breathing, Mediation, Prayer (Song, Chant [Dhikr], Hekau, Hesi, Mantras, Mudras), Exercise (Dance) and Die-t to develop one’s spiritual (mental / conscious) gifts (Siddhas, 1 Corinthians 12 Ch.). But at the same time realize that your gifts are NOT the end of the road of your spiritual development, they are simply its beginning. To develop spiritual skills, a person must be accepting of the phenomena and must continually look for spiritual influence in life in the form of coincidences, hunches, and other unusual phenomena. The Bible says that "as we sow, so shall we reap." In the East this is called the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect, one of the Seven Universal Laws of Tehuti (Djewhuti, Djewhuty, Djew, Jew), the others are the Law of Correspondence, the Law of Polarity, the Law of Rhythm, the Law of Vibration, the Law of Gender [Sex], and the Law of Mentalism. The purpose of karma is not to punish us for some past misdeed, as many may think, but rather to educate us so we’ll make changes. The purpose of karma is to teach us something, to help us evolve spiritually. We are responsible for the consequences of our actions. So we can ask ourselves, "What am I learning from this?" In this way one will increase awareness of spiritual influence in life and notice more and more the activity of spiritual skills. This positive feedback will lead to improvement and enhancement of spiritual skills. Therefore it is necessary to err on the side of credulity rather than skepticism.
4. One must learn how to focus on one’s earthly mission and spiritual purpose in life and one’s intentions in every situation. The questions should be asked "What is my soul’s unique mission?" and/or "What do I have to give the world?"
Initiation into the Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE (Ray) Order of Melchizedek is "ONLY" by way of being an United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur National (The Outer Circle) or one has joined the Healing Wings Institute and have graduated. To join I.C.G.R.O.M. one must make an additional contribution of $1440.00 and provide a $15 monthly due. Fill out the form below. I.C.G.R.O.M. is a group initiation, meaning two or more High Priests or Priestesses must be in attendance. For further information contact Grand High Priest: Sunu Heb Heru Ma Khu Sut Tekh en Re # (910)-364-9099.
I.C.G.R.O.M. (Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE Order of Melchizedek
I.C.G.R.O.M. (Indigenous Cosmic Golden RE Order of Melchizedek) is the spiritual order of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation. The members are High Priests and High Priestesses after the Order of Melchizedek (Greek). (Melchizedek) "Malki-Tzedek" is the Hebrew name means "King of Righteousness" i.e., Malki = מַלְכִּי, from מֶלֶךְ, "king" is "tzedek" = צֶדֶק, "just, righteous"). The Greek and Hebrew origin of the word "Melchizedek" is Ta Merrian (Kemetian / Egyptian) from the word Makhu Sut Tekh, which means "True Glorious Light Body of Melanin Power".