7, 2013 · charbelmaklouf800
…Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan,
Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to
common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy
and going completely without the need for food. Sun gazing (Sun-eating) also
called the HRM phenomenon, coined as such after Hira Ratan Manek, a NASA team of
medical doctors at the University of Pennsylvania observed Hira 24 hours a day,
7 days a week for 100 days and confirmed that he was indeed able to survive
largely on light (small amount of buttermilk or water). It must be done within
the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes (Note: UVA
rays are highest during mid-day, so morning and evening sun is best for vitamin
D synthesis [and avoidance of cancer-causing free radicals])... Second, you must
be barefoot, in contact with the actual earth and finally, you must begin with
only 10 seconds the first day, increasing by 10 second intervals each day you
practice. Following these rules make the practice safe. During your first 3
months of practice, the suns energy is moving through the eyes and charging the
hypothalamus tract, rear of the retina which leads to the brain. The brain then,
over time, becomes activated by the energy supply being received by the sun. By
the end of 3 months, the gazing time will have increased to 15 minutes per day.
Bad qualities like mental tension, worry, anger, fear, jealousy, lust – are
said to disappear – and be replaced by a certain confidence, an ability to
easily solve your problems and ‘spiritual knowing’ that senses more purely the
heart of an issue. Following these rules make the practice safe. During your first 3
months of practice, the suns energy is moving through the eyes and charging the
hypothalamus tract, rear of the retina which leads to the brain. The brain then, over
time, becomes activated by the energy supply being received by the sun. By the end of 3
months, the gazing time will have increased to 15 minutes per day. Bad qualities
like mental tension, worry, anger, fear, jealousy, lust – are said to disappear
– and be replaced by a certain confidence, an ability to easily solve your
problems and ‘spiritual knowing’ that senses more purely the heart of an
It is recommended during the 3-4 month period that you use autosuggestion to see your body already healed of any perceived weakness or disease. At 3-6 months of gazing, the
studies show that physical diseases start to disappear (Sun-gazing 30 minutes
per day) all the colors of the sun will have reached the brain. Color therapists
attribute their healing of certain diseases to flooding the body and brain with
the particular color that is lacking – depending on the ailment. For example, in
liver disease, the color green is deficient. The kidneys need red, and the
heart, yellow. All of the organs and all of the systems are said to respond to
different colors of the rainbow, which is why it is also recommended to eat a
diet rich in a variety of colors…after 6 months, the energy stored from the
technique is no longer being used for repairing the body or the mind and can
move now into supporting you in gaining more super-human abilities. After 9 months of practice, you lose the need of food and need only walk barefoot on the earth for 45 minutes per day, 6 days in a row to activate the pineal gland. Science say that each toe is connected to a specific gland, and by walking barefoot on the Earth, you activate these
glands. The big toe is thought to be aligned with the pineal gland, the second
toe with the pituitary, then the hypothalamus, thalamus and finally the pinky
toe correlates to the amygdala. Walking barefoot, with the sun now falling on
the top of your head, practitioners claim to create a sort of super-magnetic
field in and around your body that recharges you and your brain much more