"INTER-AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE" - Draft approved by the IACHR at the 1278 session held on September 18, 1995
1. In this Declaration indigenous peoples are those who embody historical continuity with societies, which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans.
The first definition for "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" writes of those "indigenous peoples" who embody historical continuity with societies, which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans.
1. In this Declaration indigenous peoples are those who embody historical continuity with societies, which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans.
(Alternative I) [, as well as peoples brought involuntarily to the New World who freed themselves and re-established the cultures from which they have been torn].
(Alternative 2) [, as well as tribal peoples whose social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from other sections of the national community and whose status is regulated wholly or partially by their own customs or traditions or by special laws or regulations.
2. Self identification as indigenous or tribal shall be regarded as a fundamental criterion for determining the groups to which the provisions of this Declaration apply.
Notice, the United Nations through the "INTER-AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE" defines "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" as (Alternative I) [, as well as peoples brought involuntarily to the New World who freed themselves and re-established the cultures from which they have been torn]. This declaration defines "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" as even those that came from Africa to the Americas (North America, North Amexem, North Gate of Al Moroc [Morocco]).
According to the book, SUSA ECONOMICS; THE HISTORY OF PAN-AFRICAN TRADE, COMMERCE, MONEY AND WEALTH; THESE BLACKS FOUND IN THE AMERICAS by 1st Books Library, states, The Mound Builders: They were dark-skinned woolly-haired Blacks who were indigenous (native) to North America and kin to the Olmecs of South America. The Olmecs and Washitaw, Black Californians, Yamassee, Califunami and other pre-Columbian Blacks of the Americas were part of a prehistoric trade network that began in Africa and spread worldwide over 100,000 years ago and at various periods afterwards.
Also, note those called the said "Indians" or said "Red Man" are mentioned in the "INTER-AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE" (Alternative 2) [, as well as tribal peoples whose social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from other sections of the national community and whose status is regulated wholly or partially by their own customs or traditions or by special laws or regulations.