"The Mayan shamans believe that when the Sun (Tiphareth) is reborn in the middle of the Milky Way (Abyss) their deified ancestors will return. Amazingly, the ancestors of the Mayas are specifically referred to as 'Moors.' John Major Jenkins shares: 'Thus, the Moors, on one level, are quite clearly equated with the denizens of the ancient Maya Underworld...At the same time, they are in fact called Moors...the Spaniards/Moors are strange and, quite frankly evil.' When the Mayas say that their celestial ancestors are Moors they are referring to the black giants that in the Grail Mythos are called Nephilim." -Kimbiza Santo Cristo
“Quetzalcoatl as a god, however, has many representations or aspects. As a god he is always represented in the Mexican valley documents, painted black. Neither his coloration nor his features are that of a European outsider. Many have claimed this and so he has been referred to in certain post-Columbian fables as ‘the white god of civilization.’ Quetzalcoatl was not modeled on a ‘white’ outsider but neither was he modeled as a black outsider, for black in this context is a symbolic and ceremonial color. That, however, is not the end of the story. It is just the beginning. For, as so often happens, the symbolic can sometimes be transposed upon, and become inextricably linked to, the literal. We shall show how this confusion occurs in the legend of both a post-Columbian white and a pre-Columbian black Quetzalcoatl, both based upon erroneous notions but upon real men.” Ivan Van Sertima, Ph.D., “African Presence in Early America.” p. 25; 26. Quetzalcoatl symbolizes the coming Dark Matter, energy in which we only receive once 26,000 years or a "Great Year". During December 22, 2012 around 12 noon, an 8 miute window of this energy will flow into our atmosphere and those in tune will pick up on it an utilize it to expand their auric fields towards healing and activating latent/domant DNA.
This time is so exciting because this will change so many things. The protection for children from being sacrificed and mistreated, will stop, racism, lynches suicides, and hangings, will all stop. This energy will systematically send Love to hearts throughout the Galaxy. Thus changing things for the better. Close your eye garb yourself in gold light and lets change these things with our thoughts.

Tap into the Rainbow that exists within