I have been in search of alternatives to Cancer and other aliments, ever since My dear brother Malcolm Earl Ryan died of it. He was an Electrical Engineer. He had no children. No wife. He focused on Career and family and friends, he love the Lord (Adonai) With his chocolate self. The cancer effected his Liver. If you've ever heard of Eugenics well it will assist with the overstanding of the medical industry. His doctor which he trusted so much was giving him shots that by the 8th one would surely shut down his heart......he was on the 6th shot. I learned so much about this disease in 1998. That I vowed to find a solution. Is it not truth that we aren't favorable in many circles because of our complexions so solutions are of the utmost importance to come across.
I Opened a BookStore with my Soul Mate. Shouts out to my King Dr. Alim so much love and Appreciation and set out to overstand Moor of what Mother Nature had to offer.
Another dear Lady in my life in 1998, Ms. Lydia my son's baby sitter , she wasn't ready to go at all. I remembered she changed her diet and did not want to give up her breast because she hadn't found her husband........ in 2000 after being diagnosed with a very aggressive strands of cancer of the breast she transcended....... and to early I must Add.
(((((((((((Rest in Peace))))))) Dear Sweet, Educated, Loving, Elder Brother Malcolm Earl Ryan and to my Loving Baby sitter Ms. Lydia ******SHouts Out you'll can put your family members in the prayer please if lead too.
I tried this wonderful product on my breast and to my surprise the ointment reacted to the parasites or the diseased cells in both of my left and my right breasts. This ointment hunted out the diseased cells and I was none the wiser they were even there. Never would have known there was an issue festering within by breast. My testimony is but one, there are 1000's of people that have used this black ointment and have successes you couldn't even imagine.
To my dear brothers that rightfully so DON'T want to go to the Doctor's and to my sisters dealing with anything related concerns or issues. I lovingly offer a solution. Oh yeah and Look at the Video's Below......
Yes they are Caucasian's........... Mainly! Most of us aren't about to put our personal pictures on the web in distress.
I say this is because the kickage while one's are down. I think we got this from Religion. The very Young age embedded. ( I heard recently that you are to believe what your mother gave you and your Grandmother gave her.) I am so glad we overstand them and not just a misundestanding all the way around in cycle. This means that soul u tions can be put into place . Especially at funerals when the Gods are being buried. One Brother said at his own brothers funeral. Well Malcolm Shalom Bey you are Dead and God is still alive........So let the youngest of the planet show there ill's while you benefit............ Ashe'''''
Below are People given 6 months to live now 5 years later adding on with testimonies of clean bills of health. And of course Next follows the wealth!............. Look at these videos and let us know your feed back and comments.
I like this one Because it gives a video Collage of many cases. Effective..... It's amazing what the body can do when it is given, what it needs, in order to do it. If you would like to get your very own quality ointment click any of the 3 links below to donate.
Warning: Below are some very graphic Pictures. Those with a weak stomach. Proceed with Caution!!!

And At this stage it's up to you....