- Unexplained illness;
- Erratic behavior;
- A feeling of "losing it" and difficulty coping with everyday life;
- Chills or hot flashes;
- Evidence of multiple personalities;
- Excessive mood swings: depression or ecstasy;
- Times of extreme dullness or brilliance;
- Loss or distortion of memory;
- Disorientation with oneself, others, work, or the world in general;
- Extremes in appearance (a person may fluctuate between looking years younger one moment and twenty years older a short time later);
- Visual effects: seeing lights or colors, geometric shapes, scenes from past lives, or future events.
- and even Death
First, the physical body and the energy body must be cleansed or purified. Nerves are extremely important whether a person is dealing primarily with Kundalini energies. Kundalini energy manifest through the nerves; the 31 nerves inside the spinal column and 2 outside = 33 nerves along the 33 vertebras (as in Jesus died at the age of 33), plus the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, pushing them to extend and receive even more energy, thus heightening our awareness. Fasting helps, along with eating small meals of fruits and vegetables, NO MEAT (too course and heavy, unless problems develop and the Kundalini needs to be slowed down, then meat is permissible depending on the individual), so that the Kundalini energy, once awakened to a higher degree, can flow easily without any blockage and without causing damage to the physical body. Where your nerves power your physical body, the nadis (little rivers) power the higher mental and spiritual levels. Nadis are like nerve channels of a more subtle, etheric nature. According to many Tantric texts, the human body contains 72,000 nadis that channel prana to every cell. 72 are considered important and 10 are considered major. However they all stem from the 3 main nadis within the spine and these are by far the most important nadis of the subtle energy body. They are called Ida nadi Pingala nadi and Sushumna nadi. Ida is the feminine channel, Pingala is the male channel and Sushumna is the central spiritual channel.
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They are very important as vehicles for the entry and circulation of the life force (prana) in the system. This is an important part of the Kundalini experience, as prana (Ra, chi, ki, mana) releases and activates Kundalini. The Kundalini travels throughout these etheric nerves, refining and vivifying the entire system and availing you of higher spiritual and mental energies. The three main nadis are Sushumna (spiritual essence), which goes up the center of the spine; Ida, which has female polarity (negative in electrical terms); and Pingala, which has male polarity (positive in electrical terms). Ida and Pingala begin on either side of the base of the tailbone and weave back and forth around the spinal area (much as the snakes in the Caduceus of Hennes). They cross at the base of the skull, run over the top of the nose and end one at each comer of the nose. In a good Kundalini release, the main force rises up Sushumna and the lesser forces rise up Ida and Pingala. When Ida receives an excessive release, you will experience an excess of energy in the emotional and intuitional bodies, leading to weepiness, a tendency to overeat, chills and difficulty staying warm, and getting caught in emotional and compassionate issues. When Pingala receives an excessive release, you may experience anomalies at the mental and will /spirit levels: hot flashes, sleeping problems, inability to eat, excessive mental pictures (usually of geometric shapes and lights), or psychic or spiritual sounds.
Second, it is important that one must practice inner purification regularly through character building. This is done by developing virtues and removing vices or inner weaknesses. When the Kundalini is awakened, the positive and negative qualities of the person will be magnified to a very high degree. This is why a person going into the spiritual path experiences intense inner battles, called in the “HOLY BIBLE”, the “Great Armageddon” and “HOLY QUR’AN”, the Great Jihad. It is the rage of war between the Higher Self and the lower-self. Therefore, it is important to practice inner purification.
Third, Patanjali in Sutra I of the fourth book of his Yoga Sutras wherein he says: “Siddhis (psychic powers and mystical faculties) proceed from birth (natural endowment), spells (mantras), fasting, austerity (long, elaborate course of self-discipline and concentration), Samadhi (state of consciousness invoked by complete meditation) and even from powerful herbs, such as, natural seeded Marijuana, Amanita Mascara Mushroom (Psilocybin Cubensis Mushroom), Tabernathy Iboga, Ayahuasca, and etc…
• Psychic abilities
• Etheric sight
• Increased intelligence (use of your brain)
• Expanded awareness
• Enhanced sexuality
• Increased personal magnetism
• Bliss/Nirvana -- conscious connection with the Source or One
• Increased stamina
• Longevity and more including Siddhis ‘supernatural powers’ spoken of in the ‘UPANISHADS’.