The following breakdown by Dr. Alim El-Bey discusses many aspects of the control mechanism, and I will highlight a few points below. Dr. Alim El-Bey does a fantastic job of explaining many details in a fairly straight up fashion and I strongly suggest reading this entirely even if you have seen similar data before.
Setting the Context
Firstly, the word 'Government' is defined 'Govern' means 'Control' and 'Ment' the root of 'Mental' meaning 'Mind'; thus Govern-Ment' means "Mind Control". Governments the world over actively promote "Mind Control" methods. Nearly all government have been corporatized. Any government operating in "stocks and bonds" using its people (natural persons) and has transformed them into "artificial persons and uses them (their name [sonamn idem] nas collateral has been The united States of America became the U.S. corporation in 1871 and is managed under Equity Law. The 'laws of the sea' are what is used as the basis to this system, and it is also reflective of how energy is exchanged between two bodies. We have a system based on agreement and consent between 2 free will beings, which is how nature works anyway.
Legalized Slavery
Many people think that slavery ended during the Civil War, with the ratification of the 13th amendment, but in fact the 13 amendment legalized slavery on a massive scale:
We will be discussing these treaties in more detail in a moment and how they go to the motive of the equally bizarre and false 13th amendment that converts every United States of America citizen into both a criminal and a slave, or a 14th Amendment US citizen into a piece of cargo- being worse than a slave.
Within the Equity System Managed by the UCC or Uniform Commercial Code, our estate is created at birth via the proof of live birth; a birth certificate. An Estate is an age old piece of technology developed for imparting trust from the original owner or creator, to a trustee or third party. For example, during the crusades, the volunteers would entrust their estate to a friend or family member, who would manage the land for them while they were gone. If the Crusaderdied or was lost at sea, then the friend could claim the estate as their own. And this is exactly what the Elite do for every birth certificate carrying individual:
The United States is the only country in the world that not only condones slavery but has embedded it as a religious and moral right within its own constitution. However, that is exactly what the false 13th Amendment says:
The 13th Amendment does not abolish slavery; it converts it into a claimed religious and moral right. The 13th Amendment does not end slavery; it just changes the name of slaves to criminals.
Let me read it to you: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
So if I am able to claim someone as a criminal, such as in summary justice – then I can make them a slave. How could anyone in their right mind logically conclude then that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery? It did not! – it institutionalized it to the present day under the Fascist models of the NWO 2.0 then the Third Reich and now the Fourth Reich.
Lastly, the Birth Certificate does not clearly state Live Child or Dead Child, and this opens the door for a presumption of death. Just like the family member who took ownership of the Crusaders estate, the trustee can claim that the grantor died or was lost at sea, so can the government. As long as you do not show up to say otherwise, this presumption becomes a 'cured fact' under Equity Law, and the government can step in and begin using your estate for their own purposes.
Here is a larger expert of the below post discussing this:
Since 1933 Birth Certificates are Death Certificates
This brings me to the final element in this blog and the “True History of America – Part 5 The rise of the Fascist Fourth Reich of the Roman Death Cult” namely the subject of what the heck is going on concerning Birth Certificates and what are called Guthrie Cards – or the blotting paper cards that a pin prick of the blood of a new born baby is shed and then sent off to some location.
For example, we know for a fact that the Guthrie Cards go the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC much like the earlier version of these went to the Placentia Palace of Greenwich when Greenwich was the center of Admiralty prior to the founding of Washington DC in 1861 – yes 1861. Please go and read part 4 of this series if this does not make sense to you. In any event, we also know that for every registered Birth or Still-Birth, a CUSIP number being a nine-character alphanumeric code system owned by the American Bankers Association and operated by Standard and Poors identifying an security for the purpose of facility clearing and trade. You used to be able to look up and find the CUSIP number attached to your body and soul as a tradable commodity by the New World Order until they took down the public access sites. We also know that the Paper Based Long Form Birth Certificates have and had some real financial value, although it has never been made clear how or why exactly – with many wild theories.
The 14th Amendment of the United States sealed the deal. So if you attempt to stand up for your rights, you are an enemy of the New World Order and a criminal and now under Executive Orders a terrorist and a threat that can be summarily executed without legal process. That is the impact of the debate on drone strikes.
If you argue in their courts, then you are a belligerent and a combatant and they can capture you, torture you and throw away the key with impunity. Or, if you act as a 14th amendment US citizen then you are captured cargo and they are supposed to treat you a little better for insurance purposes – and do not damage the merchandize!
Please read the treaties. The naval ships detaining vessels are called cruisers. Cruisers for goodness sake! Is that enough to wake some people out of their sleep! The treaties even describe how the whole process of condemnation of vessels and goods seized is to be handled as the new system of summary justice of the United States since the Civil War. So if you want to know what the heck is going on when you are stopped by a police officer in your vessel or detained going to court, then I strongly suggest you read the actual treaties that first defined such procedures.