If you thought that time travel was purely science fiction—THEN EMBEDD A BROADER THOUGHT. Ronald Mallett explains time travel.Which has proven to be possible in the philadelphia experiments, karmatic experiences while traveling on highway/byways, psychic dreams, visions, etc....dejavu 's "Einstein’s theory says that time slows down the faster you travel," remember Einstein was taught by Melaninated teachers. Therefore tap in as this Moorish Time Traveler builds on the matter.
"Other forms of proof are the wisdom that comes from the mouth of children. Mallett lost his father as a young God. As we know things that happen to us as children shapes our life paths. Mallets desire is to spend more time with his loving father. In order to achieve this Mallet sees himself building his own time machine. In which helps us all to tap into the higher dimension of melanin, because of our earthly connections.
Listen carefully as Mallet explains the 2nd dimension length width, the 3rd dimension length width and height, Notice also that both of these dimensions allow for a stifling of abilities. Acknowledge however, a deeper melaninated perspective where he explains 4th dimension, 5th 6th and 7th dimensions are overstood. ..... M-theory suggests that space–time has 11 dimensions, seven of which are "rolled up" to below the subatomic level. Physicists have speculated that the graviton, a particle thought to carry the force of gravity, may "leak" into the fifth or higher dimensions, which would explain how gravity is significantly weaker than the other three fundamental forces.
Mallet references Einstein's theories about time not being fixed, which we can see because if one thing is changed in the present then this can change the future.
While he says the "deep love of [his] father and [his] obsessive desire to see him again," was his primary motivation for learning theoretical physics, the more he studied the subject, the more he became passionate about it. Growing up, he says that he would read whatever books he could get his hands on. This reminds me so much of Dr Alim El-Bey and children, they seem to want to read everything they can get there hands on when allowed too.
While he admits he didn't understand a lot of what he read at first, eventually he knew it would all make sense. Not able to afford college on his own, he joined the Air Force to get the GI Bill to pay for his school. Overcoming racial prejudice and poverty, he graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degree in physics.
He says he wrote his book, Time Traveler, so that everyone could learn about the possibilities of traversing through time. He perfectly explains the phenomenon to anyone.
"We all travel through time, but we do it day-by-day," he says. "Time travel means getting guessing the number, tapping into a boarder perspective. A time traveler might be able to travel ten years in ten minutes." While there is still much work to be done to create a device that makes time travel practical but only when the melaninated people can perceive it then it won't just be theoretical. Mallett is just as dedicated to his goal today as he was when he first started on his journey.
His presentations and keynotes are widely attended and spark great debate about the possibilities that stem from his research. Although his time machine will be created for the Bills. His speeches are equal parts scientific and inspirational, and no matter what you do in life, he advises his audiences to "follow your passion and enjoy your journey through time."